Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2072 Emergency Situation

The sky was violently turbulent.

There was a buzzing sound in the ears, constantly shaking everyone's eardrums.

"It's so noisy..."

"What happened?"

"It is a miraculous treasure in heaven..."

"What happened up there?"

"Is there going to be another miracle?"

For most people, they do not know the secret of the miraculous treasure. Only those who are qualified to enter know that the miraculous treasure is actually the Dragon Clan's most precious treasure, the Ark on the Other Side.

At this time, in the eyes of everyone on the ground, the behemoth in the sky was undergoing tremendous changes. The Miracle Treasure originally looked like an upside-down mountain range, but now the entire mountain range was shaking violently, as if it was about to collapse.

After a while, a "mountain" collapsed and fell down.

People immediately exclaimed in shock.

However, before their exclamations stopped, the fallen "mountain" was suspended in mid-air again, as if it was bound and pulled by some strange force.

Next, more "mountains" collapsed, and more "mountains" were pulled and bound.

These "mountains" do not really fall, but slowly move and adjust according to specific rules.

It was only then that everyone discovered that it was just the miraculous treasure that was reorganizing itself. It gradually transformed from the original irregular shape of an upside-down mountain into a regular three-dimensional geometric shape.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

"What the hell is going on here?"

"What are the adults in heaven doing?"

"A miracle! A miracle! This is indeed a miracle!"

Amid everyone's shock, the miraculous treasure gradually reorganized into a huge diamond-shaped cone that stretched across the sky.

This brand new miraculous treasure is not only full of ancient mysterious colors in appearance, but also has strange and unpredictable gorgeous lines on its surface.

If you analyze it carefully, you will find that those lines are actually mysterious totems related to the dragon.

Until this moment, the true and complete picture of the Ark on the other side for hundreds of millions of years was finally revealed to the world without reservation.

Such a scene never happened even when Lu Yu escaped from Huangtian World in the Ark of the Other Shore, because Nash's Ark of the Other Shore was not complete.

The powerful sense of oppression that was naturally revealed made everyone on the ground so surprised that they were completely speechless. They all knelt on the ground and worshiped.

Compared to the people on the ground, the people inside the Ark on the other side were equally shocked.

As the deck above the dome re-closed and the engine installation work was successfully completed, the entire dragon city lit up and became brightly lit in the blink of an eye.

The brightness has reached an unprecedented level. Even when the Kuangsha Array was launched before, there was no such sight.

After all, the Kuangsha Array is only a response to a part of the function. At this time, as the engine is loaded and activated, it is like a powerful heart has been injected into the entire Ark on the other side, and all the facilities inside the Ark are reviving.

However, this situation did not last long. The flickering formation lights everywhere only lasted for a period of time, and then extinguished one by one. The entire dragon city fell silent again, leaving only a relatively core area. Still shining brightly.

Lu Yu was not surprised by this. Every area in the city corresponded to corresponding functions. These functions can only function normally if they are presided over by the power of the dragon.

The flash in the pan just now was just a test response. It only meant that its function was still normal, but for it to take effect, it needed the power of the dragon to be stationed.

However, although he knew about it, the surrounding members of the Renaissance Alliance did not know about it, and they were all surprised.

"Hey, what's going on? It lit up and then went out?"

"Is it broken again?"

"What exactly went wrong? Is it not completely fixed yet?"

"Then can we fly into the stars now?"

Lu Yu didn't have time to explain this to everyone.

As the Ark on the Other Side showed its true picture, it was not only the people inside Guantian World who paid attention to this scene, but also some powerful beings outside the world who also noticed the changes here.

For example, the leader of the Tianwei Legion, who regarded himself as a god, was immediately inundated with contact requests, and his powerful will descended directly on the Demon Dragon Field No. 2, forcing Lu Yu to deal with it first.

When Lu Yu arrived at Demon Dragon Field No. 2, the image of the God of Might had already appeared in the light and shadow of the formation. Even without the blessing of the formation from Huo Siyu and others, his figure was still very clear.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yu and Huo Siyu, who had hurried over, couldn't help but look at each other, and both saw surprise in each other's eyes.

It seems like this guy really has some skills...

No wonder at the end of the last contact, he just said something cool and coaxing: Waiting for his news.

However, Lord Tianwei ignored the two men's little actions and asked directly, "Tell me immediately, what happened on your side?"

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