Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2066 Ancestral Dragon Mimicry

"What is the highest level of dragon mimicry...?"

Huo Siyu said, turning to look at Fu Jing behind him, "Is it the kind of Sky Crystal Dragon that Jing'er used?"

At this time, in addition to Lu Yu, Fu Jing in the Ark of the Other Side has reached the highest level of dragon mimicry control. She has been able to assemble a substantial Sky Crystal Dragon through the effect of elixirs, which is currently far ahead of the rest.

Because of this, Fu Jingcai has received great respect in the Renaissance Alliance. Otherwise, she would not have the status she has now just because she is a ready-made queen, and she did not even participate in the founding of the Renaissance Alliance.

Fu Jing did not deliberately hide this. Everyone who entered the Ark on the Other Side knew it, so Huo Siyu naturally knew it clearly.

Lu Yu shook his head and said: "Although the Sky Crystal Dragon is already very strong, it is still not the strongest. There is another higher-level existence above the Sky Crystal Dragon..."

Huo Siyu said in astonishment: "What on earth is it?"

"Ancestral Dragon." Lu Yu replied softly.

"Ancestor Dragon?"

Lu Yu nodded and explained: "The dragon clan can be roughly divided into three levels. The first level is the purest elemental dragon, such as dragons with five attributes: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. Their power consists of only Combined with a single element, the power attribute is relatively single, and the fire dragon we practice at the beginning belongs to this category..."

"The second level is the composite elemental dragon. Their power is no longer limited to combining with a single element, but compounding with multiple elements at the same time. As a result, various strange abilities have been derived, such as sky crystals. Dragons, five-color dragons, two-headed dragons, etc. all fall into this category. Due to the diversity of combinations of various elements, there are many types of dragons at this level, but no matter how weird and rare their abilities and characteristics are, as long as they are not transcendent from various elements above, then they all still fall into this category.”

"As for the last level, it is the Ancestral Dragon. The Ancestral Dragon is the ancestor of the giant dragon clan, but it is not simply the source of the giant dragon clan's bloodline, but refers to the dragon clan that possesses the purest power of the Dragon God... a certain To a certain extent, the existence of the Ancestral Dragon is somewhat similar to that of Jing'er. It possesses very pure bloodline power, but it is not the first ancestral dragon born... The Ancestral Dragon is the ancestor of power, not the ancestor of bloodline. "

"Similar to the composite elemental dragon, the ancestral dragon level is actually subdivided into many types. However, so far, I have never seen a real ancestral dragon, so I don't know what specific subdivisions they have. ...But no matter which subdivision they are, their power has transcended the elements and possesses more powerful power, such as the power of heaven and earth, and even the power of stars, which are closer to the source of power!"

Hearing what Lu Yu said, Huo Siyu couldn't help but be startled: "So, you are planning to let me master the secret of controlling the ancestral dragon's mimicry?"

Lu Yu said: "Yes, if you want to install the star battleship's engine as soon as possible, you must have the power of the ancestral dragon as a support, and it seems that only you can do this currently."

"Only me? Can't you also do it?"

Lu Yu sighed lightly: "If you want to assemble the ancestral dragon mimicry, you not only need to know its principles, but also need a considerable degree of strength... I have just said that the power of the ancestral dragon has transcended the elements and is closer to it. The origin of power, if you want to make an analogy, is quite similar to the power of the gods you have at this time, so you are the best candidate to evolve the dragon's mimicry."

Huo Siyu suddenly said: "I understand, the power provided by your elixir is not enough to evolve the ancestral dragon mimicry. I also need the power of the gods that I have to cooperate with it to succeed, is that right?"

Lu Yu nodded again: "These are just the basic external conditions. In fact, there are more core internal factors. I think at this stage, only you can understand Zulong's intention from a spiritual level."

The meaning of Zulong specifically refers to the meaning of the existence of such a powerful creature as Zulong, which is what Lu Yu just said about knowing its principle.

Huo Siyu instantly understood what Lu Yu meant and said with a smile: "Don't put a high hat on me. At least you have understood Zulong's meaning. Otherwise, how are you going to teach me? From a spiritual level, you can He is not weaker than me at all, I know this very well.”

Lu Yu shrugged and said, "Have I explained it clearly enough? Do you have any questions?"

It's not Grandma Lu Yu, but these situations must be explained clearly beforehand, so that after entering the illusion, the goals can be clear and get twice the result with half the effort.

Huo Siyu said: "There is one last question... Didn't you say you have never seen Zulong? Then how did you understand Zulong's intention?"

Lu Yu was silent for a moment, and his tone suddenly became a little emotional: "Okay, maybe the wording I just used was a little loose... To be precise, I just haven't seen a living ancestor dragon. As for those who are not alive, they are still alive." I’ve seen some…”

The Ancestral Dragon Crypt connecting Night Star City and Haixi Land, as well as the Ancestral Dragon Palace located on the top of Panlong Realm Mountain, were actually evolved from the bones of dead Ancestral Dragons. Lu Yu had been in contact with these... ...But what really contributed to his final understanding of the "ancestral dragon's intention" was the in-depth contact with Emperor Sainty not long ago.

As the former king of the dragon clan, Emperor Shuntian was also an ancestral dragon, and an ancestral dragon with extraordinary power. Even though he only had a trace of his soul left at the time, Lu Yu still benefited a lot from the exchanges between the two parties. .

Lu Yu would naturally not tell Huo Siyu about this. Although he shared a lot of knowledge about the dragon clan with everyone, the most core secrets were still kept in his own head, and some of them were not even known to Fu Jing.

"Get ready, I'll wait for you inside!"

After saying that, Lu Yu strode into the illusion of the Hall of Heroes.

To manipulate the ancestral dragon mimicry, you need the cooperation of elixir and the power of the gods, but if you just evolve in the illusion, it won't be so troublesome, Lu Yu can do it himself.

It is for this reason that Lu Yu invited Huo Siyu to the Hall of Heroes illusion and also specially cleared the field, because once he evolved the ancestral dragon in the illusion, the turmoil caused would not be something that other beginners could bear.

Huo Siyu said: "You've been itching for a long time, what else do you need to prepare? I'm here to experience the legendary power of the ancestral dragon!"

After saying that, he strode in.

A moment later, the roar of a giant dragon came from the interior of the Hall of Heroes illusion.

The aftermath of the terrifying power lingered in the area surrounding the illusion for a long time.

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