Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2058 Superstring Formation

Not long after, Huo Yunru and Fu Jing were summoned.

Together with Lu Yu and Huo Siyu, three women and one man gathered at the Dragon Field No. 2.

This was the first time that the three women had met together. Even if Emperor Siyu possessed Huo Yunru before, it only represented the identity of Emperor Siyu. There had never been a situation where the three of them represented an independent consciousness and met.

The scene was a little... awkward for a while.

Well, in fact, the only ones who were really awkward were Fu Jing and her daughter. Huo Siyu was quite curious about this and even faintly excited.

"How should we do it?"

Fu Jing asked in a somewhat stiff tone.

Lu Yu had explained the purpose to her before, and she also knew that this was a big deal. Therefore, although she was very reluctant to have contact with the two people opposite, she still came here.

"It's very simple..." Huo Siyu smiled slightly, "As long as the three of us hold hands and gather our strength together..." After saying that, she took the initiative to step forward and stretched out her hands to the two people, indicating that they should do the same as her and hold each other's hands. Huo Yunru quietly looked at Fu Jing's face, held Huo Siyu with one hand, and handed the other hand to Fu Jing. In this way, only Fu Jing was left. It seemed that as long as she held the hands of the two people, they could combine into a unique formation. Fu Jing did not hesitate for too long. She glanced at Lu Yu and handed her left and right hands to the hands of the two people in front of her. She believed that with Lu Yu sitting by her side, even if there was really a trap, Lu Yu would pull her out in time. So the three people and six hands combined together, and a special formation was completed. In fact, Lu Yu also knew that Huo Siyu had never given up on Fu Jing. She had a special plan for Fu Jing... She once said mysteriously that if Fu Jing made her own choice one day, she hoped that he would not stop her. Lu Yu was also very curious. He didn't know under what circumstances Fu Jing would change her mind and make a completely different choice... Seeing the three people's hands pulled together to form this special formation, he couldn't help but wonder, could it be because of the blood power that was hard to give up on the three people?

If that was the case...

Lu Yu thought about it seriously. Although Fu Jing's power would be of great benefit to him, if she made the choice without any bewitching or coercion, then he seemed to have nothing to stop her from doing...

However, if that was not the case, then that was another matter.

So, this was why he dared to let Fu Jing contact the other party so boldly, because he also wanted to know whether the other party would play tricks...

"Do you feel it?" Huo Siyu suddenly said.

"After all, blood is thicker than water, this is our real power!"

It turned out that at the moment when Lu Yu's thoughts diverged, the three people had already emitted aurora. These lights were extremely gorgeous and fell on each person differently, but when the three were added together, they just happened to complement each other, as if they had put together a set of spectrum systems.

Lu Yu couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly.

His eyesight was already extraordinary, especially after he understood the mystery of multi-dimensionality, his vision could not only switch to the medical perspective of human meridians, but also switch to a more complex multi-dimensional perspective.

At this moment, in his field of vision, the three people were no longer purely human forms, but had become lines on hair.

These lines were intricate, yet mysterious, and their meaning was exactly the seven-hole exquisite jade under the multi-dimensional perspective... It turned out that after awakening the second stage of Guanlan's power, the three women all had the essence of the seven-hole exquisite jade, but their essences were different. Now put together, they formed a more mysterious existence.

Superstring body...

Such a name burst out in Lu Yu's mind involuntarily.

This feeling was very similar to the process of his deduction of Jiujiu Liansheng. The three seven-hole exquisite jades had different essences, but after being put together, they had a qualitative change again.

Lu Yu was shocked.

He didn't expect that Huo Siyu's so-called three-person formation would be such a shocking scene.

However, only he could see such a scene for the time being. Even Fu Jing and Huo Yunru could not see the wonderful changes that appeared on them. At most, they just felt a kind of incredible but indescribable strange power.

As for Huo Siyu...

Lu Yu was not sure whether she could see it.

Now it seems that his understanding of her is still quite insufficient, and the secret hidden behind her may be far beyond his imagination...

"Okay, the formation can take effect..."

Under Huo Siyu's hosting, the three women had let go of their hands and retreated to the side, standing in three corners of the Magic Dragon No. 2 Field, but the brilliance emerging from them became more concentrated, like a beam of light appearing in the center of the Magic Dragon No. 2 Field, just like the scene that appeared in the mausoleum palace.

Huo Siyu turned his head to look at Lu Yu and gave him the final confirmation: "Are you sure you want to do this? There is no turning back from this step?"

Lu Yu nodded: "I understand, let's start!"

Huo Siyu said: "Okay... the commander of the Tianwei Army, if his strength is really close to that of the Divine Lord, he will definitely find out about our invitation soon. It shouldn't take long..."

The words fell.

A figure has appeared in the light pillar, and a powerful will has followed.

This situation is very similar to the previous arrival of Lord Iron Hand, except that he appeared faster than Lord Iron Hand.

Combined with what Huo Siyu said just now, does this mean that his power is also stronger? Perhaps it has indeed reached a level close to that of a divine king?

Lu Yu's heart was swaying, and at the same time he was slightly excited.

This may not all be a bad thing... The closer the opponent's strength is to the Divine Lord, doesn't it mean that the water will be muddied?

Lu Yu took a deep breath, gradually calmed down, and asked tentatively towards the figure in the beam of light: "Are you the Mighty God of Heaven?"

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