Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2085 The dragon flies across the sky

"This guy is really a genius!"

Huo Siyu looked at the scene happening outside through the Magic Dragon Field No. 2 and couldn't help but sigh again.

She didn't know how many times she had expressed such emotion...

In fact, it is not difficult to make the ark on the other side burst out with light. What is difficult is to make these lights gather together and stay in the void as if they have substance. This scene is similar to the previous scene where the mighty god Lord Tianwei summoned his own light and shadow image in the void. , quite similar but similar in approach and approach.

Therefore, this scene of a giant dragon flying across the sky is not due to the power of the Ark on the Other Side itself, but is also inextricably related to the power mobilized by Lu Yu himself. It is said to be the result of the combination of the two...

But the problem is that the strength of the God of Might is close to that of a god. It is not surprising that he can do such a move, but Lu Yu only saw the other party perform it once, and he was able to reproduce it to a certain extent. The ability to comprehend and imitate can only be described as terrifying.

But he hasn't even concluded the golden elixir yet... Thinking about it carefully, one can't help but feel chills on the back.

Is this the power of the super-grade golden elixir?

Huo Siyu couldn't help but murmur to himself.

Although the Guanlan clan's cultivation method is a different way and is of its own, they don't particularly care about the quality of the golden elixir. However, due to the special linkage effect between the Miaoling Seven Jade Body and the super-grade golden elixir, in fact she also Have a certain understanding of the specific categories of the super product list.

But among the information she learned, there was no description of the quality of a golden elixir that was above the first grade, similar to Lu Yu's golden elixir at this time... Originally, the closest one should be Jiuxing Qianmo, according to Lu Yu The information he revealed should also be the golden elixir of Jiuxing Qianmo.

But after her careful observation, she found that it didn't look like it. Even Jiuxing Qianmo was not enough to show the abilities he had now, so the coach couldn't help but feel confused.

What kind of modern era is this guy practicing?

"Why do you keep looking at me like this?"

Her direct gaze still made Lu Yu feel a little uncomfortable.

"There's no need to look at me like this. I just learned to show off, and it's just superficial. I can't use the laws to convert power as cleverly as the mighty god..." Lu Yu confessed.

As he spoke, he sighed leisurely, seemingly not satisfied with the effect.

Huo Siyu couldn't help being speechless.

Even if you only learned a little bit, it is already amazing!

Because she also has more powerful thoughts and consciousness than Lu Yu, and she also has the advantage of Demon Dragon Field No. 2, but she hasn't even learned a little bit about it...

She wanted to ask Lu Yu what the golden elixir was, but she thought that he would definitely not tell her the most important secret.

Then when the words came to his lips, he changed his tone and said: "I'm not just watching you, I'm also watching the situation outside. It seems that your plan is indeed starting to work..."

As the scene of the dragon flying across the sky appeared, the starry sky thieves from the Sea of ​​Broken Stars in the distance also noticed the changes here. Although it was not clear for the time being what kind of illusion they had been deceived by the God of Might, but At this time, they had obviously woken up, and their trajectory of action had obviously changed.

At this time, the glowing Ark on the Other Side was like a plump bait falling into the water. All kinds of fish, large and small, were rushing toward this bait.

Therefore, Lu Yu's first step to muddy the waters was basically a success.

"Really? That's great!" Lu Yu said excitedly, "I have tried my best. If this hasn't attracted their attention, it would be really difficult... Okay, in this case, Let’s all take a break! Let’s all go into silence!”

Guo Kun immediately conveyed his order.

Suddenly, the aura of many places inside Dragon City dimmed.

Huo Siyu couldn't help being stunned again: "What are you going to do?"

"Doing nothing is just showing off!" Lu Yu replied: "Of course it's showing off to us, but from the perspective of those outside, don't they feel that we are already being ravaged by two powerful men? , completely lost the power to resist? "

Huo Siyu immediately understood Lu Yu's intention.

In fact, if the Ark on the Other Side shows a certain degree of aggression at this time, it will be regarded as a threat by others.

But if everyone is silent like this, it will appear as if they have no power to resist at all. Those people outside who are greedy for profit will not think too much and will only think about how to get him as soon as possible.

People's hearts are like this, so it will be safer for the Ark on the other side...

However, this kind of safety is only relative... By then, it was caught in a melee. Even if those offensives did not come directly towards the Ark on the other side, the residual power was far beyond what ordinary things could withstand.

"Under such circumstances, can the Ark on the other side be able to withstand it?" Huo Siyu asked.

You must know that when facing the mighty god Lord's giant sword offensive before, there was still a layer of liquid true essence protection, but at this time even the liquid true essence protection has been exhausted. If there is another offensive, all that will be lost. It was a hard bridge and a hard horse hitting the hull of the Ark on the other side.

"Don't worry, I think you can handle it!" Lu Yu said.


"How should I put it? At least the Ark on the Other Side has had a similar experience. When there is no protective array, the ship itself can withstand the impact of the laws of the big world... So, I think it can withstand it. On the contrary, It’s those of us inside the Ark who need to be more careful!”

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