Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2094: Figure it out

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel his heart sink suddenly.

Unexpectedly, under such a fierce offensive, Qianyanjun was still alive. This shows the tyranny of the powerful God Lord...

However, what is more troublesome now is that Lord Qianyanyan has seen through their reality. In the situation just now, it is actually the most suitable to launch a mad attack, but the Ark on the other side has not made any move. Lord Qianyanyan must have already I know that the Ark on the other side is now strong on the outside but capable on the inside.

You must know that the biggest contributor to the situation just now was the existence of the Ark on the other side that restrained the opponent. Now that he knows that the Ark on the other side is no longer a threat, he will definitely not have any scruples in the future.

"Hahaha... It turns out you were just bluffing, which made me be cautious for so long!"

Sure enough, Qianyanjun also realized this immediately and laughed wildly.

"In this case, then you all..."

Before he finished speaking, the fluctuation of thoughts suddenly stopped.

Lu Yu couldn't help being startled and looked around, only to see that Huo Siyu had appeared where he originally was, right in front of Qianyanyanjun's huge body. He seemed to be saying something, but Qianyanyanjun didn't react at all.

Obviously, Qianyanjun's arrogance had not lasted more than three seconds before he was restrained by Huo Siyu again, and this time he was completely pinned to the ground.

Lu Yu was greatly surprised. He didn't know what kind of methods Huo Siyu had used... He no longer hesitated, and swung the Galaxy Sword in his hand. His body was like lightning, and he came to Huo Siyu's side in the blink of an eye.

I saw that the power of the frenzy that was originally like a vast ocean had disappeared, and was replaced by a sharp ice crystal thorn. This ice crystal thorn was extremely huge. One end of it penetrated deeply into the huge body of Thousand-Eyed Lord. In addition, One end was firmly held in Huo Siyu's hand.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

He could sense that this ice crystal thorn had the bloodline power of the Guanlan clan, but it was not only the bloodline power of the Guanlan clan, but also the power of the gods, mainly Hades...

It not only restrained Thousand Eyes Lord in a physical sense, but also nailed him to death on a spiritual level.

At this moment, Huo Siyu was like a god from the netherworld, completely controlling the life and death of Qianyanjun.

"You came?"

Huo Siyu turned around and glanced at Lu Yu. There was still a blue light dancing in his eyes, which seemed to be full of a dark and mysterious atmosphere.

At this moment, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel an unprecedented sense of strangeness towards her.

It's not that he was very familiar with her, but what Huo Siyu presented to him at this time was a mental state that he had never seen before. It seemed that part of her inner being had been replaced by an unknown existence. .

"Is this the trump card you have learned for a thousand years?" Lu Yu frowned and said, "You...are you using the power of Hades?"

The word he said was "with help" rather than "use", because the scale of the power of Hades invoked at this time has far exceeded the level he inherited from Wu Qibin... This is obviously abnormal. .

However, before Huo Siyu could respond, the Qianyanjun in front of him shook violently and roared angrily: "Damn it! I told you that you were a crazy woman! But I didn't expect that you would actually make a deal with the Lord of the Underworld... You are simply crazy. To the point of stupidity!”

"Do you think you have defeated me like this? You have no idea what the price of a deal with the Lord of the Underworld will be. Stupid woman, you will pay the price for your stupidity sooner or later..."

Huo Siyu's eyes turned cold, he grasped the ice crystal thorn tightly and twisted it hard.

Immediately, Qian Yanjun's voice stopped abruptly, leaving only the trembling of his huge body.

Huo Siyu then turned around again, smoothed his long hair from his forehead, and smiled at Lu Yu:

"You are not the only one who would make a deal with the gods."

There was a decidedly cold tone in the smile.

"For thousands of years, I have been staying in the dark underground. I don't even have my own body. I don't have many cards. If I want to make a comeback, I have to make the best use of them. Fortunately, I happened to get the underworld card at that time. This card of God..."

"It's ridiculous that under the guidance of Thousand Eyes, the Hades Temple has been colluding with the underworld in an attempt to steal the power of the Lord of the Underworld, but it has never been able to do so. Even Wu Qibin, a master who claims to have received the favor of the underworld, has failed at best. It’s just a small trick! On the contrary, I am the one who truly communicates with the underworld!”

"Of course I know that there is a price to pay for all this, but as I said just now, I don't have many cards in my hand. As long as I can make a comeback, it doesn't matter even if I pay some price...even if these prices are irreparable. of!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel silent for a while.

At this moment, he was finally convinced that a considerable part of the soul in Huo Siyu's body in front of him had been completely blackened, or should be said to be transformed into a god... He couldn't guess what was going on, but in short, it was all very unbelievable.

"So, do you think I have successfully made a comeback?"

Saying that, Huo Siyu twitched the ice crystal thorn in his hand again, and the huge ice crystal thorn quickly shrank. At the same time, the huge body of Thousand Eyes Lord also shrank rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, the original dignified divine king had become something that Huo Siyu could manipulate.

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