Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2075 Entering the drama in one second

Similar issues were mentioned by the two men not long ago.

At that time, Huo Siyu also advised Lu Yu not to act rashly...

But the situation is completely different now.

Unless Lu Yu and others are willing to accept the incorporation of the Tianwei Legion and honestly offer the Ark on the Other Side with both hands, the next battle is inevitable.

Since this battle is inevitable, there is no need to consider other issues, only how and when to fight next.

And when the fight actually breaks out, it is natural to take the lead in erasing the mental imprint left by the other party to prevent the other party from spying on one's key arrangements. That's why Huo Siyu raised such a question to Lu Yu.

However, after hearing Huo Siyu's question, Lu Yu was even more surprised: "Were you able to erase his mental imprint?"

Not long ago, she looked like she had little confidence, but she didn't expect that she has become so sure now. Could it be that after escaping from the laws of the world and seeing the magnificent quiet starry sky, she had realized something so quickly?

Huo Siyu smiled slightly: "At first, I thought this was difficult, but after careful study, I found that it was not as difficult as I thought... Even while studying this spiritual imprint, there were some additional things for me. It’s an unexpected surprise... Do you need me to share these insights with you?”

Lu Yu smiled and said: "We will talk about sharing later. There is no time to waste on it now. As long as you are sure that you have the ability to erase the other party's mental imprint at any time, it will be easier..."

Huo Siyu blinked: "What are you going to do?"

Lu Yu looked at the distribution of Tianwei Legion's warships displayed in the Demonic Dragon's Second Transformation Field, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "Still the same old rules, first find a suitable angle!"

Huo Siyu was slightly startled: "Do you still want to repeat the scene last time?"

Lu Yu spread his hands: "There is no way. Although the Kuangsha attack is powerful enough, it cannot be fired continuously. Our firepower is very limited. Only by creating the most favorable conditions can we win by surprise!"

"But the opponent's warships are numerous and scattered in all directions. No matter how hard you look for an angle, you can't find an angle that can pierce the opponent to death..."

Lu Yu smiled mysteriously: "Since we can't find it ourselves, we can only find a way to get them to actively cooperate with us!"

After saying that, he ignored Huo Siyu's confused gaze and suddenly raised his hand. Suddenly a dragon-shaped light and shadow appeared, and then flew into the distance, disappearing at the end of the distant dragon city in the blink of an eye.

Huo Siyu couldn't help but be surprised.

She saw that there was a complex message hidden in the dragon-shaped light and shadow that Lu Yu sent out. It seemed to be a special method of transmitting messages. Lu Yu was using this method to issue orders to his subordinates somewhere in the other side of the Ark. , but she didn’t know what the specific content was.

Lu Yu didn't explain much about this. Seeing the dragon-shaped light and shadow disappear, he said again: "Please help me contact you!"

Huo Siyu was immediately surprised: "Are you going to take the initiative to contact Lord Tianwei?"

Lu Yu looked innocent: "Didn't you call me here just to have a conversation with him?"

Huo Siyu couldn't help but glance at the direction Lu Yu came from, but it was a pity that Huo Yunru was not as fast as Lu Yu. He hadn't rushed back yet, otherwise she would have asked the other party if the message was wrong.

"I wanted you to have a nice conversation with him, but I didn't tell you to take the initiative to contact him..."

Lu Yu said: "It's the same anyway... Now that you've seen through his spiritual imprint, it shouldn't be difficult to get in touch with him in turn, right? There's no need to ask Jing'er and the others to come over and form a formation with you. Bar?"

Huo Siyu shook his head: "The last formation was to break through the blockade of the Great World Law and create a gap in the Great World Law to communicate with the outside world... Now that the Great World Law is gone, what is the need to form an formation? But are you sure you really want me to do this?"

Lu Yu nodded and said: "Let's start quickly! If we delay it any longer, the arrangements I just made will be in vain!"

Seeing what he said, Huo Siyu immediately stopped hesitating, secretly gathered strength in his body, stretched out his hand and pointed forward, and suddenly a beam of light came down.

Along with the beam of light descending, there was also the figure of Lord Tianwei.

Godly Lord Tianwei was obviously not prepared before, as he suddenly appeared in the beam of light, with a rather surprised look on his face.

He frowned and was about to ask, but unexpectedly Lu Yu said before him: "Your Excellency Shenjun... we have broken out of the shackles of the laws of the world!"

When he said this, Lu Yu's demeanor had completely changed.

His face was full of excitement, and his excitement was palpable.

Huo Siyu couldn't help but raised his eyebrows slightly.

If she hadn't witnessed the whole process with her own eyes, she might have been deceived by Lu Yu. This guy's acting skills were really good, and he changed his face whenever he said it. He didn't even need to prepare his emotions. He just fell into the act in one second.

"Very good, I have noticed the movement on your side. Now, please follow the location I sent you before and come over to me immediately..."

God Lord Tianwei had not finished speaking, but at this moment, the Ark on the other side suddenly trembled violently, and even the figures in the light pillar became blurred.

"I'm sorry, Your Excellency Shenjun..."

Lu Yu's expression became panic again: "Although we have successfully broken out of the shackles of the laws of the big world, the Ark on the other side has also suffered a lot of damage in the process... We seem to be a little out of control now!"

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