Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2074 Step into the Starry Sky

Thunder and lightning.

There was cold lightning in all directions, and the pale light was as bright as day.

Inside the Ark on the Other Side, the members of the Renaissance Alliance watched this scene helplessly, and couldn't help but feel horrified in their hearts.

In fact, this scene is not a real thunder, but a picture shown by the internal formation of the Ark on the other side. At this time, the Ark on the other side was breaking through the constraints of the laws of the great world. In order to obtain a better view, His Highness the Regent did not know what means he used. Suddenly, a layer of light curtain floated on the bulkhead inside the Ark, and then the real-time scene outside Then it appeared.

Therefore, at this time, the Ark on the other side seems to have removed its outer shell, and the dragon city inside directly faces the sky... Of course, this is only in terms of the visual perception. In fact, the outer shell of the Ark on the other side is still continuously protected, otherwise these thunders on the outside are It has already torn everyone into pieces.

However, even though they knew all this, they still couldn't stop the emotions of horror from growing in everyone's hearts, because this scene was so shocking.

"Is this the legendary disaster?"

"I guess so...the laws of the great world will try their best to restrain every object that wants to get rid of it. If we want to step into the starry sky, we will inevitably suffer the backlash of his power."

"In other words, we can be regarded as overcoming the tribulation now?"

"Of course, if you don't undergo the baptism of transcending tribulation, how can you soar into the sky and set foot in the starry sky?"

Everyone looked up at the sky and exchanged a few words with each other from time to time to express their inner shock.

But at this moment, a round figure suddenly appeared and said loudly: "The second group, please take your place and prepare to take over from the first group... The rest of the people should not continue to be here in a daze. Please perform your duties. There are no tasks for the time being." Hurry up and recharge your batteries, there will be even more shocking scenes to come!”

This person is Guo Kun, who can currently be regarded as the third person in the Ark.

Before that, he was just the Lord of the Western Mountains of Shenyu Palace. He only came under the influence of the Regent because he surrendered early. Many people felt that he was just good at adjusting to the wind and happened to be at the right time. Fell into the camp of the Renaissance Alliance.

However, after this period of training inside the Ark on the Other Side, people's ideas have gradually changed. The old order here has been disrupted, and people only judge the level of control of the dragon's mimicry.

From this point of view, it is understandable that Guo Kun is the third figure in the Ark... However, this point seems to have been shaken recently, because a mysterious girl appeared from nowhere and was able to evolve together with His Highness the Regent. Zulong Mimicry, even the engine was successfully installed with her help.

But no matter what, Guo Kun still has a very high prestige among everyone. When he heard what he said, everyone immediately dispersed, leaving only the power-controlled area where the members of the second group went to prepare. Replace the first group that is currently manipulating the magic circle.

Everything was going on nervously and orderly.

About a quarter of an hour later, the shaking inside the ark suddenly stopped. Everyone couldn't help but look up again, and saw that their eyes had turned into an extremely quiet and brilliant starry sky.

They finally successfully stepped into the starry sky...

Seeing this scene, even Huo Siyu couldn't help but feel a little lost for a moment.

Although she was once the supreme power of the Guanlan Empire and dominated the Guantian world for hundreds of years, even after her own death, she still became the nightmare of the Temple of Hades for a long period of time... But what was in front of her was This scene was something she had never seen before.

Staring at the dazzling starry sky, she couldn't help but feel a little dazed for a moment. As she escaped from the world of observing the sky, she also felt a sense of detachment, as if everything in the past was disappearing.


A soft female voice called from the side.

Huo Siyu is not the only one who feels this way. As Huo Yunru, who also set foot in the starry sky for the first time, she also feels similar.

"We have left the big world..." Huo Yunru said in a complicated tone.

"I know." Huo Yunru turned around and glanced at her with a deep look, "Don't worry, I know everything!"

Huo Yunru seemed to be hesitant to speak at first, but when she glanced at her, she swallowed all the words in her stomach.

"Now that we have finally broken through the world of major events, we just need to move forward according to the established course. There should be a short period of stability. Go over and call him over!" Huo Siyu said again.

Huo Yunru couldn't help being slightly startled.

Although Huo Siyu did not have a name, the word "he" represented only one person. Apart from Lu Yu, there was no one else in the entire Ark on the Other Side who could catch her eye.

"Why did the emperor ask him to come here..." Huo Yunru asked.

Huo Siyu gave him a strange look.

Huo Yunru said quickly: "Please forgive me for overstepping my bounds. I just want to know under what name should I invite him over... You also know that he is very busy now. If there is no legitimate reason, I'm afraid he may not pay attention to me." …”

Huo Siyu said: "It's not that I want to see him, but someone wants to see him. Since we have successfully escaped from the big world, this scene must not be hidden from anyone. I believe that the mighty God will contact us again soon... … Just go and get him!”

Huo Yunru hurried away.

After a while, Lu Yu rushed over, dusty as expected.

During this period, Huo Yunru happened to adjust the formation of the Demonic Dragon Field No. 2 and aimed the sight distance at the area where the Tianwei Legion was located, and the images of battleships appeared one after another.

"Have you found their location?" Lu Yu said in surprise.

When the starry battleships of the Mighty Legion of Heaven first sailed across the starry sky, they formed a comet-like scene in the sky.

But as the Tianwei Army fell into silence during this period, the sight of the comet also disappeared. Lu Yu and others had lost their whereabouts, but unexpectedly Huo Siyu found them again.

"It's not that difficult..." Huo Siyu said, "Since Lord Tianwei has set a time limit of one hour, it will definitely not be too far away from the agreed place. As long as we search within this range, we can easily find them." Find out the location..."

"What's more, he also left a spiritual mark in this magic circle. The guiding effect of this mark is mutual. It will naturally be easier to find his location..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but his eyes lit up: "So, you also found his spiritual mark?"

Huo Siyu nodded and looked at him without blinking: "That's why I called you over and wanted to ask you what your plans are next..."

"Do you want me to erase his mental imprint? Or rather, when should I erase it?"

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