Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2073 An hour appointment

Tianwei Shenjun behaves exactly like a superior treats his subordinates.

Lu Yu was naturally quite dissatisfied, but compared to this, he was more curious about how the other party brought his will here.

So he asked: "Your Majesty Shenjun, how did you get here? We didn't even activate the formation before..."

Lord Tianwei smiled coldly: "As long as I leave a mark, do you still need to take the initiative to activate the formation contact? Forget it, you know nothing about the power of the starry sky. Hurry up and answer my question just now, you What happened over there? Why did I detect a very strong power fluctuation? "

Lu Yu's brows moved slightly, and his thoughts suddenly changed, and he said: "His Majesty Shenjun is indeed boundless in power. Your feeling is not wrong. There are indeed some situations on our side, but this is not a bad thing, but a piece of good news..."

"Not long ago, we unintentionally opened a mechanism inside the Ark on the Other Side, causing the entire Ark to repair itself to a certain extent. The repair process has just ended. I didn't expect you to feel it immediately."

"What did you say?"

Lord Tianwei was very surprised: "You mean... the Ark on the other side has been repaired by you?"

"It's just a partial repair, and it's not the repair we completed, but the Ark has the effect of self-repair this time." Lu Yu replied without blinking an eyelid.

Lord Tianwei didn't speak for a long time, obviously he needed some time to digest this incredible news.

However, just as Lu Yu expected, the Lord Tianwei was not sure of the truth behind this matter. In the end, it was obviously easier for him to believe in the power of the Dragon Clan's treasure than to believe in the vast magical powers of Lu Yu and others.

"To what extent has it been repaired?" Lord Tianwei asked again.

"Um... I'm sorry, Your Majesty Shenjun, I can't answer too specifically, because we have never had any experience in this area... But the basic power should have been restored, maybe we can try to drive it out of here. The world." Lu Yu replied.

Lord Tianwei couldn't help but his eyes narrowed.

Immediately, a point of light and shadow burst out on the Demon Dragon No. 2 field, and a coordinate position was clearly marked.

"You immediately activate the Ark on the other side and come to this place to join me. I will wait for you here... You have only one hour to arrive. Don't play any tricks, otherwise you should know what will happen!" Godly Lord Tianwei Cold voice said.

Lu Yuwei said: "Your Excellency Shenjun, it's not that we are unwilling to follow your instructions. You also know that we have just unlocked some of the functions of this Ark on the Other Side. It is still difficult to master it. We are not sure within an hour. Whether it can be done..."

Lord Tianwei said: "As I said just now, I can sense the power fluctuations on your side. With this level of power fluctuations, there will be no problem for the Ark on the other side to fly out of the big world... There is no room for negotiation on this matter. , in short, I will see the Ark on the other side appear within my sight within an hour, otherwise you will bear all the consequences!"

After saying that, he snorted heavily, and the figure disappeared, and the formation of the Demonic Dragon Field No. 2 also fell silent.

It was as if the formation here was completely under his control.

Lu Yu and Huo Siyu stood on the sidelines, feeling their scalps numb.

It felt like there was a pair of invisible eyes in the dark, silently watching them.

"Did you see it? How did he do all this?" Lu Yu turned to Huo Siyu and asked.

Huo Siyu frowned: "It seems that he has left a spiritual imprint here. He can remotely connect with this spiritual imprint through some special means, thereby activating the formation here for his use... But , this kind of remote connection should cost a lot of money, it is impossible to monitor anytime and anywhere, and he has never actively turned it on before, otherwise he should know every move on our side, at least he should know about me. What I did here in the past few days..."

Lu Yu said speechlessly: "What you said is not nonsense. He also said that he left a mark just now. If this mark can really let him know everything, we will have no chance to talk here now... I think What I’m talking about is, can you sense his mark and find it? You’re a thousand-year-old monster, but you don’t have this ability!”

Huo Siyu said: "This will take some time... But even if we find it, so what? Do you still want to erase it? I advise you not to act rashly. Even if we have the ability to erase it, the other party will definitely You will notice it soon..."

Lu Yu sighed softly: "That's true, but it makes him feel a little uncomfortable to leave his eyes here like this..."

Huo Siyu said: "Should you distinguish priorities first...Compared with this, how are you going to deal with his one-hour appointment?"

Lu Yu was silent for a moment, then smiled coldly: "What else can we do? Since he can't wait so hard, then of course we have to satisfy him!"

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