Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2063 New Situation

Ning Wanxuan's face was filled with shock.

She knew that based on her sister's level of cultivation, she had definitely not reached such a level, which meant that this was entirely the effect of this new elixir.

It seems that Lu Yu did not lie, and he was even too modest... This increase in strength will be a qualitative leap for the entire Ark on the Other Side.

"Oh... so strong! Sister, husband... I have never experienced such a powerful power!" Ning Wanqing also said with admiration.

As she spoke, it seemed that she could no longer hold back her body's excitement, and suddenly the golden dragon flew into the sky and flew towards the depths of the dragon city.

The high-pitched dragon roar resounded throughout the other side of the ark.

Like a duck that has been dry for a long time, it can't help but play and flutter in the pond.

"Will this elixir also be effective on high-level experts? For example, Queen Jing, Guo Kun and others?" Ning Wanxuan asked again.

At present, the results of this new elixir are very gratifying, but if it is only effective for beginners like Ning Wanqing who have just stepped into the threshold, it will not mean much, because after all, one day everyone will The level will be improved.

"Of course it works." Lu Yu said with a smile, "Don't talk about them, it works for me too! Even if you use the power of this elixir to gather higher-level dragon mimics, it will be easier..."

"For beginners who have just stepped into the threshold, it will last about an hour, but if you are a high-level expert, it will probably take more than this time!"

Ning Wanxuan couldn't help but feel excited.

Now she is certain that this is definitely a qualitative leap for the entire Ark on the Other Side...

"What's its name? It wouldn't be appropriate to call it Red Flame Controlling Dragon Pill, right?"

"Frankly speaking, in terms of elixir path, it still does not break away from the category of Red Flame Controlling Dragon elixir, but for the sake of easy distinction..."

Lu Yu thought for a moment and then said: "Then...or is it called the Golden Flame Controlling Dragon Pill?"

The name of the Golden Flame Controlling Dragon Pill was thus determined.

Soon, all the strong men who reached the threshold in the entire Ark of the Other Side were equipped with this brand-new elixir.

This night, the entire dragon city was filled with writhing golden dragons, and the repair progress reached an unprecedented level.

Seeing this situation, Lu Yu finally felt at ease.

If he didn't feel confident before, he finally has some confidence now. As long as he continues to maintain such efficiency, the Ark of the Other Side will soon be able to completely absorb that wretched star battleship.

Even now, the most lacking part is the installation of the engine.

As long as this part of the work can be completed, then he believes that neither the Tianwei Legion nor the Thousand Eyes Lord will be able to pose a threat to his safety.

However, just when he was about to install the engine, Huo Siyu left the Magic Dragon No. 2 Field and came to the engine installation site.

"It's amazing... I haven't been out for just a few days, and you have changed the whole place!" Huo Siyu suddenly appeared next to Lu Yu and said with emotion, "What are you doing to extend the time limit of the elixir?" How long? Looking at this posture, you are not planning to turn all your subordinates into human dragons, are you?

Lu Yu was noncommittal.

Deep down, this was indeed his hope.

Although he is now running this place in a prosperous manner, in fact, no matter how much he upgrades the elixirs, it is impossible for this place to reach the combat power of the Ark on the other side in its heyday.

Even one percent is probably enough...

However, if the effect of the elixir can be normalized so that these powerful men on the other side of the Ark can activate dragon mimicry anytime and anywhere, it is estimated that it will be possible to recover to a higher level.

But this is easier said than done?

Lu Yu shook his head, no longer paying attention to this vague idea, and asked: "Is the matter settled?"

Huo Siyu nodded: "It's done... It's just that Xu Zhiyang's situation is a bit miserable now. I promised to give you a safe and sound right-hand man. I guess it may take a while..."

Lu Yu remained silent, pondered for a moment, and then asked, "Have you received any reply from Lord Tianwei in the past few days?"

Although it was them who took the initiative to form an alliance last time and contacted Tianwei Shenjun, if Tianwei Shenjun wanted to find them, there must still be a way. At least he could make some noise in the world outside the sky and let the two evil dragons in charge Huo Siyu from the number field observed.

Huo Siyu replied: "Although he has not replied, something new has happened now. I feel it is necessary to let you know immediately, so I came to see you now..."

Lu Yu couldn't help being slightly startled: "What's going on?"

Huo Siyu said: "I can't explain it in a few words. Come with me to Demon Dragon No. 2 Field to see it!"

Seeing the solemn expression on her face, Lu Yu did not dare to delay, so he had to temporarily stop the work at hand and follow her to the Demon Dragon No. 2 Field.

The formation here is still running, and Huo Siyu has already adjusted all the viewing angles of the formation.

It can be seen that she suddenly left in the middle of the work. At this time, the "problematic" part was showing on the formation screen... countless dense light spots were appearing in the starry sky.

"Where is this?" Lu Yu asked in surprise.

He knew that these light spots represented moving star battleships. No matter where the area displayed on the formation was at this time, it meant that there might be trouble there.

"This is the result I just calculated, the location of Qianyanjun's lair." Huo Siyu replied.

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