Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2084 Fishing in troubled waters

"Who are you talking about..." Huo Siyu said in shock.

Before he finished speaking, a giant object suddenly roared towards him, almost passing by the Ark on the other side and crashing into the Regal behind him.

Huo Siyu couldn't help being shocked. Because this giant man was silent and completely dark, it almost blended into the background of the starry sky. Even with the blessing of the Magic Dragon Field Formation No. 2, Huo Siyu didn't notice its existence. .

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "Here they are, I'm talking about them..."

While he was speaking, the giant object had already hit its target and hit the giant sword in the hand of Lord Tianwei. The giant object suddenly shattered and split into countless densely packed small black objects, instantly covering the Junwei. The entire bridge brought the fourth offensive that Lord Tianwei was about to launch to an abrupt halt.

"How would you know..." Huo Siyu was surprised.

She was obviously in charge of the Demon Dragon Field No. 2, but it was hard for her to imagine that Lu Yu's perception would be even more acute than the formation exploration of the Demon Dragon Field No. 2.

"You can guess!"

A sharp light burst out from Lu Yu's eyes: "It's not just the Tianwei Legion who want to take advantage of this ship on the other side... Even if the Star Thieves Group from the Sea of ​​Broken Stars were deceived by the Godly Lord Tianwei's suspicion formation, Foolishly, at least the Bixiao Palace, which passed on the news, will pay close attention to everything here. Do they have the opportunity to watch our Ark on the Other Side fall into the hands of Lord Tianwei? "

"So, I made a bold bet... Now it seems that the one who really takes action is our old acquaintance Qian Yanyanjun. He really cares about us!"

At this time, the black objects on the Regal had stretched out their slender legs and moved on their own on the bridge. It turned out that they were actually transformed into giant spiders.

The previous black giant was formed by a large number of spiders gathered together, so it fell apart after colliding with the giant sword... In fact, the offensive of this black giant was basically a A huge army of spiders!

Through the information he learned from Xu Zhiyang, Lu Yu already knew that the Thousand Eyes King actually attained enlightenment in the body of a spider. His body was originally a Nether Sea Spider King, so it is more natural to have a huge spider army now. He has nothing to do with it.

"I'm afraid you are happy too early..." Huo Siyu said, "Since Qianyanjun can take action against him, he can also take action against us. If the attack just now hit our battleship, you have something to do Can you handle it?"

"On the surface, your worry seems reasonable, but if you think about it carefully, it is unnecessary..." Lu Yu said, "From such a long distance, what is the benefit of Lord Qianyanyan taking action against us? On the contrary, it will only hurt us. If I deliver it to Lord Tianwei, let alone the other side of the ark, I am afraid that even his heartfelt plan to get my soul will come to nothing..."

Huo Siyu couldn't help but feel silent for a while.

It seems this guy has everything figured out.

On the bridge of the Regal, those giant spiders had scattered in all directions, and in the blink of an eye, the Regal was covered with them. The God of Might swung his giant sword, and wherever the sword light passed, those giant spiders were instantly chopped into two pieces. Coupled with the fact that he was fully armed, these giant spiders were unable to cause any actual harm to him. However, due to their large number, they still caused some trouble to the entire Regal.

"It seems that you are determined to fish in troubled waters and want to deal with this group of big guys to the end..." Huo Siyu said while observing the fierce battle on the Regal.

Lu Yu said: "It's true to fish in troubled waters, but don't belittle yourself too much. At least we have a boss like you here, right?"

"Me? Boss?" Huo Siyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Lu Yu said: "Don't continue to pretend, let alone your recent series of performances. Even in the eyes of Lord Qianyan, you are still a big boss who can be equal to him." Otherwise, he had already sealed and imprisoned you a thousand years ago, so why has he delayed killing you until now? Is it because he didn't want to? "

Huo Siyu fell silent again, and after a moment, he sighed softly: "There are indeed some reasons for this. They really couldn't completely wipe me out, so they imprisoned me... But you also know that although I have control over it now, The power of the gods, but my own power has not yet returned to its optimal state, so if you want to rely on my power to deal with them, I can only say that you will be disappointed..."

"You don't need to worry about dealing with them. I will try my best to deal with them..."

Lu Yu said.

"What I need is that you can give them a fatal blow at the critical moment, because we can only launch the killing blow once. Judging from the current situation, there is no way to kill them in one go... So we can only Divide them into two pots, and I will take away one pot, and you will take away the remaining pot.”

Huo Siyu couldn't help but have a look of astonishment on his face. Through the strange passage of the formation, he stared blankly at Lu Yu, who was so close in front of him, but actually half a dragon city away.

"Okay, let me tell you the truth! If there is an opportunity for you to get in front of Thousand Eyes Lord, and I can use the infinite circle spell to cover him, is there any way you can do it to him? One hit to kill?" Lu Yu looked directly into Huo Siyu's eyes and asked sharply.

For a moment, Huo Siyu couldn't help but feel excited: "If you can really do this, then... maybe we can give it a try!"

Lu Yu smiled happily: "That's it, that's all. Just prepare for whatever you need to do. Don't worry about anything else... Ah, but you can't leave Magic Dragon Field No. 2 alone. We still need it. Your eyes provide us with information..."

Huo Siyu couldn't help but glared at him angrily. Since he still had to keep an eye on the second scene of the Demon Dragon, how could he not care about anything?

" are you going to deal with it next?" Huo Siyu asked again.

She was not questioning Lu Yu, but she couldn't help but be curious... Although they had not yet seen Qianyanjun's lair, they had obviously entered the opponent's sphere of influence. In addition to the powerful gods, the Starry Sky Avenue surrounded by many seas of broken stars also appeared within their sight...

Huo Siyu really wanted to know how Lu Yu would take advantage of this situation, and while dancing on the tip of the knife, he would also send himself in front of the Thousand Eyes Lord to get something out of the fire.

"Since we are fishing in troubled waters, it is natural to muddy the water before we can fish... Don't worry about so much for now. In short, let's attract more eyes to come over first!"

Along with a long laugh, Lu Yu made a series of orders like flying.

I don't know what kind of operation he performed, but suddenly the entire dragon city shook violently. At the same time, the entire outer shell of the Ark on the other side bloomed with bright light.

These rays of light merged into the image of a giant dragon in the void, spanning the stars in the universe.

If the previous fight between Thousand Eyes King and Tianwei Shenjun was just a small fight, this would make everyone within the area notice its appearance.

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