Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2097 The plot of the princes of Qiu Palace

If that piece of white light had substance, it did not dissipate after being pushed away. Instead, it rolled up like silk, but it gave up on Lu Yu and instead captured Qian Yanjun's soul.

Only then did the two of them see clearly what kind of white light it was. It was clearly a piece of white silk projected from the woman's hand.

Unfortunately, in order to rescue Lu Yu, Huo Siyu not only voluntarily gave up the control of Qianyanyan Lord's soul, but also used up the little remaining power he had. At this time, it was beyond his reach and could only watch the opponent take Qianyanyan Lord's soul. Take away.

Now looking back and thinking about it, the opponent was just feinting from the beginning, and the ultimate goal was Qianyanjun. Unexpectedly, they fell into the opponent's plan.

"What are you doing?" Huo Siyu couldn't help but feel a little angry.

In vain, she had always thought that Lu Yu was miraculous, and her image of him in her heart had been elevated beyond measure, but unexpectedly she became stunned at the critical moment.

Although she was also responsible for Qianyanjun's soul being taken away, it was obvious that Lu Yu was at fault.


Lu Yu was speechless for a moment.

He can't tell the other person that I just saw my mother...

However, he had already reacted by this time.

Although it was not clear what kind of trick there was, it was obvious that the person could not be the Great Bixiao Saint, or even her mind clone... Otherwise, there was no need for the other party to use tricks against them.

If the real Great Bixiao Saint was in front of her, neither Lu Yu nor Huo Siyu would have any room to struggle and resist.

"Why are you still standing there? Why don't you hurry up and catch up!" Huo Siyu urged.

Although she is more powerful than Lu Yu, Lu Yu, who is holding the Galaxy Sword, is obviously more flexible when moving around in the universe.

At that moment, Lu Yu no longer hesitated and swung out his sword, taking Huo Siyu across the crack and logging into the half of the void where the palace was located.

After a few more rays of sword light, the two of them arrived in front of the palace.

Only then did the two discover that the palace was not actually an entity, but was entirely the effect of the convergence of light and shadow. However, as they approached, the light and shadow gradually dimmed, and the effect gradually became distorted.

The person who had taken action before had disappeared, leaving a statue standing on the spot. The appearance of the statue was also very similar to Meng Ting.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned again.

Could it be that the person who attacked them just now was actually this statue?

But if this is the case, who is the person controlling the statue?

Just as Lu Yu was thinking this, a figure suddenly walked out from behind the statue, and the statue quickly shrank at the same time, eventually becoming only about a foot long, and was held in the hands of the man with a face full of piety.

After doing all this, the man looked weak.

This person is none other than the messenger of Qiutong Palace - Venerable Divine Crow.

Now Lu Yu and Huo Siyu completely understood that everything was caused by this statue. Even the sudden acceleration of the void floo was due to the power of this statue. After putting the statue away, the speed of Void Feilu quickly stopped.

"Who are you?" Huo Siyu asked coldly.

In addition to the Divine Crow Lord in front of him, there is another group of people who are busy behind him. It seems that they are rescuing Lord Thousand Eyes?

Huo Siyu couldn't help but frown, and the ice crystal thorn in his hand pointed out diagonally, emitting a strange blue light and a dense black air.

"Stop your actions immediately! Otherwise, you will blame me for being rude!"

Lord Shenya waved his hand behind him, and all the subordinates stopped immediately. He then smiled slightly and said: "Your Majesty Queen Guanlan, I have known you for a long time. My name is Shenya. I believe you should have noticed. We From Qiutong Palace..."

"Qiutong Palace?" Huo Siyu raised his eyebrows, his eyes sparkling, "The previous posture does look similar, but who knows if you are just pretending to be a ghost... At least the Qiugong Lords should not be so sneaky in their actions? "

Lord Shencrow shook his head, and the smile on his face grew stronger: "Your Majesty, you don't have to test... I am actually a messenger from Qiutong Palace, and I have a secret communication channel with the princes of Qiutong Palace. Even if you annihilate us all here with lightning speed, the Lords of the Qiu Palace will definitely notice what happened here... I believe you don't want your name to appear on the desk of the Qiu Palace Council. "

Huo Siyu was secretly shocked, but the expression on his face remained unchanged: "So what? It is said that Qiutong Palace is the center of power of Bixiao Palace. The princes of Qiu Palace sit high in the hall and take care of everything. They must not have the time to pay attention to this. Little things that happen in the backcountry!”

Lord Shenya smiled and said: "This is no small matter... Besides, it is not accurate to say that this is a remote country. Maybe the Lords of Qiugong did not have time to pay attention to this place before, but it is different now..."

As he spoke, he turned his head and looked at the Ark on the other side that was parked not far away.

With the continuous turbulence, the Ark on the other side had already broken free from the threads of Lord Thousand Eyes. However, because it did not receive any new instructions from Lu Yu, it still stayed in place. Naturally, the previous sprint attacks also failed. Doing too much harm to him.

Obviously, with the emergence of the Ark on the Other Side, the pattern of this star field in the world has been completely changed.

"Okay, I don't care whether you are true or false, as long as you return the soul of Thousand Eyes to me, then everything will be easy..."

Huo Siyu strolled forward, and a powerful momentum swept out instantly.

"If you are impostors, then you'd better not get in my way here..."

"But if you are really people from Qiutong Palace, then you should know that I have a personal grudge with Qianyan. I don't want to make it too ugly with you Qiutong Palace, but if Qiutong Palace wants to intervene openly, There is no grudge between us, so I can only be rude!"

Lord Shenya was not moved at all, and said with a faint smile: "Of course we are aware of the grudges between His Majesty and Lord Shenjun. In fact, we also know more secrets behind it... Your Majesty can obviously kill Lord Shenjun directly, but The purpose of deliberately keeping his soul is naturally for the so-called key, right? "

Huo Siyu was startled: "Since you also know about the key?"

Lord Shenya said: "Not only do I know the key, I also know that the key specifically refers to a page of the Heavenly Book. Is it just because of his great origin that you keep it secret and never mention its true name?"

Huo Siyu was completely surprised.

Originally, this was a huge secret in her heart. He had always hidden this secret very well, but unexpectedly, the other party revealed it easily.

Lord Shenya continued: "I have already said that I am the messenger of Qiutong Palace. You don't have to doubt this...the words I stand here and speak to Your Majesty actually represent the Qiugong Palace. military position."

As he spoke, he turned to look behind him and winked at his subordinates.

Immediately, those subordinates stepped forward and handed Qianyanjun's soul into his hands.

What surprised Lu Yu and Huo Siyu was that they originally thought that the group of people were rescuing the Qianyan Lord, but they did not expect that the soul of the Thousand Eyes Lord was obviously getting weaker at this moment, and was controlled by the Lord Shenya. He looked like he was dying.

Venerable Divine Crow holds the soul of Lord Thousand Eyes in one hand and holds the statue of the Great Bixiao Saint in the other hand. His whole body is filled with a mysterious aura.

"Actually, even if your majesty gets the soul of Lord Shenjun, you will never be able to get that page of the heavenly book, because that page of the heavenly book no longer exists..."

Huo Siyu's body was greatly shaken: "What did you say?"

Lord Shencrow looked at Lord Qianyan in his hand and said: "That page of Heavenly Book has actually been swallowed up by Lord Shenjun long ago and has been completely integrated into his soul. Otherwise, how do you think he could do it just based on his origin as a spider? Ranked among the gods?"

"That page of the Heavenly Book has long been integrated with him. He is the Heavenly Book, and the Heavenly Book is him. Unless he is willing, the contents of that page of the Heavenly Book will appear, but this will be equivalent to him being completely wiped out. You Do you think he might be able to meet your request?"

Huo Siyu couldn't help but be stunned. He didn't expect the final result to be like this.

"But His Majesty is helpless about this, but it doesn't mean that the Lords of Qiugong can't do anything..."

As the Lord Divine Pressure spoke, he combined his hands into one, bringing the soul of Lord Thousand Eyes and the statue of the Great Bixiao Saint together.

Suddenly, golden lights appeared in the void, and strange fonts loomed, as if an ancient and mysterious page was gradually coming to life.

A strange smile appeared on Lord Shencrow's face: "How about I give Your Majesty a better choice? As long as you agree to a small condition, I will completely present the contents of that page to you. !”

"What... conditions?" Huo Siyu's voice actually trembled.

At this moment, Venerable Shenya finally caught his eye and looked directly at Lu Yu, who had been watching the show beside him.

"You already know this answer, don't you?"

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