Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2067 Fantasy Simulation

A round figure came quickly and landed in the area at the entrance of the Hall of Valor's Fantasyland, showing agility that was completely inconsistent with his body shape.

"What happened?" Guo Kun asked loudly.

During this period, huge repair projects were started everywhere in the Ark. Since he was busy catching up with the progress, he temporarily left the Hall of Valor and went to the front line. But after all, he was one of the guards of the Hall of Valor, so as soon as he realized this When something happened, he immediately dropped what he was doing and hurried over.

At this time, there were already a lot of people surrounding the entrance to the Hall of Valor's Illusion. Most of them were those who had been cleared out before. Although they were invited to come out, they did not just leave. Instead, they stayed outside and waited. Watch the fun.

Because everyone knows that His Highness the Regent has always made big moves, and now that he suddenly came here, things must be unusual.

As expected, not long after His Royal Highness the Regent entered with the Guanlan girl, violent turmoil arose in the entire area.

It's a pity that they can't enter it at all, so they can only fantasize about how intense the scene inside is.

Therefore, Guo Kun could not find out the reason from these people. He only knew that the regent came and brought a woman from the Guanlan tribe in.

Guo Kun couldn't help but be filled with suspicion, and pushed his way to the front of the crowd. Finally he saw Fu Jing's figure, so he quickly approached him: "Your Majesty, what is going on?"

"A Feng led people to practice inside. They seem to be trying to evolve the highest level of dragon mimicry..." Fu Jing replied.

As she spoke, she glanced back inadvertently and couldn't help but be surprised: "Why are there so many people?"

It turned out that just as Guo Kun squeezed in, many more people rushed over, and the entire area at the door was already overcrowded.

Even so, many people are still coming, and it can be seen that their escape is gradually approaching.

Guo Kun smiled bitterly and said: "With such a big movement and no warning in advance, we can't rest easy even if we want to work hard... But now that we know that His Highness is testing, there is nothing to worry about, otherwise Should I ask them to withdraw first?”

Fu Jing was about to agree, but suddenly his heart moved and he changed his words: "Forget it... Afeng has always acted carefully. He must have expected the movement here, but he did not issue any warning in advance, indicating that this was He did it on purpose...just let nature take its course!"

Guo Kun nodded, and he agreed with Fu Jing's view in his heart.

The repair work during the recent period was actually completed under the unified coordination of Lu Yu. On the surface, each item seemed to be complicated, but the final result was closely linked and accurate. The whole process made him even more... I deeply understood Lu Yu's meticulous thinking and logic.

A person like His Royal Highness the Regent will definitely not make such a mistake. Even if it is just a trivial matter, there is a special reason.

Guo Kun looked at the situation at the entrance: "The highest level of dragon mimicry... This movement doesn't look like what the Sky Crystal Dragon can achieve? Are there other levels above the Sky Crystal Dragon?"

Fu Jing nodded. Lu Yu's previous explanation to Huo Siyu did not avoid everyone, so she also knew the three levels of the dragon clan.

"The Sky Crystal Dragon is just a member of the second echelon of the Dragon Clan. Above this, there is the first echelon, known as the Ancestral Dragon... Don't ask me what an Ancestral Dragon is. Given our level, we both understand this. No more!”

After saying that, Fu Jing not only became a little discouraged, but also secretly clenched her fists.

Guo Kun rubbed his hands in excitement: "Let me just say, His Highness the Regent must still be hiding something... Even if you can't understand it, it doesn't matter. It's great to see it. I don't know what this so-called Zulong is. What kind of situation?”

As he spoke, he couldn't help but look eager to try, but unfortunately the turmoil inside the illusion was too violent. With his cultivation level, he couldn't help but feel a little unsteady just at the door, let alone entering it.

However, he still refused to leave. When he thought about the scene happening inside, he couldn't help but feel excited.

After a while, there were more and more people at the door of the environment.

At this time, the turmoil at the door suddenly subsided. At the same time, Lu Yu's voice came from inside the illusion: "For those outside, if you are interested in coming in to watch the battle, please come in!"

Fu Jing couldn't help but exchange glances with Guo Kun.

Sure enough, their guess was correct. The reason why Lu Yu did not issue a warning in advance and allowed everyone to gather was indeed premeditated.

Everyone filed in one after another.

Only then did I realize that the scene inside the fantasy world had changed greatly. Originally, it was full of vitality and birds singing, and it was exactly the scene of Panlongjie Mountain... However, the harmonious and beautiful scene in the past was gone at this time, as if it had just experienced a world of heaven and earth. Like a catastrophe, the whole world has been shattered, and even the rocks cannot be found intact.

No wonder there was so much turmoil before... At this time, it was also because Lu Yu used some incredible power to draw a dividing line and separate the area at the entrance, allowing them to gain a foothold here.

In fact, there are still fierce turmoil in the entire illusion, but the area at their door is shielded from the turmoil, like a viewing platform.

And in the central area of ​​the entire illusion, amidst the chaotic gravel and gravel, there are two huge dragons, with dazzling lights blooming all over their bodies.

I can’t explain the reason, but these two giant dragons always give everyone a very strange feeling...

The moment everyone saw these two giant dragons, they couldn't help but take a breath and were greatly shocked in their hearts.

The legendary ancestral dragon turns out to be like this!

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