Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2079 Regal Flagship


This is the vehicle of the Mighty God Lord and the flagship of the entire Tianmighty Legion.

Although it is also pieced together from resources plundered from all sides, as the flagship of the Tianwei Legion, the Regal has the highest configuration. It may look ordinary on the surface, but the structure inside is like a magnificent Even if a single part of this magnificent palace is dismantled, it is enough to be regarded as an unrivaled treasure.

Even in the entire Sea of ​​Broken Stars, this is a battleship that is famous for its powerful combat power. The Mighty Divine Lord drove it to conquer all over the Sea of ​​Broken Stars, and only then did he gain the great fame of the Mighty God Legion.

To a certain extent, the Regal can also be regarded as the domain of the God of Might, and his cultivation for thousands of years has been pinned on this battleship.

On such a battleship, all kinds of functions are naturally available. At this time, the formation inside the Regal shows the scene of the Ark on the other side.

The picture shows a scene that happened earlier... Two star warships responsible for interception were directly breached by the Ark of the Other Side. Even the people in charge of the two warships didn't understand what was going on. Such a strange thing. The entire Tianwei Legion was instantly stunned, so the Godly Lord Tianwei had to use his own cultivation to recreate the previous scene.

Against a pitch-black background, the Ark on the Other Side was as nimble as a swimming fish. It accurately hit the weak link of the two star warships, and opened a shocking rift just right...

This scene is repeated over and over again in the light and shadow of the formation. Although it is obviously just a diamond-shaped cone-shaped ark on the other side, it gives people the feeling of a dragon going out to sea.

On the Regal, a group of senior officials from the Tianwei Legion watched repeatedly and remained silent for a long time without making a sound.

"Haha...Is this what is called losing control?"

Lord Tianwei suddenly sneered and was the first to break the silence.

"I didn't expect that a little native would dare to play tricks with us!" A man with triangular eyes next to him said through gritted teeth, revealing a mouth full of silver teeth.

This person's name is Gang Ya, and he is also the deputy of the Godly Lord Tianwei. The deputy leader of the Tianwei Legion is not only the Iron Hand Venerable, but this Gang Ya is also one of the deputy leaders.

The two battleships that were just smashed by the Ark on the Other Side were his direct subordinates. It took him an unknown amount of effort and many plunders to gather enough materials to piece together these two star warships. , but he didn't expect it to be crashed instantly. At this time, his heart was bleeding.

"This person is not a small native... The Guanlan clan has a very long history. As early as thousands of years ago, some of their ancestors cooperated with the legions of the Sea of ​​Broken Stars, so their traditions have long been spread in the Sea of ​​Broken Stars. Judging by their names, they can be considered a pretty good force..." said another senior executive next to him.

This person's name is Red Fox.

He is also one of the deputy leaders of the Tianwei Legion, but he and Gangya have never dealt with each other. If it weren't for the fact that this time it was about the dragon clan's treasure, Qianyi, the mighty god, would not have let these two subordinates get together.

"So what?" Gangya said angrily, "No matter what, the natives are still the natives! They don't have the ability to leave their own world, no matter how powerful they are, how powerful can they be? They are just lucky, and the dragon treasure happened to appear In this big world, maybe the reason why they can last for thousands of years is because the dragon clan protects itself!"

Red Fox said lightly: "I'm just stating the facts. Could it be that the majestic Gangya Venerable only belittles others? Regardless of whether you admit his strength or not, in short, now he has broken through the pride of some parallel importers. The line of defense is an indisputable fact..."

"What did you say?" Gangya was furious, "Red Fox, are you going to have a head-to-head contest? Let's see who is the real parallel importer!"


Lord Tianwei gave a low shout and stopped the dispute between the two subordinates.

"Instead of arguing here, it's better to spend more time thinking about what to do about the current situation!"

Gangya and Red Fox immediately closed their mouths at the same time, but their eyes were still very unconvinced with each other.

However, due to the pressure from Lord Tianwei, they all temporarily tolerated it.

Lord Tianwei couldn't help but feel a little headache.

He knew that the conflict between his two subordinates had been going on for a long time... The two star warships that were responsible for intercepting the Ark of the Other Side just appeared, so they would appear at the right time. In fact, it was precisely because Gang Ya wanted to steal the credit that he secretly made arrangements in advance. , after all, he can be regarded as showing off to Red Fox.

It was just that this matter was beneficial to the overall situation, so Lord Tianwei did not pursue it.

Before the two star battleships were crashed by the Ark of the Other Side, Gang Ya deliberately showed off in front of Red Fox. Unexpectedly, he became extremely happy and sad in the blink of an eye. Therefore, it is no wonder that Red Fox would sneer at him in turn.

Lord Tianwei calmed down, looked at Red Fox and said, "Tell me your opinion!"

Red Fox said: "Obviously, this indigenous king of the Guanlan clan wants to monopolize the dragon clan's treasure. Perhaps he did express his desire to surrender to Tie Shou before, but now after seeing the true power of this dragon clan's treasure, he has already Gone... But this is not entirely a bad thing. At least it has been confirmed that the dragon treasure is indeed real, and this treasure is really the Ark of the Other Side... It is just that the price of this confirmation is a bit high..."

As he spoke, he glanced at Gangya casually, his eyes full of mockery.

Gangya was furious, veins bulging on his forehead, but he didn't say anything else.

Lord Tianwei just pretended not to notice the little actions of the two people and said calmly: "What else?"

Red Fox said: "Also, this native king is indeed quite clever. It can be seen that the direction they are escaping from is the lair of Qianyanyan Lord... Under your careful arrangement, Lord Captain, where Now they are surrounded by all the avenues of the Sea of ​​Broken Stars. They are most likely trying to take advantage of such a complicated situation to get rid of our tracking... If the rabble over there doesn't know what is going on, they also want to rely on their own battleships. If he is strong enough to stop it, he will definitely use his old tricks again. In such a chaotic situation, they might actually be able to escape successfully! "

Lord Tianwei nodded.

In fact, this is also his judgment.

The reason why he specifically asked about this was not because he needed the approval of his subordinates, but because he hoped that his subordinates could understand the current situation and not engage in unnecessary internal conflicts.

"So, what do you think should be done now?" Lord Tianwei lowered his eyes and asked calmly.

Red Fox was slightly startled, and instantly understood the intention of Lord Tianwei, and sighed softly: "I understand, I will work closely with Gangya, and work together to capture the Ark on the other side... Please give us a helping hand, Captain!"

Although the speed of the Ark on the other side has slowed down, it still takes a lot of time to catch up. In order to avoid long nights and dreams, the best way is to have the God of Might give the two people a boost, so that the two of them can gain an acceleration. Like a thrown hidden weapon, it quickly caught up with the Ark on the other side.

For this "hidden weapon" to really work, the two must put aside their past feud and work together sincerely. Otherwise, judging from the battle example shown by the Ark on the other side just now, there is no way for either of the two to successfully intercept the Ark on the other side.

Lord Tianwei smiled happily: "Boys can be taught! However, you are wrong. I don't need you to intercept the Ark on the other side... With your strength, even if you successfully intercept it, you will not be able to take it away in time... …”

"What I really need you to do is to help me contain Thousand Eyes Lord. At this distance, he may already intervene... As for the Ark on the Other Side, I will personally intercept it!"

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