Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2071 Source of Power

The surface of an irregular sphere has exactly a circular orbit.

Zulong's mimetic body coiled along the track, like a slot, tightly squeezed in, and then began to twist slowly.

This scene is very much like a child playing with a top. Zulong's mimetic body is a whip wrapped with a top, and the irregular sphere is the top itself.

The so-called ignition drive is to accelerate the rotation of this huge top that is many times larger than a child's toy. In this way, the power source of the entire ark is activated.

With Huo Siyu's efforts, the engine began to spin slowly.

Everyone didn't think anything was wrong at first, but after just a few breaths, everyone found that the dragon city under their feet began to rotate.

On the contrary, the irregular sphere became constant and seemed to gradually lie motionless in the center of the dragon city.

This is obviously impossible...

All this is just an illusion of moving and static reference switching.

They saw that the engine was stationary, which only meant that it was running at extremely high speeds.

Unexpectedly, Huo Siyu could drive the entire Ark on the Other Side by himself.

The power of Ancestral Dragon Mimicry is indeed powerful!

However, everyone had no time to marvel at this time, and they all looked for buildings that could support them to stabilize their bodies, otherwise it would be just the reaction force that started, and they would all be thrown away.

After a while, everyone was at my heels again, and the voices of exclamation came belatedly.

"So domineering!"

"The Zulong is really powerful!"

"No wonder His Royal Highness the Regent asked the Ancestral Dragon Mimic to complete this step. Such a powerful force cannot be achieved even if hundreds of giant dragons are dispatched!"

"It should be successful now, right?"

"...Really, His Royal Highness the Regent didn't say a word of warning, I even knocked out my front teeth..."

Although they experienced a little twists and turns, everyone was very excited.

In comparison, Lu Yu's face looked solemn.

The Ancestral Dragon's mimetic body wrapped around the engine and reached an extremely high speed.

In order to obtain the maximum kinetic energy, even Huo Siyu's entire body shape was integrated into the Zulong Mimicry, because it was easier to exert force. In terms of the driving effect alone, what Huo Siyu had done had achieved the expected effect.

However, the ignition still failed...

This is mainly because the Ark on the other side has been silent for too long. It is like an old bone. If you want to move it again, it will naturally take more effort.

not enough……

The speed must be further increased!

Lu Yu couldn't help but look at Fu Jing beside him and said, "It seems it's time for you to appear."

Fu Jing looked quite uneasy: "Do you really want to go? I'm not sure if I can do it... Otherwise, you should do it!"

Although she had successfully evolved the body of an ancestral dragon before, it was in the special force field of the Hall of Valor Hall of Valor after all. Without the support of the force field, in fact, like Lu Yu, she was just a "theoretical school" .

Lu Yu shook his head: "Your situation is different from mine... If you want to evolve the ancestral dragon mimicry, in addition to taking pills, you must also have the power of gods as a basis... Although my power of red lotus can Simulating the power of the Peacock King and Thousand Eyes King is the power of the Dragon God, but these are only extremely microscopic partial simulations. This level is not enough for me to successfully evolve the ancestral dragon mimicry... …”

"But I also don't have the power of gods..." Fu Jing said.

Lu Yu glanced at her and said, "Don't you understand yet? The power of the gods is just a proxy. What Yehua Zulong Mimicry really needs is this level of power, which is the third level of power we talked about before. Second-level power, the power of gods, the power of heaven and earth all belong to this category, in addition to the power of the blood of your Guanlan clan..."

Fu Jing couldn't help showing an extremely surprised expression: "You mean, the blood power in our Guanlan clan also belongs to the second level of power?"

Lu Yu smiled faintly: "Just imagine, the power of Tiangang and Earthly Evil came into being under the evolution of the laws of the big world, and was degraded from the power of stars to the second level... And the real name of the starry sky of your Guanlan clan happens to be It is similar to the true name of the starry sky in the Guanlan world. From this point of view, the existence of your Guanlan clan can be compared to the basis of the laws of the Guanlan world... The second level of the world is now bred in your body. Power, this doesn’t seem so incredible…”

"In addition, there is another point. Do you think Huo Siyu can master the power of the gods so easily, and have more than ten different gods' powers integrated in her body, just by relying on her personal intelligence?"

Fu Jing couldn't help being completely stunned, and was speechless as time ran out.

Lu Yu took a gentle breath and continued: "It can be seen that the secrets hidden in your Guanlan clan are probably far more incredible than expected... However, there is no need to consider this for the time being. Let’s finish this matter first! I believe you will gain more new insights in the process of using the power of blood to evolve the ancestral dragon form!”

Fu Jing nodded.

No longer entangled at the moment, she had already taken the Golden Flame Jade Dragon Pill in advance, completed the brewing steps, and directly drove the power in her body to evolve into the dragon form.

Compared with Huo Siyu's neatness, she was obviously not as smooth and free, but after a while, she still successfully evolved the ancestral dragon mimicry.

Finally, following Lu Yu's reminder, she saw the right opportunity and rushed into the engine...

The Ark of the Other Shore finally successfully completed engine installation and activation.

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