Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2057 The Wonder of Second Stage Awakening

There is only one way to confirm whether the other party is the victim, that is, to contact the other party directly as before.

This matter naturally falls on Huo Siyu.

Only by letting her open the restrictions of the laws of heaven, like placing a seat, revealing a gap in this big world, so that the other party will take the opportunity to come and communicate.

However, it is not easy to place this seat. Not only does it require the cooperation of the formation, but it also requires the descendants of Guanlan to assist in driving.

Now there are many descendants of Guanlan on the other side of the Ark, and they are all outstanding, but the formation is in the tomb of Emperor Siyu in Junshui City, which cannot be moved for a while.

And now most of the main forces of the tomb of Emperor Siyu have been transferred to the other side of the Ark, and the remaining personnel who stayed behind have greatly reduced their strength and are no longer enough to drive the formation.

So now they are in a very embarrassing situation.

The place for communication was in Junshui City, but the people were on the Ark of the Other Shore. Lu Yu and Huo Siyu were able to use the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth to quickly travel back and forth, but the remaining descendants of Guanlan did not have such ability. If they were to arrive in place, it would take a long time to go back and forth.

Hearing this result, Lu Yu was speechless.

Didn't they say that they had been operating for thousands of years? Didn't they say that it was the foundation of her restoration of the country?

Lu Yu never thought that Huo Siyu would drain all the power of his base, so that even the most basic functions could not be realized.

"Alas... Can't you allocate a field here so that I can build a formation here?" Huo Siyu sighed lightly, "In fact, if you have this Magic Dragon No. 2 to cooperate with my formation, I feel it can exert even more powerful capabilities. If possible, how about you let me manage your Magic Dragon No. 2 field?" Lu Yu's mouth twitched and said, "Let's talk about this later. Let's find a way to solve the current situation first. Even if I allocate this place to you now, I don't know when you can build a formation!" "That's true..." "What should we do now?" Lu Yu scratched his head and said, "Now Even if we pull all your people out, it will take a lot of effort for the two of us to send them back one by one... and now they have their own duties on this Ark of the Other Shore. If no one pulls them out, everything here will be in chaos!"

"Damn, what were you thinking at the time? Why did you transfer all the people here without leaving any fire in your base camp?"

Huo Siyu said innocently: "What else can I think? Of course I want to join you! I pulled all the elite soldiers under my command here, which is enough to prove my determination!"

Determination is bullshit!

Lu Yu thought to himself, who knows what you are thinking...

Then, he noticed that Huo Siyu had a bit of mischief in his eyes, and seemed to be quite pleased with his exasperated look at the moment, and his heart was moved immediately.

"Why don't you seem to be in a hurry at all?" Lu Yu said, "If we can't contact the other party in time, then this Tianwei God will tear down this world without thinking twice, and we will all be doomed together... Tell me, what else do you have? Don't hide it!" Huo Siyu smiled slightly: "I'm just a little surprised to see you like this now. It turns out that you can be so angry... Well, for the current matter, it's not that there is no other solution!" "What solution?" "Jing'er." Huo Siyu answered slowly. Lu Yu was stunned: "You mean, Jing'er's ability alone can replace your large group of subordinates. We only need to bring her to drive the entire formation?" Huo Siyu nodded: "If Yunru is added, we can even save the formation!" "Save the formation?" Lu Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, "What do you mean?" "It's very simple! As long as the three of us, Yunru, Jing'er and I work together, we can directly achieve the effect of communicating with the outside world, and there is no need to bring a large group of people to my mausoleum!" Huo Siyu replied. "It can be like this?" Lu Yu was stunned. "Yes... I think you know very well that the second stage of awakening of Guanlan bloodline has many advanced directions. Didn't you directly simulate the profound characters of 'Guanlan Two States' before? In fact, as long as these different power attributes are put together, many unexpected abilities can be exerted. As long as the three of us are put together, we can already include all the power attributes of the second stage awakening of Guanlan bloodline..."

Lu Yu stared at her and was silent for a long time: "Then why didn't you say it last time? And you took the trouble to bring me to your mausoleum?"

"I dare not!" Huo Siyu showed an innocent expression again, "I know what image I have in your mind, and Jing'er is your baby. If I told you to borrow Jing'er at that time, do you think you would use your miracle sword to cut me directly? Besides, Jing'er herself probably wouldn't agree."

"Then you dare now?"

"Didn't you say that you would make it public? Now I have nothing to hide from you..."

After speaking, Huo Siyu looked at him quietly.

Naturally, this matter can only be completed by his nodding. Because Fu Jing only believes in him now, they have no confidence in convincing her...

Lu Yu thought silently for a moment, and finally said: "Okay, let's try it first!"

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