Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2095 Segmented Slicing

Ever since Lu Yu escaped from Huangtian World.

Qianyanjun took over the original responsibility of the Earth Seal God from the senior officials of Bixiao Shrine, and pursued the heavens, hoping to arrest Lu Yu's soul and integrate it into the star domain weapon as a weapon spirit...

But he didn't expect that his mission had not been completed yet, and now it was Lu Yu who saw his soul being captured in someone's hands first.

I have to say, this is really full of irony.

From this point of view, Huo Siyu has indeed made a successful comeback.

"Okay, now there is only one last thing left..." Huo Siyu showed a calm expression, "As for the whereabouts of the key, Qianyan, should you take the initiative to tell me, or should I find it myself?"

"With the current situation, you should know whether you take the initiative to tell me. For me, it is just a matter of extra effort, but for you it is a world of difference!"

"What a difference?"

Qianyanjun let out a deep laugh.

Even though he had turned into a light and shadow form the size of a palm, the shining ice crystal was still deeply inserted into his body, causing him continuous pain.

"Huo Siyu, do you think I will be as stupid as you? I am very aware of your hatred for me, and there is no way you will let me go, so you'd better save it!"

"In addition, if you want to find the key on your own, it will not only take a lot of effort, but it may also take a thousand years. Can you wait that long? Hahaha..."

Huo Siyu pressed his finger lightly on the ice crystal thorn, and Qianyanjun's laughter suddenly stopped again.

She pinched the ice crystal thorn again and gently twisted it, and Qianyanjun's voice suddenly turned into a painful wail.

Huo Siyu enjoyed playing with it for a moment, until Qian Yanjun's voice was full of fear, and she sneered and said: "You are right, I will not let you go, but even death, there are many different ways This is what I mean by the huge difference in the way of death... Now, do you need to reconsider this issue? "

"'t even think about it! I...I...a great divine king! I will threatened by you like this!" Qian Yanjun's voice was intermittent, like a gossamer.

"Very good, you really have the integrity of a divine king!" Huo Siyu smiled softly, "In this way, I have a lot more fun... In addition, I have to remind you that if you think you don't say it, I can't do anything about it. Did you find out your secret?"

When she said the last sentence, she had turned her head to look at Lu Yu beside her, with an expression that was half-smiling but not smiling.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be startled, and a bad premonition suddenly surged in his heart.

Sure enough, Huo Siyu said in the next second: "How about I leave this matter to you?"

"Leave what to me?" Lu Yu frowned.

"Of course I want to dig out the secrets in this guy's head. He is a great god. He must be hiding many unknown secrets. I don't ask for too much. Just help me find out the whereabouts of the key..."

He opened his mouth, but before he could say anything or talk to the defendant, he immediately added:

"Don't forget! You promised me that you would help me find the key. This is an agreement between us. Are you trying to deny it?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but laugh and cry: "I don't want to deny it, and I also want to help you...but you think too highly of me. You also know that he is a divine king, not a guy like Xu Zhiyang!"

Huo Siyu said: "With your own strength, it is indeed beyond your capabilities, but what if you add me? In addition, don't be too high on him. It is true that this guy is a god, but that is in the past. Can you still be considered a divine king in this state?"

"If it doesn't work, the worst we can do is cut his soul into pieces first, and then let you look at and analyze each piece piece by piece. Maybe he will be worse than Xu Zhiyang at that time!"

Lu Yu felt strange for a while.

Is this still possible?

What exactly is the so-called segmented slicing operation? Could it be that the soul can still grow in segments like a leech?

If such an operation method can be established, doesn't it mean that no matter how strong an opponent he faces in the future, he will be able to dig out the secrets in the opponent's mind?

The conversation between the two did not avoid Qianyanjun.

On Huo Siyu's palm, the Thousand Eyes King in the form of light and shadow was already terrifying.

"What are you going to do? What exactly do you want to do!"

"I would like to advise you not to act recklessly... Behind me is the Bixiao Palace! It's the Yongle Immortal Palace!"

"The secrets about me are very involved! How dare you try to pry into my secrets? The princes of Qiutong Palace will not let you go!"

Qianyanjun shouted hysterically.

Obviously he knew in his heart that if the two guys in front of him joined forces, it would indeed be possible to achieve the "segmented slicing" they called it.

"Haha... Do you think those big shots in Qiutong Palace will let us go now?" Huo Siyu sneered, turned to Lu Yu again and asked, "What do you say?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but be greatly moved.

Leaving aside the rest, if this matter can be accomplished, he will undoubtedly learn more about the secrets of the Bixiao Shrine, and even the secrets about the Great Bixiao Saint...

Qianyanjun roared again: "Lords of Qiugong! Did you hear that? These guys want to discover the secrets in me! Why don't you take action? How long will it take?"

There was a certain magic in the way these words were spoken, and a sudden change occurred in the next moment.

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