Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2054 Comet Returns

"So... where is his lair?" Lu Yu asked in a deep voice.

Huo Siyu spread her hands: "I don't know..."

Seeing Lu Yu's eyes become sharp, she quickly added: "I just don't know for the time being. I am not like you, flying across the starry sky from other worlds. I am a native local. The starry sky is a very unfamiliar area for me... I have a part of the power of the Thousand Eyes God in my hand, and I can indeed sense his existence, but to figure out the position relationship in the starry sky, it takes a little time to study..."

Lu Yu nodded gently to show his understanding. He has a special understanding of the starry sky because of practicing the "Nine Turns Nirvana Sutra", but others may not have the same experience as him. Without a sufficient concept of the starry sky, it is indeed not easy to accurately describe the coordinates of a starry sky.

"How long will it take you?" Lu Yu asked.

Huo Siyu looked at the space battleship covering the Ark of the Other Shore and said, "You are not ready yet. How long will it take for you to absorb all the space battleships of the Tianwei Army? I will try my best to complete this task before you finish... However, if you can provide me with a helper, I may be able to do it faster?"


"It is Xu Zhiyang. I am not the only one who possesses the power of the Thousand-Eyed God. If he can also provide help, this matter will definitely be twice as effective with half the effort." Huo Siyu said.

Lu Yu was slightly startled, and murmured in a low voice: "Xu Zhiyang... How do you need his help specifically? He is not very convenient now!"

"I know what you did to him." Huo Siyu said, "His brain is not very bright now, but I don't need his brain, I just need his strength, so it doesn't matter whether he has a brain or not!"

Lu Yu said: "This is not just a matter of brain. Although his brain is not very bright, he is now my left and right arm... Then I can let him help you, but you can't make it even less bright."

Huo Siyu glanced at him: "You can only play with his brain, but I can't, right? But don't worry, I will return your left and right arms to you intact at that time!"

This matter was agreed, and there was no other more important things next.

In fact, Lu Yu was still very interested in the matter of the ancient anchor point. He knew that Huo Siyu must not have finished her words last time. She must know more details about the Guantian world after it was finally unlocked.

However, based on the principle of equality and mutual trust, he still held back and did not ask further questions. Perhaps this matter really involved the huge secret of the Guanlan clan's survival. Without any interests involved, it was indeed inappropriate to ask about this matter thoroughly...

Anyway, this matter has not been even started yet. It will not be too late to consider this issue when the so-called key is obtained from the hands of the Thousand Eyes God.

So, the matter was settled.

The Ark of the Other Shore was once again in a vigorous construction.

The candidates entering the Ark were expanded again, and the selection of the third batch of personnel list of the Renaissance Alliance began. This time, Lu Yu did not hide it anymore and directly announced to everyone that the miracle treasure was actually the Ark of the Other Shore, the treasure of the Dragon Clan.

Although most people have never heard of the name "Ark of the Other Shore", they can easily understand the previous modifier "Dragon Clan Treasure", and they all feel it is amazing.

And Lu Yu also announced an even more sensational news. Next, the Ark of the Other Shore will break out of the shackles of this world and go deep into the wider world outside the sky.

Suddenly, the whole world was boiling.

As a cultivator, how can you not yearn for the outer space?

That is the world where the gods live. According to legend, you can only enter it after ascending. Now that you can enter it in advance in this way, everyone's mind is immediately active.

Although the Guantian world is full of spiritual energy, in such an environment, almost everyone is a Jindan cultivator, but although their starting point is high, the upper limit is very limited. In fact, this world has never produced a person who successfully ascended to the outer space, at least in recorded history, there has never been a myth of successful ascension.

Lu Yu secretly guessed that this might be related to the ancient anchor point blocking the true face of this world.

Under such circumstances, let alone the Renaissance Alliance, the whole world burst into great enthusiasm.

Although the coverage rate of the Renaissance Alliance was already very high, it did not reach the point of covering every corner of the world. After this incident, from old to young, from strong to weak, from weak to wilderness, every household voluntarily joined the Renaissance Alliance.

The so-called world of great harmony is nothing more than this.

Finally, even Junshui City selected a group of people to come. These people were descendants of the Guanlan clan who had been specially trained by Huo Siyu. They were unprecedentedly powerful and had at least reached the Diming realm, which was barely enough to meet the minimum standard for entering the Ark of the Other Shore.

These people were led by Huo Yunru. Huo Siyu meant that he hoped they could become the third group of people to enter the Ark of the Other Shore.

No one dared to make a decision on this matter easily. In the end, it was reported to Fu Jing, who personally found Lu Yu to discuss it.

"Let them join us!" Lu Yu said, "We are in urgent need of manpower now. No matter what their origins are, as long as they can help with the work, the rest doesn't matter!"

"However, these people are all devout believers of the Guanlan Empire, and they are afraid that Emperor Siyu will send them in for other purposes!" Fu Jing said still a little worried.

"It doesn't matter!" Lu Yu said with a smile, "The Ark on the Other Side is no longer what it used to be. Besides, the Scarlet Flame Jade Dragon Pill is strictly controlled by us. Even if they have second thoughts, what kind of trouble can they afford?"

"Oh, that's right! Even if you admit them, they can't be in vain. Let them bring their own dry food... Huo Siyu's calculation is so deep that it is impossible not to reserve resources and materials in advance and ask them to transport all the supplies and materials related to Junshui City. Then let’s talk about uploading!”

Everything was done in such a vigorous and orderly manner.

The entire Guantian World has entered an unprecedented new social order and seems to be thriving.

However, the good times did not last long. Soon after, a group of comets appeared in the sky again.

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