Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2080 The sharp arrow leaves the string

"Are we going to Qianyanjun's lair now?"

At the same time, Huo Siyu also judged the destination of the Ark on the other side and couldn't help but said in surprise.

Although Ark on the Other Side had broken through the interception at this time, the main force of the Tianwei Army was still chasing after them. Lu Yu still needed Huo Siyu's "eyes" to pay attention to the movements behind him at all times, so the communication channel established by the ninth team was still Not aborted.

"Yes." Lu Yuyan responded concisely and concisely.

"Is there any special reason for this?" Huo Siyu asked, "Isn't your original plan just to attract the Mighty Heavenly Legion to pursue you? Why do you want to add unnecessary complications?"

Thousand Eyes Lord's lair is definitely not a safe situation... Not to mention Thousand Eyes Lord's own strength, in addition to that, there are also many starry sky thieves scattered in that area. If they enter rashly, If you are not careful, you will end up getting burned.

"What do you think if I say that I want to take advantage of this opportunity to kill Thousand-Eyed Lord as well?" Lu Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

Huo Siyu was shocked: "Are you crazy...are you serious?"

"Of course it's fake!"

Lu Yu said angrily: "The reason why I chose to break out from this direction is to find a group of spectators so that they can witness the power of the 'Crazy Strike' with their own eyes, so that no one will think that we are easy to bully. I don't want to have to do it all the time in the future." To deal with such troubles as the Tianwei Army..."

Huo Siyu couldn't help but was speechless for a while. He didn't expect that Lu Yu had such a purpose.

This guy is really brave. Not only does he want to get rid of the mighty Tianwei Legion, he also wants to solve the subsequent troubles once and for all. He is simply playing with fire...

But then again, if you want to find an "audience", there is really no one more suitable than the group of star thieves in the Sea of ​​Broken Stars.

After a pause, Lu Yu added: "Of course, if there is a chance to defeat Qianyanyanjun, I won't be polite at all! By then, it will all depend on your performance!"

"My performance?"

"It's not going to be easy to catch Thousand-Eyed Lord at once. The right time, right place, right people, and even luck are all indispensable. Naturally, you are also needed to shine..."

Lu Yu smiled meaningfully again: "According to what you said before, Lord Qianyanyan has been holding the key to the lifeblood of your Guanlan clan in his hand, and he has been targeting you for thousands of years. Don't tell me. You never thought about how to counter him... I believe that with your handiwork, you won't disappoint me!"

Hearing this, the look on Huo Siyu's face couldn't help but become playful: "Of course I have had some ideas before, but these ideas are not very practical and must be implemented under specific conditions. After all, I have never done it before. I never thought that one day I would fight him in the world beyond the stars... If you put your hopes in me, you will probably be disappointed!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but thought: "How unrealistic is it? Let's talk about it..."

Huo Siyu pondered for a moment and was about to speak, but something suddenly changed in the Demon Dragon Field No. 2, and her expression suddenly changed:

"Let's wait until you finish dealing with it now... Maybe you won't even have the chance to perform in front of those 'audiences', let alone deal with Thousand Eyes Lord!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but look intently. Due to the existence of the formation channel, although he was not in the Demon Dragon Field No. 2 at this time, the actual effect was the same. He could see the astonishing scene in the Demon Dragon Field No. 2 at a glance. Variety.

Behind them, many starry battleships of the Mighty Legion suddenly dispersed in formation, forming a special formation, like a suddenly spread net.

Each star battleship burst out with dazzling light, and the light and shadow interacted with each other, gradually converging on this huge network structure. After a while, if the gathered light and shadow had substance, the sky actually appeared on it. The figure of Lord Wei Shen.

"What's going on?" Lu Yu was surprised.

Huo Siyu narrowed his beautiful eyes slightly and said in a deep voice: "It seems that this mighty god is not too boastful. Maybe he has not become an official god yet, but he is not far away..."

Before he finished speaking, the light and shadow image of the Mighty God behind him suddenly raised his hand and flicked his fingers. Suddenly, the void seemed to collapse. A strange law that Lu Yu and Huo Siyujun could not understand was instantly activated, and it seemed to turn the void into a bowstring. One of the starry battleships in the Tianwei Legion array was severely ejected.

The star battleship's speed instantly increased several times, and it flew out like a sharp arrow.

The light and shadow image of the God of Might kept moving, and he raised his other hand, and with the same flick of his fingers, the starry sky battleship on the other side of the array also flew out like a sharp arrow.

The two star battleships, one on the left and one on the right, were like wild horses running wild, and they were about to catch up with the Ark on the other side in the blink of an eye.

Fortunately, their direct target is not the Ark on the other side. Judging from the flight trajectory, they will eventually go around from both sides of the Ark on the other side. It seems that they are rushing forward to outflank the Ark on the other side, just like they were crashed before. The two star battleships are generally...

However, with the experience of the two previous starry sky battleships, these two latecomer starry sky battleships will definitely no longer watch the Ark on the other side collide with each other like they did before. They will definitely take the lead before the Ark on the other side can repeat the same trick. Take action.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel his heart sink.

However, the changes behind him still did not stop. I saw the light and shadow image of Lord Tianwei moving again. This time, he retracted his hands and turned into two palms. In an instant, all the brilliance gathered on those palms. , as if all the power was gathered at one point.

Pushing forward with both palms, all the power was immediately added to a starry sky battleship.

The starry battleship is located in the center of the array. It has the most luxurious appearance and the most top-notch configuration. It is the opponent's flagship - Regal.

Although Lu Yu and others did not know the name of the Regal, they could tell at a glance that this starry sky battleship was unusual. It must be the opponent's main flagship, and the person sitting on it was most likely the Lord Tianwei himself.

With the blessing of powerful force, the entire battleship was like a cannonball on a trebuchet, blasting towards the Ark on the other side.

This time, the direction is impartial, and the target is the Ark on the other side, which is running all the way.

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