Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2093 The Rage of the Universe

Qianyanjun's body is as huge as a towering mountain, and his size is no less than that of the Ark on the other side. In comparison, Lu Yu seems to be an ant standing in front of an elephant.

But even just one ant, as long as it appears in the right place at the right time, can cause huge horror.

For example, at this moment...

In an instant, thousands of ventral eyes opened at the same time, and the brilliant brilliance instantly illuminated the entire starry sky. The focus of these eyes was focused on the small ants in front of them.

"Lu Yu! It's you!"

Qian Yanjun's thoughts fluctuated rapidly.

Obviously, he didn't expect that Lu Yu would suddenly appear here... Although the previous crazy blow did not hit him, it caused him so much mental pressure that he wrapped himself in spider silk. While living in the Ark on the other side, I didn't dare to make any noise, for fear of revealing my whereabouts and being caught by the other party's terrifying offensive...

It could be said that all his attention was on the Ark on the Other Side. How could he have imagined that Lu Yu would suddenly appear under his nose?

"Qian Yanyanjun, long time no see... So is this your true body?" Lu Yu smiled softly.

Before he could finish speaking, the Infinite Circle's spell offensive started instantly, and countless densely packed golden spell characters exploded like fireworks, rushing towards the behemoth in front of them.

In addition to conventional power, the spell attack directly acts on the spiritual level of thoughts and consciousness.

Although in terms of body shape, the difference between Lu Yu and Qianyanyanjun is between an ant and an elephant, but this is not the case at the level of mind and consciousness... Well, even in terms of spiritual consciousness, Qianyanyanjun is still the same person. Although he was a giant, Lu Yu was no longer just an ant.

Especially with the blessing of the spell offensive, Lu Yu showed extremely strong fighting power. It is impossible to subdue the Thousand Eyes Lord in one fell swoop, but it has already posed a considerable threat... just like a sharp Iron nails may not be fatal to elephants, but they cannot be completely ignored.

"You just want to control me? You are simply overestimating your capabilities!" Qian Yanjun roared loudly.

He was afraid of the other party's strength, but what he was afraid of was actually the legendary Dragon Clan's treasure, the Ark of the Other Side. Now that a character like a flea like Lu Yu dared to jump in front of him, for him What a disgrace.

Strange lights burst out from the abdominal eyes, shining towards Lu Yu.

Lu Yu's body froze, and his whole body seemed to be covered with heavy shackles. He could no longer move at all. Not only was his body firmly locked, but even his mental thoughts seemed to be frozen in place... It seems that Qianyanjun is still there. His original intention remained unchanged, and the first thing he thought of was not to completely destroy Lu Yu, but to peel off his soul.

At this moment, Lu Yu truly realized how powerful the other party's spiritual power was... Is this the so-called power of the soul?

If you give him a moment more, there is no doubt that Lu Yu's soul will be completely stripped away. Fortunately, Lu Yu is not alone. He is just a bait. To a certain extent, his appearance Just repeat the function of the Ark on the Other Side.

In an instant, the surrounding space changed again.

A blue ocean appeared, surrounding the entire vast universe, surging in from all directions.

On the sea level, the tide rises and falls, and the waves are magnificent.

It was Huo Siyu who mobilized the power of Guanlan.

She had endured for thousands of years and worked hard, and the method of destroying gods she had learned was finally revealed at this moment...

It was also the first time for Lu Yu to see that Guanlan's power could be presented in such a way, and he couldn't help but be amazed for a moment.

"Huo Siyu! You are here too!" Qian Yanyanjun exclaimed loudly, "What are you doing! You are going to betray our agreement!"

"Promise?" Huo Siyu's figure appeared above the huge body, and said with a cold smile: "That's just your wishful thinking, I have never responded to you directly!"

"Don't you want to get the key in my hand and completely unlock the secrets of your Guanlan clan?" Qian Yan Shenjun roared angrily.

"Of course I want to..." Huo Siyu smiled lowly, "But as long as I deal with you, can't I also get the key? In comparison, I think this is a better plan, at least... I don't have to worry about being You do it again!”

Qianyanjun wanted to say something more, but the violent waves came and instantly submerged his huge body, leaving only an extremely fierce collision between the stars in the universe, like a supernova explosion.

Lu Yu was also violently thrown away by the huge impact. It was only thanks to the protection of the Galaxy Sword that he was not crushed to death, but was squeezed together with a pile of debris.

The turmoil lasted for a long time before gradually calming down.

Lu Yu finally emerged from the debris with the help of the Galaxy Sword.

Just when he thought everything was over, he didn't expect that huge body to struggle to move again.

"Is this all your strength? Do you want to kill me just because of this?"

Qianyanjun's thoughts once again rippled and echoed in the universe.

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