Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2062 Testing the Pill

Since it was refining a brand new elixir, Lu Yu had to control the entire process, and Cui Zhenzhen could only step aside.

Even in order for her to learn and digest better, Lu Yu did not even let her participate in the preliminary work, and was only responsible for observing and learning from the sidelines.

After all, this is the first time to refine this new type of elixir. Although the methods are similar, the order of the heating process is very different. It is still necessary for her to learn it first from a perspective of overall control.

When she was in Suyu Yunchi before, although Cui Zhenzhen was able to get on the horse as soon as she got up, it was based on Lu Yu once explaining the mysteries to her through the Shensi Seal Paper, but now Lu Yu can't even rub the Shensi Seal Paper. There was no time, so she had to learn from the sidelines.

This furnace of elixirs did not have the earth-shattering scene before. Of course, the momentum was still very terrifying, but it did not exceed the shocking atmosphere when the Demon Dragon One was first operated.

So when this furnace of elixir was finished, many people felt a little disappointed. In their impression, the second generation version of Red Flame Controlling Dragon elixir should not be so calm and silent...

"Is this done?" Ning Wanxuan said with surprise as she looked at the freshly baked elixir.

As the general manager, she naturally had to hand over these freshly prepared elixirs to him for safekeeping.

"What else?" Lu Yu said tiredly.

Although he had already fully deduced the entire refining process in the fantasy world of his mind, there were still many variables in the actual operation, so he was very tired after completing this furnace of elixir.

"Didn't you already see the ready-made elixirs? If they are not completed, where did these elixirs come from?"

"Uh... I mean, this doesn't seem to be much different from the previous Red Flame Jade Dragon Pill?"

Lu Yu smiled faintly: "It's just some slight adjustments to the internal structure. Essentially, they are still the same level of elixirs, so there won't be much difference in appearance, but..."

After saying that, he paused: "Where is Wanqing? Let her come over and try it. What is the specific effect? ​​Only after trying it will you know..."

The biggest feature of this brand-new elixir, in addition to extending the time limit, is that it increases the basic level of the activated dragon mimicry. However, this is not a very obvious effect for Fu Jing, Guo Kun and others. Yes, even with the lowest level Red Flame Jade Dragon Pill, they have been able to assemble high-level dragon mimics, not just the most basic flame dragon.

Lu Yu was even more exaggerated. With a Red Flame Jade Dragon Pill, he could easily control dragon mimics of all attributes.

Therefore, if you want to test the performance and effect of this brand-new elixir, you need to have suitable candidates. The strength should not be too high, nor should it be completely without foundation. Ning Wanqing has not yet been able to completely clear the Hall of Valor Hall of Dreams. It just so happens that is a suitable candidate.

Ning Wanqing was nearby to help her sister, so she rushed over soon after hearing this. When she heard Lu Yu's request to try the medicine, she didn't hesitate and swallowed it in one gulp - she was already completely familiar with Lu Yu. trust.

"How do you feel?" Ning Wanxuan asked immediately.

It seemed that she was more nervous than the two parties on the side. It was not that she could not believe in the safety of the elixir, but that she was really curious about the specific effect of this elixir.

"It seems... it has no effect." Ning Wanqing said hesitantly, "I don't feel anything..."

Ning Wanxuan couldn't help but be stunned, and looked back at Lu Yu in surprise.

The previous Red Flame Dragon Taming Pill melts in the mouth, and the effect is immediate, and it can condense a powerful dragon mimicry in an instant.

But now this brand-new elixir has not had any reaction for so long. If the two sides are fighting, if they want to rely on this elixir to defeat the enemy, they will die countless times.

Lu Yu smiled and said: "This elixir is indeed different from the previous Crimson Flame Controlling Dragon Pill. The original positioning of the Crimson Flame Controlling Dragon Pill is to temporarily increase the combat power between two parties, so the effect is naturally quick and violent... and now the Crimson Flame Controlling Dragon Pill is This elixir is used to promote various tasks within the Ark on the Other Side. It focuses on stability, efficiency, and long-lasting water flow, so its effect will not appear violently at the beginning... Be more patient and wait a little longer! "

As if to confirm his words, as soon as he finished speaking, a piece of golden light suddenly shone out from Ning Wanqing's body. The light was not intense at first, and the brightness gradually increased from weak to strong.

After about a quarter of an hour, the brightness of the light finally reached its peak, converging into the shape of a giant dragon on Ning Wanqing's body as if it had substance.

A golden dragon!

It's not fiery red, not dark green, not aqua blue, not earthy yellow... but a golden color. Although it took a long lead time, the intensity of the power it erupted far exceeded the previous flame dragon mimicry.

Even Xue Haigang's dark green dragon cannot match the strength of this golden dragon!

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