Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2076 Stars twinkling

"Out of control?" Lord Tianwei frowned, "What exactly is the situation? Which department of the Ark on the Other Side is it specifically..."

However, before he could finish his sentence, Lu Yu made a gesture to Huo Siyu who was standing aside.

Although Huo Siyu was a little shocked, he immediately understood what he meant, and then erased the other party's mental imprint, and the air contact between the two parties was interrupted.

The panic on Lu Yu's face was wiped away, and he returned to his original expression of wisdom.

At the same time, the Ark on the other side also stopped trembling, and the ship became stable again, as if nothing just happened.

Huo Siyu immediately understood. The shaking just now was obviously arranged by Lu Yu. No wonder he said before, "If you don't hurry up, it will be too late." He had already planned the relationship, and everything was just directed and acted by him. .

"Next, ignore this mighty god. If he wants to establish remote contact with us again, just reject him directly. Can you do that?" Lu Yu said.

Huo Siyuma nodded with difficulty: "So, this is your plan... pretending to lose control? Do you think the other party will believe it?"

Lu Yu smiled faintly: "Whether they believe it or not, we will deviate from our original course. How do you think they will react when they see us deviating from our course?"

Huo Siyu couldn't help being stunned.

She immediately understood Lu Yu's plan completely.

The reaction of the Tianwei Legion is not difficult to guess. Regardless of whether the Godly Lord Tianwei was deceived by Lu Yu's acting skills just now, facing the Ark on the Other Side that is gradually losing control, unless they are willing to give up completely, they will have no choice but to catch up.

And when they caught up, their speeds varied, and they were easily pulled into a straight formation. In this way, the Ark on the other side had the best angle to launch the crazy blow, which is exactly what Lu Yu said Let them "actively cooperate".

If the opponent's star battleship is really pulled into a straight line during the chase, then with the powerful power shown by the previous Kuangsha blow, it is indeed possible to penetrate the opponent directly like a candied haws.

However, this is not without risks. If the opponent's warships are fast enough, they may adopt a strategy of moving forward separately, and eventually surround the Ark on the other side like an open cloth bag.

In that case, there is simply no suitable angle for Ark Beyond to annihilate the opponent in one fell swoop, and as long as it cannot annihilate the opponent in one fell swoop, with the huge number of Tianwei Legion, Ark Beyond will definitely fall into a tight siege...

It can be predicted that what follows will be a thrilling chase in the starry sky.

"Okay, I'll leave this to you!" Lu Yu said again: "In addition to avoiding the prying eyes of Lord Tianwei, you must also always help us pay attention to the surrounding situation... From now on, you are our guide in the starry sky. in the eyes!”

After speaking, he smiled slightly and without waiting for Huo Siyu's response, he turned around and left. His figure transformed into a spectacle, and in the blink of an eye he merged into the strange light above the dragon city.

It was only then that Huo Yunru returned belatedly.

"Emperor... was that Feng who just left? Is the matter settled?" Huo Yunru said in surprise.

Huo Siyu breathed a sigh of relief: "On the contrary, things here have just begun... By the way, which group are you in? Didn't they assign you a task?"

"Yes, some of our clan members and I were assigned to the ninth group..."

Huo Siyu nodded, then waved his hand: "Okay, then you can go about your business and just follow their instructions... Then the show will really begin!"


The engine that had just been loaded was running on full steam.

The speed of the Ark on the other side quickly reached its limit, and the light from the tail flame was like a meteor cutting through the night sky.

But even so, Lu Yu was still not satisfied.

After all, this engine originated from the starry sky battleship of the Tianwei Legion, and even on the original starry sky battleship, it was not original, but was pieced together from nowhere.

Therefore, although the previous installation of the engine was very successful, and it can be said that its performance on the Ark of the Other Shore has reached 100%, the performance of the Ark of the Other Shore itself has not yet reached 100%... It can even be said that it is not even 50%. Didn't play it.

At this moment, Lu Yu couldn't help but miss the black tail of the dragon fish in the original world... It is said that the dragon and the black tail were one of the original power cores of the Ark on the Other Side. It was a pity that when he left, the dragon clan had not completed its control of it. Repair fit.

Otherwise, if this Ark on the Other Side had the blessing of the Dragon Fish Black Tail, the entire starry sky would have been at his disposal long ago, and it would be extremely easy to deal with the situation in front of him.

Sure enough, after a while, dazzling "stars" appeared in the dark space.

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