Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2069 One more helper

Guo Kun soon noticed something strange about Fu Jing next to him, and he couldn't help but feel slightly startled.

Sometimes you have to sigh, talent is really a mysterious thing. Although his own talent is already very high, and this has been personally acknowledged by Lu Yu, it is still much worse than Fu Jing. .

In the chaotic battlefield, the two ancestral dragons were still fighting fiercely, and Fu Jing began to undergo amazing changes off the field...

Her body began to become erratic, and images of giant dragons began to appear on her body. Fire dragons, water dragons, earth dragons, golden dragons...even two-headed dragons, five-color dragons, sky crystal dragons, all kinds of giant dragons It was constantly changing on her body like a slide.

Everyone was suddenly surprised.

"Hey, what's going on?"

"Is Her Majesty the Queen going to evolve?"

"What purification, this is enlightenment! She realized it in the battle between the ancestral dragons evolved by His Highness the Regent!"

"...Why can she be enlightened, but I can't see anything..."

"There are differences between people..."

"It's a joke. If you want to match Her Majesty the Queen's talent and understanding, why don't you just be the king of our Renaissance Alliance?"

Guo Kun said loudly: "Be quiet! Just watch the battle! What do you think His Highness the Regent meant by calling us in? Don't let down His Highness the Regent's hard work!"

"If the battle between ancestral dragons evolved by Her Majesty the Regent is difficult to understand, then take a good look at Her Majesty the Queen... I believe you can learn a lot from her!"

After saying this, Guo Kun stopped talking and carefully observed the evolution of the various dragons on Fu Jing's body...

In fact, even for him, the battle between the two ancestral dragons in the field was a bit too profound.

But the changes in Fu Jing's body were different. If the battle between Lu Yu and Hong Shiyu was too highbrow, then the changes that occurred in Fu Jing's body at this time can be said to be just right. For him, it was a great inspiration. effect.

After receiving Guo Kun's reminder, everyone else around them suddenly woke up and observed Fu Jing's changes attentively.

A moment later, with a sudden swish, Fu Jing's figure broke through the dividing line drawn by Lu Yu and rushed into the chaotic battlefield.

The dragon's light and shadow, which was constantly changing back and forth on her body, gradually stabilized and turned into a brilliant and colorful body.

She also transformed into an ancestral dragon!

Although compared to the huge ancestral dragons of Lu Yu and Huo Siyu, her ancestral dragon looks weak and petite, there is no doubt that this is a genuine ancestral dragon, with a similar color to the other two huge ancestral dragons. with texture.

"Ah, Your Majesty has also become an ancestral dragon!"

"This is too strong!"

"It seems that as long as you absorb all the low-level dragon forms, you can successfully evolve into an ancestral dragon?"

"It's easy to say, but I wonder how many people can do it!"

"I think only Her Majesty the Queen can do it..."

"As expected of Her Majesty the Crystal Queen!"

Everyone was full of praise.

In fact, Fu Jing was able to successfully transform into the body of the ancestral dragon. The significance of this is even more amazing than it seems on the surface.

You must know that this is just an illusion after all. In the final analysis, it is a special position area. The power contained in it is actually limited, and most of these powers have been used by Lu Yu and Huo Siyu. Fu Jing can become the third The three ancestral dragons entering the scene showed that she got a share of the pie from two powerful players, which in itself fully explained the problem.

Fu Jing's change process was actually natural and involuntary, and she had no control over it.

Seeing this situation, Lu Yu and Huo Siyu also stopped fighting.

"How is your understanding? Is that enough?" Lu Yu asked.

Huo Siyu looked at the ancestral dragon transformed by Fu Jing and said, "Even she has already figured it out. What problems can I have? Let's stop here!"

After saying that, the light and shadow gradually faded away, and the two of them changed back to their original appearance at the same time.

Only then did everyone realize that the person who was fighting with Lu Yu turned out to be such a young and beautiful woman, who looked like a girl... Where did this genius come from?

Although Fu Jing successfully transformed into the body of the ancestral dragon, she obviously hadn't fully integrated it yet. She froze in place for a long time without moving, as if she didn't know how to undo the strange power in her body and transform back...

So Lu Yu flew to her side again, stretched out his hand and pressed Zulong's body. The glare suddenly disappeared, and in the blink of an eye, she returned to her original appearance.

Fu Jing breathed a long sigh of relief, patted his chest with relief, and said, "Sorry for causing trouble to you and disturbing your test..."

Lu Yu smiled and said: "What kind of interruption is this? On the contrary, this is an unexpected surprise for me... It means that we have another helper for the engine installation work, and there should be no more accidents now!" "

"Next, let's get ready to step into the starry sky!"

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