Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2098: Excellent Acting

Huo Siyu couldn't help but turn his head and look at Lu Yu, with a complicated look in his eyes.

Lu Yu never expected that it turned out to be a boomerang. It circled for so many times and finally hit him.

"Tsk, tsk, the key to this Lao Shizi turns out to be a page from heaven. No wonder you are so arrogant..."

Lu Yu shook his head and said.

"I can understand your mood, but I advise you to calm down first... If you want to exchange my soul for this heavenly book, this matter is not non-negotiable. I am going to die anyway, it doesn't matter what happens. But I’m afraid that if you fall into someone else’s trap, not only will you lose everything, but you may also lose your life!”

After Lu Yu's reminder, Huo Siyu immediately became alert and looked at the Lord Divine Crow across from him again: "That's right... Your proposal is indeed very tempting, but you must make it clear first. ! I don’t believe that the world will lose its pie for no reason. What is the intention of the Qiugong gentlemen?”

Lord Shenya said: "Isn't the purpose of the Lords of Qiugong very simple and easy to see?"

"Qianyanjun is ineffective and has been unable to complete his tasks, so that the plans of Qiutong Palace have been seriously affected. The Lords of Qiutong Palace have long been dissatisfied with him and want to replace him!"

"So, Your Majesty, you are able to escape from the underground seal... I'm afraid you don't know yet, if it weren't for the orders of the Lords of Qiugong, how could Lord Qianyan have released you from the underground seal?"

Huo Siyu couldn't help but be stunned: "Did the Lords of Qiugong issue the order to release me from the underground seal?"

"Yes, this order will be delivered by me personally. I will guarantee it with my life. This cannot be false."

Huo Siyu was even more stunned: "...could it be that the Lords of the Qiugong want to recruit me into their ranks so that I can replace Lord Thousand Eyes?"

Lord Shencrow smiled slightly: "This is not difficult to understand. The Thousand-Eyed God made a big mistake in Guantian World, and his strength plummeted. He will not be able to be used for a long time..."

"If it were you, Your Majesty, and after getting this page of the Heavenly Book, if you really unlocked the final secret of the Guanlan clan, your strength would rise visibly to the naked eye..."

"Even if it can't be solved for the time being, it doesn't matter. Your strength has already met the requirements of the Qiugong Lords. It's up to you to dominate this star field and be responsible for the affairs here!"

Huo Siyu couldn't help but look stunned and seemed flattered.

Venerable Divine Crow added: "Of course, all of this needs to be truly realized after you complete this small condition for us..."

"Stop it, stop it!"

Lu Yu hurriedly stepped forward and interrupted: "I know that the Lords of Qiugong are very powerful, but you also ran over eagerly when someone just threw a bone at you. Don't listen to what others say. What……"

"Qian Yanyanjun has worked for them for who knows how many years. Even if there is no credit, there is still hard work, but they just change it when they say it. They are so ruthless and ruthless. How can you guarantee that you will not be used by them and then thrown away casually? tool?"

Huo Siyu couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, showing a thoughtful expression.

Venerable Shenya said: "The Lords of Qiugong have always believed in the survival of the fittest and the most capable. As long as you can provide value to Qiu Gong, how can the Lords of Qiugong abandon you so easily? Besides, after getting this After reading the Heavenly Book, the final secret of your Guanlan clan will soon be completely revealed. Under such circumstances, do you think there is a chance that you will be eliminated? "

Huo Siyu's eyes lit up: "That's right!"

She turned her head towards Lu Yu and forgot about it. There seemed to be fire in her eyes, and she seemed to have finally made up her mind.

"I still remember that when we first met, you left a very deep impression on me, and we also made an agreement to work together to deal with the Qianyan Lord. But unfortunately, we no longer need to deal with the Thousand Eyes Lord. Speaking of which, we can also be considered Nash's agreement was successfully completed..."

"I have gained a lot from you these days. It is even with your help that I have the strength I have now..."

"Speaking of which, I really feel reluctant to let you go. After all, half of my body has your blood flowing through it, so..."

Huo Siyu paused without speaking, with a look of regret on his face, and slowly raised the ice crystal thorn in his hand that was shining with strange light... It seemed that she was going to make a sudden move in the next second, and Lu Yu would completely break up with him.

Seeing that the plan was finally implemented smoothly, Master Li could not help but let out a sigh of relief, showing an expression of relief.

However, at this moment, the ice crystal thorn in Huo Siyu's hand suddenly turned upside down and stabbed straight towards the Divine Crow Venerable.


Lord Divine Crow was caught off guard, and the ice crystal prism hit his heart directly, stabbing him through. The dense black energy wrapped around him, frantically draining his life force, and he didn't even have the slightest strength to resist.

"So how could I betray you!" Huo Siyu said the second half of the sentence with a smile as bright as a flower.

"Why, why..." Lord Shenya looked in disbelief. He could not imagine that someone would refuse the price offered by the Lords of Qiugong.

"Why?" Huo Siyu sneered, "I hate you self-righteous guys who like to make trouble everywhere. I was fooled once a thousand years ago. Do you think I will be fooled again?"

"Besides, there's one thing you don't understand at all..."


Huo Siyu stepped forward and snatched the soul of Zhejiang Qianyan Shenjun from his hand and said: "The ones who released me from the underground seal were not the Lords of Qiugong at all! Even without their orders, I have already Got out of trouble successfully!"

Venerable Shencrow couldn't help but show confusion on his face. Naturally, he would not have thought that Lu Yu's successful cracking of the Six Peptide Rubik's Cube would have already loosened the ancient anchor point.

"What about this page of the Heavenly Book? Don't you want it too?" Venerable Shencrow said with all his last strength, "You don't think that taking the statue of the Saint away from my hand will reveal the Heavenly Book, do you? "

"Can't you? I don't believe it!"

Huo Siyu said, then changed his hand and stretched out to the statue of the Great Bixiao Saint.

Unexpectedly, a strange halo appeared around the statue of the saint, blocking her hand from the outside. No matter how hard she tried, she could never get through.

After trying several times in a row, Huo Siyu finally gave up.

"Hmph, it doesn't matter even if he can't. He will definitely help me come up with a solution anyway... There must be something special about the person Qiu Gong and the Lords care about so much. Am I right?"

Lord Shencrow opened his mouth and wanted to say something else, but at this moment his vitality was completely cut off and he did not say anything more.

Huo Siyu held up the ice crystal thorn in his hand and wiped it horizontally and vertically several times, and eliminated all the remaining subordinates of Lord Divine Crow.

After doing all this, she turned back to look at Lu Yu and said somewhat ostentatiously: "How was it? My acting skills are passable, right?"

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