Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2081 Ready and ready

This series of changes, even if Lu Yu and others were the target of the other party's pursuit, they couldn't help but feel angry.

Not only because the other party's movements were completed in one go, and the three star warships were accelerated in an instant, but also because the method used by the other party to accelerate was a law of power that they had never been exposed to before, which was equivalent to their own. A door to a new world opened in front of them, allowing them to see the power of a powerful person from outside the world for the first time.

Although Lu Yu had dealt with King Peacock and Lord Qianyan before, and had seen the scene when their power exploded, but it was all within the framework of the laws of the world, and the use of power was subject to certain restrictions. It is not the power of a strong man in the true sense.

At this moment, they truly realized what the power of the powerful outsiders was.

These well-known strong men outside the sky are not just names or symbols. They must have the power to stir up the starry sky, and that is why they will leave their names in the star field.

Relatively speaking, Divine Lord Tianwei is not a "powerful divine monarch" in the true sense. All he can do is leave his name in the star field, rather than casting his name in the starry sky... If it were changed, he would have already cast it in the starry sky. The real name is Thousand Eyes Lord, so the scene will probably be even more ugly.

"What do you think?" Huo Siyu asked with lingering fear.

Lu Yu breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's okay..."

"Are you okay?" Huo Siyu looked at him sideways.

This guy is really... still pretending at this time?

Lu Yu said: "The opponent's strength is indeed beyond my expectation. To tell you the truth, I was really shocked just now, especially when I saw the opponent's momentum, I thought they would have even more incredible effects... …But now it seems that it’s just a speed increase, so I can only say it’s okay.”

"Just speeding up?"

Huo Siyu couldn't complain.

In the time it took for the two of them to say these words, the two star battleships that were first to eject had already caught up with the Ark on the other side, and were located on the left and right of the Ark on the other side, and the flagship behind was already close at hand, and it was about to What's to come...these three battleships are at each other's horns, like an open cloth bag. It can be predicted that they will soon be surrounded and attacked by the three.

This was already the case, and he still had the nerve to say that he was just "speeding up"?

Lu Yu once again erupted in dragon mimicry. He stepped on the core array of the control center and controlled the Ark on the other side while giving instructions like flying. In the blink of an eye, the Ark on the other side was at full power again.

After doing all this, he breathed a sigh of relief and continued the topic: "It's really just an increase in numbers. If they can play some other tricks, such as performing space jumps directly in the starry sky, , they suddenly flash in front of us, that’s called no solution... Now, at least they won’t catch up with us right away, which means there is still some room for struggle!”

Huo Siyu couldn't help but be stunned: "Space jump? Your idea is too strange, isn't it? Where did you get the inspiration..."

Lu Yu smiled faintly, but said nothing more.

It's not that his ideas are too out-of-the-box, but that all of this has already been done before...

The floating battleships of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect had the ability to jump in space. Although it was only within one big world, since the floating battleship technology of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect was derived from Emperor Xuanting, who can guarantee it? Don’t the worlds in the heavens outside this starry sky also have similar abilities?

Perhaps it is difficult for ordinary people to achieve that level, but what if it is a strong person like Emperor Xuanting?

The topic is getting a bit far away...

But no matter what, at least it has been confirmed that the opposite God Lord Tianwei has no such ability. With his ability, he can only speed up in the starry sky. It seems that it may indeed put the Ark on the other side into trouble, but Dilemma is not a desperate situation after all.

Just like what he said to Huo Siyu just now, there is still room for struggle at this time, and at this speed, he will soon enter the area where Thousand Eyes Lord's lair is, which means that more variables will happen.

In addition, there is the most critical point. Now the God of Might is personally chasing after them.

Although it is somewhat different from the original idea of ​​destroying the entire Tianmighty Legion in one fell swoop, if the Godly Lord Tianmight himself can be destroyed at once, it can barely be regarded as a guarantee.

Of course, in the current situation, even if a mad attack is used to directly destroy the God of Might, the other two star warships on the side will not let him go. The Ark on the other side is still at risk of falling into a tight siege, but it is too late to worry about it at this time. So many.

Plans cannot keep up with changes.

How can things in this world go as planned?

Lu Yu is also very single. The plan beforehand is only the result of the most perfect state. If perfection cannot be achieved now, then the next-level result is not unacceptable.

As a result, all the members in the Ark on the Other Side were activated, and they took the Golden Flame Controlling Dragon Pill and were ready for a Kuang Sha attack.

The war is about to break out.

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