Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2083 Liquid True Essence Protective Layer

The Ark on the other side was shaking violently.

This time the shock was greater than the previous collision, and it was also greater than the catastrophe suffered when breaking away from the laws of the great world.

"You call this just for fun?" Huo Siyu said with a pale face.

The sword of Lord Tianwei hit the Ark of the Other Shore firmly. Although the Ark of the Other Shore did not break directly, countless sparks burst out from the hit part, exploding like fireworks in the sky above the dragon city. open.

And this is just the scene inside the Ark on the other side... If you observe through the Demonic Dragon Field No. 2, you will find that after the sword of the God of Might was swung, countless laws were condensed in the void, as ruthless as thunder. Hit the ark on the other side hard.

What a coincidence, for most people, they only saw the situation inside the Ark on the other side, and felt the strong shock... But for Huo Siyu, she looked inside and outside, and was shocked by the opponent's blow. have a deeper understanding of its power.

At this time, she was almost certain that the giant sword in the hands of Lord Tianwei was definitely a supreme weapon. It was no wonder that there was no attack array on the opponent's warship, but this most primitive and ordinary weapon. method to launch an offensive, because this most primitive attack method is already powerful enough.

"At least, we have now confirmed that the opponent does not have any other attack methods..." Lu Yu said with deep eyes, "Although the opponent's star battleship looks like that, it is far less well-structured than our Ark on the Other Side... …”

"What does this have to do with it?" Huo Siyu said, "I think the sword strike just now was mostly a test, and he didn't really use all his strength. Maybe he was also afraid of completely destroying the entire Ark on the Other Side. But things won’t happen again like this!”

Before he finished speaking, as if to verify Huo Siyu's words, the mighty God behind him raised his giant sword again and swung it down fiercely.

This time I chose a completely different part, just above the power control area. If this crack is solid, after the powerful force penetrates through the law, the entire Ark on the other side may completely lose power.

At this distance, it was impossible for the God of Might to make a mistake, and in such a short period of time, it was not enough for Lu Yu to control the Ark on the other side to make evasive actions.

It's too late, but it's soon.

The mighty Lord Tianwei's sword was accurate and ruthless, hitting the front half of the rhombus-shaped vertebral body of the Ark on the other side accurately.

Just when the powerful power of the giant sword was about to cut through the deck and turn into countless sparks that violently burst out inside the Ark, the layer of liquid essence wrapped around the outside of the Ark suddenly fluctuated strangely.

This layer of liquid essence was naturally not enough to stop the opponent's sword power, but under this strange fluctuation, it still slowed down the opponent's giant sword's power to penetrate the splint for a moment... In this moment of effort, Lu Yu controlled the Ark on the Other Side to complete a swing. Although the amplitude was extremely slight, it just avoided the power control zone.

Countless sparks burst out.

But it was no longer shooting at the power control area, but at an insignificant area in the dragon city. Godly Lord Tianwei's efforts to stop the Ark on the other side failed again...

"Are you... turning the power of Demon Dragon No. 1 into a special protection?"

Huo Siyu "witnessed" the entire process from a God's perspective through the Magic Dragon Field No. 2, and couldn't help but say in surprise.

"That's right." Lu Yu said, "Although the Ark of the Other Side also has its own defense system, we are currently short of manpower and are not able to bring its own defense system into full play. Instead, we use the method of Demon Dragon One to cooperate with The already extremely strong alloy shell of the Ark on the Other Side seems to be more effective..."

Huo Siyu had to admit that at least judging from the current situation, this method was indeed very effective. This guy was really a genius for being able to think of such a way to make changes, but the problem still existed.

"The special force field formed by your Demonic Dragon No. 1 is indeed magical... but I think it should be able to exert its best effect within the laws of the great world, because only within the laws of the great world can there be a continuous flow of force. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth can be transformed into liquid primeval energy for you... If I read correctly, the liquid primeval energy you are using now is only temporarily stored. How much storage do you have to withstand the offensive behind you? "

While the two of them were talking, Lord Tianwei swung his third sword...

This time he no longer targeted the interior of the Ark on the other side, but directly targeted the liquid essence attached to the outer shell. Countless laws burst out, forming a storm formed by the convergence of laws.

This "Law Storm" does not have much lethality. It exists only to destroy the original force field. Suddenly, the special force field formed by the Magic Dragon One was instantly disintegrated, and those attached to the surface of the Ark on the other side were The liquid essence was instantly blown away and dissipated as if facing a gust of solar wind...

Huo Siyu couldn't help but be stunned.

I didn't expect that what I said would come back... the liquid real energy stored by Demon Dragon No. 1 was really consumed in this way.

On the other hand, Lu Yu was not too surprised. He smiled lightly and said, "It's gone! It's enough to be able to block three waves of attacks!"

Huo Siyu was startled, feeling that there seemed to be something in Lu Yu's words, and couldn't help but ask: "What do you mean?"

Lu Yu breathed a sigh of relief: "We can't rely entirely on ourselves... We have withstood three of his attacks. I think those people will no longer watch the show!"

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