Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2064: Saw it through again?

"What is going on?" Lu Yu asked in surprise.

Huo Siyu glanced at him and said, "If I knew, would I have to ask you to come and see it? But such a large number of star battleships can only come from one place..."

The Broken Star Sea.

Although Huo Siyu did not directly state her inference, Lu Yu understood what she meant.

This was actually his guess as well... Such a large group of densely packed star battleships could only come from the Broken Star Sea, and if this is true, then the reason behind it is intriguing.

Due to the secret manipulation of the Bixiao Palace, the news that the Dragon Clan's treasure appeared in the Guantian World has been widely circulated in the Broken Heart Sea. The arrival of the Tianwei Legion is just a microcosm. In fact, the star pirates in the entire Broken Star Sea have already heard the news.

Based on the intelligence they obtained, the original destination of these star pirate groups could only be the Guantian World, but now they all deviated from their original course and went to the area where the Thousand Eyes Lord's lair was located. All this was not without reason. The biggest possibility was that the Tianwei Lord had made some moves in it...

Originally, the Tianwei Army split into two groups and let the Iron Hand Venerable arrive at the Guantian World first because the Tianwei Lord wanted to set up a false formation in the rear... Now he played some tricks in it and led his colleagues in the Broken Star Sea to the Thousand Eyes Lord's lair. This is really easy.

Although Lu Yu and Huo Siyu did not say it out loud, they both guessed this possibility.

"Heh... This Lord Tianwei is not stupid!" Huo Siyu chuckled again, "You want to put the blame on Lord Qianyan and let them fight each other, but he is even more ruthless. He directly called a large group of people to Lord Qianyan's lair to try to get into trouble!" Lu Yu said slowly: "At least, this shows that our plan is still effective. Lord Tianwei is afraid of Lord Qianyan, so he will use such a strategy." "What are you going to do now?" Huo Siyu said, "In my opinion, this Lord Tianwei will not fight Lord Qianyan as you wish, and both will be injured. He will only use these cannon fodder to delay Lord Qianyan, and then he will probably attack us!" Lu Yu was silent, but he had to agree with Huo Siyu's opinion in his heart. After the previous exaggeration, for Lord Tianwei at this time, he believed that the biggest obstacle to taking away the dragon treasure was Lord Qianyan. Therefore, as long as Lord Qianyan was delayed, he would have the opportunity to directly take away the dragon treasure in the Guantian World. As for the cause of death of Iron Hand Venerable and others, and revenge for them... As long as the Dragon Clan's treasure is in hand, who cares so much? Perhaps for Tianwei Shenjun, his subordinates are just cannon fodder of another degree.

Lu Yu took a deep breath: "What else can we do? Originally, I wanted to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight leisurely, and wait until they are both injured, and then we will come out to clean up the mess. Now if they don't give us a chance, we can only rely on ourselves!"

Huo Siyu shook her head: "Now it's not just a matter of relying on ourselves... Originally, we had enough time to wait for you to prepare, and then we would deal with Qianyan Shenjun. Anyway, the old man is also in deep sleep, and it doesn't matter if it takes a little longer... But now looking at this situation, as long as these cannon fodders from the Broken Star Sea confront Qianyan Shenjun, Tianwei Shenjun will immediately attack us, and he won't give us so much time to prepare calmly!"

"But, he actually gave us some time! Don't the peaceful days of these days count?" Lu Yu spread his hands and said.

Huo Siyu was stunned: "What do you mean? Have you been ready in just a few days?"

"Not yet!" Lu Yu exhaled lightly, "But there is only one last step left. As long as we load the engine of the original starry sky battleship, we will have the ability to cross the starry sky. At that time, even if Tianwei Shenjun really wants to trouble us, we can always let him follow the footsteps of Tieshou Zun!"

Huo Siyu was stunned, and couldn't help but think of the previous crazy killing blow that destroyed Tieshou Zun and others. The terrifying feeling, even now when she thinks about it, she feels a palpitation.

The reason why it was successful last time was because Tieshou Zun was completely unprepared, as if he had posed and deliberately waited for the Ark of the Other Shore to launch such a fatal blow. The current Tianwei Shenjun will naturally not give them such an opportunity again.

But if the Ark of the Other Shore has the ability to walk out of this big world and cross the starry sky, it will be different. No matter how Tianwei Shenjun is prepared, the Ark of the Other Shore can find an angle to kill them with one blow.

"Will there be enough time?" Huo Siyu said again, "It looks like the fight will start at any time at the Thousand Eyes God's lair, and we don't have much time left!"

"The answer to this question depends largely on you..." Lu Yu looked at Huo Siyu and said, "I think you don't need to hide it anymore. If you are willing to burst out all your strength and help us install the battleship engine, there will definitely be no problem!"

Huo Siyu was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly smiled: "Have you seen through me again? It seems that nothing can be hidden from you... Well, how do you want me to help you?"

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