Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2082 Stubborn

The Regal pursued madly, and the distance between the two sides became closer and closer.

Everyone on the other side of the Ark did not wait. While the Kuangsha array was preparing, Lu Yu was also constantly directing. Under his control, the other side of the Ark began to swing left and right again.

It can be seen that he is trying his best to get rid of the pursuit of Queen Junwei behind him, but the distance between the two sides is still shortening.

In the end, the Regal was almost affixed to the Ark on the Other Side. Even without the help of the formation, Lu Yu could clearly see the details on the Regal. He even directly saw the Lord Tianwei himself...

Unlike the Ark on the Other Side, the bridge of the Majesty is open, and Godly Lord Tianwei stands in the middle of the bridge like a king.

His image is also very different from before. At this time, he is fully armed, with bright armor all over his body. A strange and simple giant sword is inserted in front of him. All kinds of bright brilliance gather on his body, bringing He stood out like a god.

It seemed that in the next moment, he was about to draw his sword and strike, but no one at this distance could stop him.

At this moment, Lord Tianwei revealed his true potential. Compared with the previous contacts and communications, at this time, he finally had some momentum as the commander of the top three thieves in the Sea of ​​Broken Stars... If we say If Lu Yu had doubts about this before, now he has no doubts at all.

But when he saw this scene, Lu Yu suddenly felt something in his heart and shouted loudly: "Stop."

Originally, the Kuangsha Array was ready, and the entire dragon city was growing and stacking up like crazy. Just waiting for Lu Yu's order, the Ark on the other side would open the hatch, reveal its majestic horns, and launch a fatal blow that could destroy the world... Unexpectedly, Lu Yu suddenly stopped at this time.

Everyone has always been accustomed to obeying Lu Yu's orders unconditionally.

But Huo Siyu had not formed such a habit yet, and asked in surprise: "What's wrong?"

Lu Yu raised his eyes slightly, stared at the mighty God Lord on the bridge behind him, and said, "It seems like he wants to capture us alive with his own hands..."

"so what?"

"If that's the case, then let's have fun with him!"

"Play?" Huo Siyu couldn't help but widen his eyes, "Is now the time to play? Besides, people can miss countless times, but if you miss once, we will be with you and be in doom... Don't make any more trouble, hurry up and start. Give it a wild blow!"

Lu Yu shook his head: "There is only one chance for Kuangsha's blow. If it is only used to kill him, it will be a bit of a loss no matter how you think about it... If possible, I still hope that this killer move can be used in a broader way. Space... I just want to know what kind of methods the Starry Sky Pirates Group, which is famous throughout the Sea of ​​Broken Stars, has!"

In fact, as early as when he dismantled the starry sky battleship captured from the Iron Hand Master, Lu Yu already had a feeling that it seemed that the opponent's starry sky battleship did not have facilities for a large attack array like Kuangsha Bike. They The offensive methods are relatively lacking, and most of the time they rely on their own strength to launch attacks directly.

However, the starry sky battleship that was captured was, after all, vacated by Lord Ironhand on his own initiative. Maybe he had done something in advance, so Lu Yu was not sure.

But after seeing the situation of Empress Junwei at this time, he was 100% sure that the opponent's starry sky battleship did not have a large attack array. When an offensive was to be launched, the strong man sitting on the battleship would take action... Therefore, Empress Junwei in the rear It was such a design, but Godly Lord Tianwei had all kinds of magical weapons at his disposal.

In fact, it's not surprising when you think about it. Although there are hundreds of attack arrays of various sizes inside the Ark, the only ones that can truly exert the power of destroying the world are the three major attacks: Heaven's Punishment, Crazy Evil, and Annihilation. Although there are many other attack arrays in the array, their power may not be as powerful as a direct attack by a strong person like Tianwei Shenjun, especially when the opponent is obviously blessed by divine energy.

If it had been at other times, Lu Yu would not have dared to face the offensive of Lord Tianwei alone, but now the situation was a little different. With the Ark on the other side as a support, it would be nothing to arm-wrestle with a strong man like Lord Tianwei.

So, following Lu Yu's order, all the members inside the Ark on the Other Side immediately changed their formations. Instead of launching a mad attack, they activated the Demon Dragon No. 1.

Demon Dragon No. 1 is actually a large alchemy furnace.

Lu Yu had already discovered when he first opened the Demon Dragon One that using this large alchemy furnace could not only be used to refine elixirs, but could also indirectly strengthen the defense of the Ark on the other side.

Immediately, with the activation of Demon Dragon No. 1, a layer of liquid true energy enveloped the entire outer shell of the Ark on the Other Side like grease.

It looked like a dream, and suddenly there was an unreal feeling!

Seeing this, Lord Tianwei from behind couldn't help but smile coldly: "You are stubborn!"

"Based on this, do you still want to stop my offensive? Haha... just accept your fate!"

With a low roar, Lord Tianwei finally pulled out the giant sword in front of him, and suddenly violent power surged out, and he swung it fiercely towards the Ark on the other side in front of him.

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