Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2056 The Victim

Huo Siyu is now in the Magic Dragon No. 2 Field.

She needs to locate the location of the Thousand Eyes God's lair, so she naturally needs to constantly observe the starry sky, draw star maps, and recalibrate, so she needs to use the magic array of the Magic Dragon No. 2 Field from time to time.

It is also for this reason that although Lu Yu knew that a strong man was crossing the starry sea again, he did not use the magic array of the Magic Dragon No. 2 Field to observe carefully.

However, even if the magic array of the Magic Dragon No. 2 City can allow him to see the appearance of the other party's starry sky warship as clearly as if he were at close range, it is meaningless. These starry sky thieves will not clearly show the number of their forces on the appearance of the warship. The previous confirmation of the identity of the Tianwei Army was also the result of Huo Siyu's direct communication with the other party. Otherwise, how can he judge the identity of the other party at a glance?

When Lu Yu came to the Magic Dragon No. 2 Factory, Huo Siyu was writing at the desk on the side of the field, as if he was recording something.

Xu Zhiyang stood in the field in a daze. He was skinny and had sunken eyes. He stared at the sky like an idiot. He didn't react even when Lu Yu came.

"Is this what you said, that my left and right arms will be safe and sound?" Lu Yu frowned.

Frankly speaking, he didn't have much good feelings for Xu Zhiyang. With Xu Zhiyang's past behavior, he deserved it even if he killed him with a sword. But the problem is that Xu Zhiyang no longer has the memory of his past evil deeds. He completely obeys Lu Yuyu and plays a great role in the resource allocation process in the Far East. To some extent, the term "left and right arms" is not exaggerated.

"What I said at the time was that he would be safe and sound when I returned him to you, but I didn't want to treat him like a guest of honor... What? Do you still feel sorry for him?" Huo Siyu said without raising his head.

Lu Yu shook his head and didn't bother with her too much on this issue: "Are there any results?"

Huo Siyu stopped writing and looked up at him: "Have you absorbed all the parts of the starry sky battleship?"

Lu Yu said: "Not yet, but the situation has changed now... You shouldn't just focus on one place these days, you should have seen some other things, right?"

Huo Siyu nodded: "Another batch of starry sky battleships came from the Broken Star Sea, and the number is even larger than before. It is very likely that it is the Tianwei God mentioned by the Iron Hand Venerable... Speaking of this problem, haven't you thought about it before? You killed all his subordinates, and he couldn't contact him, so he must come to check what's going on!"

"I thought about it, but isn't it a matter of priority?" Lu Yu said, "I have been busy dismantling all the starry sky battleships during this period, and it is also to destroy the corpses and avoid being noticed by the other party... Otherwise, who knows what strange abilities these powerful people from outside the sky have?"

"What are you going to do now? Repeat the same trick again?" Huo Siyu asked.

"I'm afraid it won't work..." Lu Yu replied, "There are too many Starry Sky Descendants this time. Unless they cooperate and line up in a straight line, it will be difficult to have the same chance as last time..." "Besides, if the one who comes this time is really the real leader of the Tianwei Army, it will be difficult for us to copy the rhetoric from last time. After all, he is a person who dares to call himself a god. Even if there is some exaggeration, I'm afraid it's not so easy to deal with!" Huo Siyu couldn't help but be silent. Different identities and statuses will inevitably have different styles of behavior. Rhetoric like last time can work on the Iron Hand Venerable, but it is difficult to work on a strong man who claims to be a god. Moreover, the purposes of the Iron Hand Venerable and the Tianwei God are also different. The Iron Hand Venerable came for the Dragon God's treasure. In addition to the Dragon God's treasure, the Tianwei God also has the purpose of investigating the truth of the incident and revenge. "So, how do you plan to deal with it?" Huo Siyu asked again. Lu Yu smiled faintly: "I'm asking you, do you have the final result on the specific location of the Thousand Eyes God? "

Huo Siyu was stunned: "Are you crazy? Are you going to put the blame on the Thousand-Eyed God?"

Lu Yu shrugged: "What's wrong? Anyway, we don't deal with him..."

"But he is a God after all!" Huo Siyu said: "If the words of the Iron Hand Venerable are not exaggerated, the leader of the Tianwei Army is also a quasi-God... Are you going to use this method on the heads of two Gods?"

"What's wrong with the God?" Lu Yu sneered, "The God is not omniscient and omnipotent, otherwise why are we struggling here? Besides, you also said that the Thousand-Eyed God is sleeping, isn't it just right to let him be the scapegoat? "

Huo Siyu was speechless for a while.

She just felt that the guy in front of her was too bold... You are just a little trickster who doesn't even have a golden elixir, but you are thinking of cheating the God of the outer world. What if you become stronger?

Then again, what this guy said does make sense.

The God is not omniscient and invincible. Don't forget how the Thousand-Eyed God fell into deep sleep at this time. If it comes to cheating the God, this guy has a successful case.

"There is no specific result yet. I can only give a rough range now..." Huo Siyu finally answered Lu Yu's previous question.

Lu Yu snapped his fingers and said: "That's enough! We are just a group of indigenous people who have not yet been able to set foot in the heavens. How could there be too precise coordinates to give a vague range, which would make it even more confusing? Believable!”

Huo Siyu was stunned and asked: "Even if this is the case, how will it be implemented? How do you plan to put the blame on Qianyanjun's head?"

"There's no rush, things have to be done step by step..." Lu Yu smiled, "At least, we have to confirm first whether the person who comes is the master of suffering!"

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