Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2070 Installing the Engine

Inside the Ark of the Other Side.

Above the dragon city, the dark dome slowly opened.

A similar situation had happened before when the Driving Kuangsha attacked the array. At that time, the entire city below grew crazily upwards with the support of the array, and finally broke out with an unparalleled offensive that broke through the sky.

However, it was not the Kuangsha attack array that was launching at this time. The entire city below was silent, but the dome cover was opened even more than when the Kuangsha display was launched before.

There is no other reason, because at this time, the engine installation work on the Ark on the other side is being carried out.

Everyone is waiting with bated breath in the city below.

After a while, a huge black shadow suddenly appeared above the deck. It was an extremely large irregular sphere.

These days, everyone has known that this is an important component disassembled from the "star fragment" not long ago. It is said that it can be used as the power source of the Ark on the other side, and is called an "engine".

As long as this engine is installed, the Ark on the Other Side will have the ability to fly into the stars.

The huge irregular sphere slowly lowered.

The bodies of dozens of giant dragons appeared above the irregular sphere. It turned out that this behemoth was able to move slowly under the pull of the power of dozens of giant dragons.

Seeing this scene, the people in the city below who had been waiting with bated breath finally couldn't help but started talking.

"Is this big guy the 'engine'?"

"Is this thing so heavy? Does it require so much manpower?"

"It's probably to avoid mistakes. I heard that this thing is a very precise component, and His Royal Highness the Regent is very careful about it..."

"This is too exaggerated..."

Under everyone's attention, dozens of dragons worked closely together to finally place the huge irregular sphere into the dragon city - there happened to be a huge groove there, which perfectly embedded the irregular sphere. .

The whole process was extremely gentle and didn't even make any sound.

However, when the huge irregular sphere was lowered, everyone felt as if they heard a very beautiful sound, as if a big stone in their hearts fell quietly.



"The Ark on the Other Side finally has a power system!"

"Can we fly out of the stars now?"

"I never thought that I would be able to set foot on the stars in my lifetime!"

"In the world beyond the stars, you will definitely gain more insights!"

"Long live Her Majesty Queen Crystal! Long live Her Majesty the Regent!"

"Um, are you happy a little too early?"

"It seems that the installation has not been completed yet. His Royal Highness the Regent's face has not relaxed yet!"

"That is, if the installation work was so easy, His Royal Highness the Regent would have arranged it long ago. Why would he go to the Hall of Valor Hall of Illusions to test some Ancestral Dragon Mimicry..."

"That's right... we should arrange for the Ancestral Dragon Mimic to come on stage next, right?"

"I really want to see how powerful the legendary ancestral dragon is..."

"Since it was saved for the finale, then its job should be more important than the dozens of dragon mimics just now, right?"

Sure enough, while everyone was talking, the area around the engine had been cleared again.

The dozens of giant dragon mimics that had just been responsible for pulling and hoisting gathered together, and the relevant personnel quickly left the scene, looking like a storm was about to come.

"So now it's my turn?"

In an open space on the sidelines, Huo Siyu said with a smile.

It is said to be an open space, but in fact it is more like an operation station - an operation station specifically for engines. In addition to her, Lu Yu and Fu Jing are also here.

Although the engine has been placed and embedded, and various preliminary debugging work has been prepared, there is still one most critical step that has not been completed, and that is the ignition drive.

It is not an easy task to ignite and drive the engine of a star warship, especially if it is adapted to be used on the Ark on the Other Side. If this step does not have the power of the Ancestral Dragon, I don’t know how many dragons will be piled up. Only with the power can it be completed.

Once there are too many, it will be difficult to achieve unified coordination. Therefore, it can be said that without the power of the Ancestral Dragon, even if Lu Yu mobilizes hundreds of members of the Renaissance Alliance at this time, he wants to Successfully igniting the drive is also a very long shot.

Fortunately, Lu Yu doesn't need to worry about this problem at this time. Now he not only has Huo Siyu who has mastered the ancestral dragon mimicry at his disposal, but he even has another Fu Jing who has also mastered the ancestral dragon mimicry as a backup.

Hearing Huo Siyu's words at this time, Lu Yu couldn't help but glance at her and asked: "Have you already prepared it?"

Brewing, this is a new step after the launch of the Golden Flame Yulong Pill. Compared with the Red Flame Jade Dragon Pill, it is indeed a bit more complicated, but it can achieve better results.

Huo Siyu nodded: I had already taken the elixir when they started preparing for the hoisting, and now I feel that my strength is almost uncontrollable..."

"Then let's start!" Lu Yu said, "When you reach the bottleneck, I will ask Jing'er to come in and help you depending on the situation."

Huo Siyu tilted his head, looked at Fu Jing aside, and smiled slightly: "I didn't expect that we would join forces again... I'll leave it to you later!"

After saying that, without waiting for Fu Jing to respond, light suddenly burst out from his body and quickly stretched into the shape of a giant dragon.

A powerful force then surged out and rushed towards the irregular sphere.

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