Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2053 Location

On the other side of the ark.

Compared to the inexplicable surprise of Lord Shencrow and others, Huo Siyu's mood had gradually calmed down at this time.

Coincidentally, what she is talking about with Lu Yu now also involves Qianyanjun.

"Are you planning to go to Qianyanjun's lair?" Huo Siyu said in surprise.


Lu Yu smiled slightly, his face full of confidence.

"If this was not possible in the past, it has become possible now! We have just checked that the engine on the starry sky battleship left to us by the Tianwei Army is intact. We only need to transfer it to the Ark on the Other Side. If we come here, although the efficiency is a bit lower, at least we already have the ability to travel across the stars! It won’t be that difficult to get to Qian Yanjun’s lair with this..."

"What on earth do you... want to go to his lair?" Huo Siyu found it difficult to accept such a huge span.

Lu Yu couldn't help but roll his eyes at her: "What do you think?"

"You should know very well that Thousand-Eyed Lord is very eager to get my soul. As the saying goes, it is indecent to come back without reciprocating. If this is the case, then I will get rid of him once and for all!"

"What's more, didn't you say that the key you need is in the hands of Lord Thousand Eyes? How can we find this key if we don't go to his lair?"

Huo Siyu remained silent.

Lu Yu's step was really too big...

Originally, she had been trapped in the world of Guantian. The thought that she could suddenly start exploring beyond the stars and achieve her goals in an unprecedented way was something he had never imagined before. The problem.

Lu Yu continued: "Since we have all gotten to know each other again, it is best for everyone to be honest if you have anything to say..." "I know that you must have your own Xiao Jiujiu in your heart. According to our original idea, we originally planned to play a Put on a show, pretending to let you imprison my soul, in order to deceive Lord Thousand Eyes, and thus deceive the key from his hand..."

"Of course, these are just your one-sided words. If the situation permits, you may also act it out for real. Am I right?"

Huo Siyu opened her mouth, and Lu Yu said before she could say anything: "I said, we need to be honest now. I hope you tell me truthfully what you really think. Only in this way can we continue to cooperate. Otherwise, There is no need to continue talking!”

Huo Siyu was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and showed a helpless smile: "To a certain extent, we are all the same kind of people. Some words should not be said too directly. All I can say is, your The eyes are indeed poisonous..."

Lu Yu smiled and said: "You are willing to confess your heart to me. This is a good start...Actually, I am not saying this to settle accounts with you. I just hope that we can remain honest with each other, because only in this way can we finally achieve the goal." Each has their own purpose. I don’t want to wait until Qianyanjun’s lair and have to be careful about the cold arrows from behind... Do you agree? "

Huo Siyu said: "Of course I agree, and I think in this situation, no one can shoot a cold arrow behind your back, including me..."

"Whether you can, and whether you should be careful or not, are two different things." Lu Yu said.

After a pause, he continued: "We're going too far, let's go back to the topic... As for this original plan, even if I cooperate with you without any resistance, after Thousand Eyes Master gets my soul, you can guarantee that Will I be able to get the key back?"

Huo Siyu shook his head: "No... In fact, what I told you before was not entirely a lie. In fact, Lord Qianyanyan has been carefully wary of me. Even if he gets your soul, he will definitely play tricks. , it’s impossible to just hand things over to me honestly..."

"In this case, isn't it over?" Lu Yu said, "You were wavering before just because you didn't have a better choice. Now that I have provided you with a better choice, why bother using the original one? With that passive approach, wouldn’t it be better for us to go directly to Qian Yanjun’s lair and attack Huanglong?”

Huo Siyu fell silent again.

Indeed, the method Lu Yu mentioned is more proactive.

But all this is not without risks for her. First of all, this will be a battle outside the starry sky. The final result is not under her control at all. It is far less within the scope of Guantian World, which makes her feel even more... There is assurance and security.

In addition, there is another point. Thousand Eyes Lord is not alone. There is a very huge force behind him. Although she also has no good impression of Bixiao Shrine behind Thousand Eyes Lord, but not having a favorable impression is two different things from completely falling out. If she cooperated with Lu Yu to take the initiative and eliminate Qianyanjun in one fell swoop, it would mean a complete falling out with Bixiao Shrine.

Lu Yu had fallen out with Bixiao Shrine a long time ago, and the situation between them was like fire and water, but this was not the case between her and Bixiao Shrine.

Moreover, Lu Yu's next plan is to leave this big world, but she has no way to leave like Lu Yu, because her roots are all in the Guantian World. When the time comes, Lu Yu will just slap his butt and leave, leaving behind How should she deal with the mess?

However, after much thought, she finally agreed with Lu Yu's point of view.

Only by getting the key in the hands of Lord Thousand Eyes can the Guanlan clan have the possibility of real rise. Otherwise, everything is just empty talk, and the so-called foundation has no meaning at all.

"Okay, I promise you, I can tell you the specific location of Qianyanjun!"

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