Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2065 Experience

What Lu Yu was interested in was naturally Huo Siyu's superstring body ability.

Don't look at the previous three women's formation. The super string body was activated by the power of the three people.

But in fact, all of this was completed under the auspices of Huo Siyu, which means that she has already understood the artistic conception of the super string body, at least part of it, but because his own strength is not enough, That's why Fu Jing's mother and daughter's cooperation is needed.

If her power could be increased to a certain level, she would probably be able to throw away Fu Jing and her daughter at any time, and activate the superstring body by herself.

Of course, there is no way for Lu Yu to enable her to activate the super string body on her own now, but with her understanding of the artistic conception, she may be able to do another thing...

"Hall of Valor? Didn't you say you want to install an engine? Why did you bring me here?"

Huo Siyu followed Lu Yu to the area where the Hall of Heroes was located, and couldn't help but show a surprised look.

Lu Yu said slowly: "This illusion was originally built with your help. Now it has become an important place for our Ark to cultivate talents. Without it, there would be no Ark offline. What a wonderful weather…”

"So what?" Huo Siyu raised his eyebrows, "Do you still want me to help you renovate this place? This matter is not a top priority, right?"

"This matter is the top priority now." Lu Yu said, "Although you helped me create this place, you have never entered it to experience it since it was completed. Now is it time for you to experience it too? "

"you sure?"

Huo Siyu had a strange look on his face.

It is true that he has not experienced in the Hall of Valor fantasy, but this does not mean that she has no interest in it. On the contrary, she is very interested in everything in the Hall of Valor fantasy, because it can let her know more about the dragon family. inheritance, so that we can further understand this ark on the other side.

However, it is a pity that someone has been obstructing her before, and she was strictly guarded against her, prohibiting her from entering the Hall of Valor's illusion to prevent her from stealing more secrets... This person is Fu Jing.

Of course, if she wanted to force her way in, even Fu Jing would not be able to stop her, but in order to avoid hurting her, she still did not choose to force her way in.

Therefore, what she now knows about the illusion of the Hall of Valor is only from some descriptions of her subordinates - Fu Jing is just wary of her, but has no special regard for the descendants of Guanlan she sent because she knows the other side at this time The Ark needs men.

Hearing Lu Yu say this, Huo Siyu couldn't help but look left and right, and asked, "You do this...does Jing'er know?"

Before he finished speaking, Fu Jing appeared in front of the two of them.

Maintaining the stable operation of the Hall of Heroes illusion is the first priority. As the guard here, she will be here most of the time unless there is something that must be handled by her personally.

She stared at Huo Siyu coldly with her clear eyes and said nothing.

From her perspective, she could never forgive Huo Siyu for what he had done, especially after her mother chose to serve Huo Siyu without hesitation, she felt deeply betrayed.

"Jing'er, why are you looking at me like this..." Huo Siyu suddenly smiled, "Didn't we work closely together just now? Is it necessary to be so cold to me?"

Fu Jing ignored her, but looked at Lu Yu who was standing aside and asked, "What happened? Why did you bring her here?"

Lu Yu shook his head and smiled: "Nothing happened... I just need her help in installing the engine, so I brought her here to practice..."

Fu Jing glanced at Huo Siyu from the corner of her eyes, but hesitated to speak, her distrustful attitude clearly revealed.

"Is there... a problem?"

Lu Yu said: "Don't worry, as long as I'm here, there won't be any problem...Who is in the illusion now? Let them all come out first!"

Fu Jing couldn't help being slightly startled: "There are about thirty people inside now, all of whom have just entered the threshold... Do I need to call them all out?"

Lu Yu nodded and confirmed again: "Let them all come out first..." Then he looked at Huo Siyu aside and said: "This time, I want to practice something different from the Emperor!"

Although Fu Jing was full of doubts, she still followed the instructions.

Soon, the dozens of cultivators were invited out of the illusion of the Hall of Heroes. They were originally unhappy, but when they saw Lu Yu standing outside, all their dissatisfaction instantly disappeared and turned to high spirits. He happily greeted Lu Yu.

"These people really listen to you, including Jing'er..." Huo Siyu said with emotion, "But you have successfully aroused my curiosity now? You are both a special invitation to me and a special purpose to clear the place. , what exactly do you want to do?”

Lu Yu took a deep breath and said: "Perform the highest level of dragon mimicry simulation!"

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