Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2068: No different than a god

At this time, the two ancestral dragons in the Chaos Field were still fighting fiercely.

The violent power only turned the sky into darkness.

The way this power operates is far beyond the scope of what everyone can understand. All we know is that it involves a large number of laws, which are very profound.

"Uh...which one is the regent?"

"It doesn't matter which one the regent is, I want to know who the other one is?"

"I thought Queen Crystal was already strong enough. It seems that this person is even more powerful than Her Majesty Queen Crystal."

"I didn't expect that someone could stand up to His Highness the Regent... When did the Renaissance Alliance have such a fierce person?"

Everyone was talking about it.

For most people, they don't know the existence of Huo Siyu, so they can't help but be surprised to see someone who can match Lu Yu in the illusion.

As they spoke, they involuntarily shifted their gazes to Fu Jing, hoping that Fu Jing could answer this question.

As the supreme leader of the Renaissance Alliance, even though she is only in name, she should definitely know the identity of the other person in the room...

However, Fu Jing didn't pay any attention to it.

Because her thoughts were immersed in the battle in front of her, the comments of the people around her had been automatically blocked by her.

A layman looks at the excitement, an expert looks at the door.

At this moment, she already has a considerable understanding of both the power of Guanlan's bloodline and Lu Yu's Nine-Nine Lotus Life. It can be said that as the head of both families, she naturally has more insights than others.

In particular, Lu Yu once discussed with her the issue of power levels...

The first level of power is the power of stars. It is still very difficult for them to use this level of power. Even if Lu Yu activates the Nine-Nine Lotus, he can only use it partially.

The second level is the power of Tiangang and Earth Evil, which can also be referred to as the power of heaven and earth. They are gradually degraded and transformed by the power of the stars under the operation of the laws of the big world, and they can be regarded as the foundation of the big world.

The third level is the aura of heaven and earth, which is transformed again on the basis of the Tiangang Disha.

The fourth level is the power of the five elements, which is also degraded and transformed based on the third generation of heaven and earth spiritual energy.

At the beginning of cultivation, one absorbs the third-level spiritual energy of heaven and earth, which is always present in one's own qi sea and dantian. At critical moments, it is turned into the power of the five elements, thus giving rise to various miraculous manifestations.

When a certain foundation is established in cultivation, the second level of power will be used to seek the use of the power of heaven and earth. This stage in this world is called the realm of Earth and Heaven. In Lu Yu's original world, The great world of Huangtian where it is located is called the Tiangang Realm. It is said that this is because the Tiangang of that world hangs high in the sky, while the Earthly Evil is hidden. Everyone only knows that there is Tiangang, but not the Earthly Evil, so this method is adopted. Naming definition.

Further up, it may be the stage of seeking to use the power of the stars, but that is a realm they have not yet touched, and they don't know what the specific situation is...

The topic has gone too far...

In short, the process of cultivation is a process of exploring and deciphering the true meaning of power.

Not only does the cultivation process of human cultivators follow this principle, but the level promotion of the dragon clan also follows this principle.

The original elemental dragons correspond to the power of the five elements. They use the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to transform into the five elements. Due to their powerful physical bodies, even if they are at the same level of power understanding as human practitioners, they are far more powerful than humans.

The composite elemental dragon corresponds to the stage of absorbing the power of heaven and earth and turning it into the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Also due to the tyranny of the physical body, their power also far exceeds the realm of tomorrow's Huang.

And when it comes to the stage of Zulong... it directly drives the power of the second level!

The power of the second level... Tiangang and Disha are the most obvious representatives, but they are not the only way to present the second level. This is also the key to Lu Yu's discussion with her before... In fact, the power of gods should also be Belong to this level.

Whether it is the power of the Peacock King, the power of the Thousand Eyes King, or the power possessed by other gods with their own unique symbols, they all belong to the second level.

It's just that the power of Tiangang Earthly Evil is a special product under the laws of the big world, and the laws possessed by most gods are not enough to transcend the big world, so their powers are naturally not enough to compete with the big world. Tiangang and Earth are comparable to evil spirits.

But no matter how you say it, the second level is the second level. Even if it is just an extremely marginalized and weak god, the power he possesses is far beyond ordinary.

From this point of view, the existence of ancestor dragons is equivalent to gods, but due to their special physical existence, they will not be excluded from the power of the laws of the big world.

But in terms of the true extent of the power they have unlocked, they are no different than gods!

Zulong is a god!

And he is a god who can walk freely within the laws of the great world!

Looking at the scene in front of him, Fu Jing couldn't help being shocked and speechless for a long time.

Although all this is just an illusion, there is no difference in the laws of power presented.

Unconsciously, Fu Jing seemed to be touched.

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