Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2055: Diverting trouble to the east

Even on a clear day, the comets in the sky still shine with hazy light, and they are even more dazzling at night.

The public was once again discussing this issue.

"Ah! Disaster! Another disaster star appears!"

"Tch! Pull it down, that's what I said last time, but where is the disaster? Where is the disaster?"

"It cannot be said that there were no disasters at all, but His Royal Highness the Regent helped us eliminate the disasters in advance!"

"With His Royal Highness the Regent here, everyone doesn't need to worry about anything!"

"That's right, the regent is a god-like figure, so what's the point of fearing a little disaster star?"

"Haha, it was the same calamity star last time, but some of those calamity stars are still on His Highness the Regent's China!"

"His Royal Highness the Regent can pick the stars with just a raise of his hand. As long as he is around, our world will always be at peace!"

"Do you think you will personally take action to remove these disaster stars after the settings are stabilized this time?"

"I didn't see how His Highness the Regent picked off the stars last time. I must seize the opportunity to see clearly this time!"

"Just you? His Highness the Regent is picking up the stars. That is something that happens outside the sky. With your little cultivation, Han Laosan, can you see that far?"

"That's wrong! As the saying goes, a gentleman's life is not different, and he is good at things! Although I, Han Laosan, am not good at cultivation, I can use foreign objects. I heard that Fenghe Prefecture now produces a telescope that can see If you can see things that are extremely far away with the help of this thing, you may not be unable to see things beyond the sky..."

"Hey, Han Laosan can do it. He can actually pull up the text! It seems that you have been doing a lot of hard work recently. Could it be that you also want to go to the Ark on the other side?"

Although we are also facing the coming comet, the mood among the people is completely different from last time.

No one thought that this rare spectacle would cause any trouble to them, and all of this changed because of Lu Yu.

However, compared to these ordinary people, the senior leaders of the Renaissance Alliance, who know part of the inside story, are far less optimistic.

Although they didn't know that the scenes shown by these comets were actually projections left by star battleships, they knew how the trouble was solved the last time they faced such a situation... It took the efforts of hundreds of members to Only after all the Red Flame Dragon Taming Pills were almost consumed, the so-called "Disaster Star Coming to the World" was solved.

But this time when such a situation happened again, the first person who couldn't sit still was Ning Wanxuan. As the housekeeper of the entire Renaissance Alliance, she was very aware of the elixir reserves at this time.

In recent times, with the large-scale expansion of personnel, the daily consumption of pills has increased again. And because Lu Yu is busy absorbing and annexing the parts of the captured star battleship, in fact, the Magic Dragon One The refining work has been greatly affected, and there are not many elixir reserves in the warehouse at this time.

"What on earth are we going to do now?"

Ning Wanxuan anxiously found Lu Yu and couldn't help complaining, "I have long told you to practice elixirs more diligently and try to reserve as many elixirs as possible, but you insist on giving a hammer here and a stick... you are inappropriate. Home, I don’t know that firewood and rice are expensive. Now we are facing a powerful enemy, but we are almost out of rice. What should we do?”

"Strong enemy?" Lu Yu smiled, "You don't know who the person is yet, how do you know that he is a strong enemy? It's not possible, it's not possible..."

Ning Wanxuan said: "Didn't you say that the deputy commander of the Tianwei Army came last time? Since he is the deputy commander, there must be a regular commander! You killed the deputy commander at once , now the head of the regiment must have come to express his hatred!"

"Who said I killed people?" Lu Yu said, "You dare to say this because you know the inside story. If there is no evidence, who knows that I killed a famous group of starry sky thieves? "Destroyed?"

Ning Wanxuan couldn't help being asked.

She was indeed a bit wishful thinking about this matter, but from her perspective, she knew the whole story, so she dared to conclude that Lu Yu was the culprit.

But if he were in the position of the head of the Tianwei Army, would he know all this?

I'm afraid even if someone told him the matter, he wouldn't be able to believe that a little man who was still trapped in a big world could swallow half of his legion in one go.

After all, not everyone has a powerful magic circle like the Demonic Dragon Field No. 2.

"So, don't be so nervous. This matter is still a mess. Why do you need to be so confused?" Lu Yu said with a smile.

Ning Wanxuan felt relieved immediately, and at the same time she became curious: "Then how do you plan to argue with the other party?"

"Of course, let's see who is coming first... If it is really Lord Tianwei, Lord Tianwei, then we will naturally speak up and help him make plans to find the 'murderer' who harmed his subordinates!" Lu Yu said.

Ning Wanxuan said to her heart, isn't it you who is the murderer?

However, I still couldn't help but be curious, wanting to know Lu Yu's full plan and see where he wanted to lead the trouble...

"Then...who is the murderer?"

"I don't know who it is, but I will point him in a direction..." A sharp edge flashed in Lu Yu's eyes: "Perhaps, I should ask Siyu if there are any results!"

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