Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2099 Guanlan Star Region

Lu Yu looked at her with a playful expression: "Is it really all acting? There is no truth in it?"

"No way? Don't you see it?" Huo Siyu looked smug, as if she didn't hear Lu Yu's implication at all.

Lu Yu didn't dwell on this question anymore. He didn't know why Huo Siyu chose him in the end, but this question didn't seem important now.

Lu Yu looked at the corpses on the ground, "Why did you kill all these people? If the segmentation method you mentioned before is feasible, you can use this method on them as well. At least compared to the Thousand Eyes God, the success rate of collecting their souls is undoubtedly much greater, and maybe you can dig out a lot of secrets..."

"You are really talking without any pain..." Huo Siyu rolled her eyes at him unhappily, "I also want to imprison all their souls, but do you think it's that easy? If you can help me catch the Thousand Eyes, then I can try to do more things..."

As she said that, she threw the Thousand Eyes God's soul in her hand to Lu Yu.

Lu Yu subconsciously reached out to catch it.

He immediately felt a strong pressure coming, almost making him faint... At this time, the Thousand Eyes Lord had been weakened by Huo Siyu, the Divine Crow Venerable, and the Divine Crow Venerable's subordinates, but even so, he was still very struggling.

He realized that it was not so easy to imprison the soul of a strong man.

Huo Siyu took the soul of the Thousand Eyes Lord again, with a smug look on his face, and smiled: "How should I describe your divine consciousness... Although it is flexible and changeable enough, the overall strength is still quite insufficient. If you can rise to a higher level in strength, I believe that many things can no longer stop you!"

Is this saying that his divine consciousness is weak?

It was the first time that Lu Yu heard someone evaluate his divine consciousness in this way, but he had to admit that what he said was indeed reasonable... Compared with a thousand-year-old monster like him, his divine consciousness was naturally far from enough.

"Okay, let's get back to the point... How do we get this thing?" Huo Siyu said, looking at the statue of the saint again. However, with the death of the Godly Lord, the statue has fallen to the ground, but the halo still exists. As long as the two get close to it, the halo will appear and keep the two out. The two tried several times in a row, and the result was the same, even Lu Yu was no exception. "Tsk tsk..." Huo Siyu shook his head helplessly, "I see that you seem to know this Bixiao Saint, and I thought you would not be rejected by her. I didn't expect... What is the relationship between you and her?" "My relationship with her..." Lu Yu couldn't help but reveal a confused look, "This is hard to define..." According to rumors, this great Bixiao Saint has thousands of faces and infinite divine thoughts... How can Lu Yu figure out which side is her real face? Huo Siyu had never expected the twists and turns in this, and thought that Lu Yu was deliberately unwilling to say it, and said angrily: "If you don't say it, then forget it, I don't care... This is what you did first, don't blame me for doing it later!"

Her words were half true and half false. She also had many secrets that were not known to outsiders, such as what was going on between her and Qianyan, what was the origin of that page of the heavenly book, and why the final mystery of the Guanlan clan was related to the heavenly book...

These secrets had never been exposed before, and Lu Yu was naturally also very interested. She laid the groundwork in advance now, and when she refused, she would be more justified.

The two thought of various ways, and finally had to admit failure. They really had no way to get close to the statue, and they couldn't even see its mystery.

"It's really strange! With your brain, you can even solve the ancient hexapeptide magic cube, but I didn't expect that you would hit a nail on the head when you lack such a little thing!" Huo Siyu complained.

Lu Yu sighed and said, "It's not a good idea to just waste time here. It's better to cut off this piece of land and bring it back to the Ark of the Other Shore first!" Huo Siyu hesitated and said, "Take it back... Will there be any problems?" "Can we just leave it here like this?" "Of course not!" "Then it's over?" So Lu Yu took out the Galaxy Sword and cut off a whole piece of land with a few strokes. He asked the two of them to lift it together and fly towards the Ark of the Other Shore. After such a series of turbulence, there was already a considerable distance between the two and the Ark of the Other Shore. Fortunately, the surrounding threats had been eliminated at this time, and no one could disturb them anymore. It didn't matter if they spent a little more time. "Next, what are your plans?" Huo Siyu suddenly asked Lu Yu on the way back. Lu Yu looked at her strangely and said, "Return to the Guantian World. Don't you know all this?" This time, the Ark of the Other Shore was also forced to fight in a hurry, and it was not ready for the cross-bank reservation needle. Huo Siyu was also clear about these situations. "Of course I'm not asking about now... I'm talking about after you return to the Guantian World and make preparations again!" Huo Siyu said.

"Then... it will probably be a long expedition!"

Lu Yu turned his head and looked in one direction, his gaze becoming deeper and deeper. Unfortunately, without the blessing of Magic Dragon II's magic circle, he couldn't see any clue of that distant encounter with his naked eyes.

"Have you ever heard of the Cancer-shaped Starfield?"

"Where is the Star Territory where the Peacock Ming King is located?" Huo Siyu said, "All I know about it is from Yunru, and Yunru listened to what Jing'er told her, even if they didn't know it at the time. Even if we have a falling out, Jing'er won't say everything. I definitely don't know as much as you do...then what do you have?"

"There...maybe there is an answer that can unlock the final secret of me, just like the final secret of your Guanlan clan." Lu Yu replied.

"I see... So you have to go there!"


"Okay, I understand... In this case, we may have to be separated for a while. Then I ask you to take good care of these people of mine, Jing'er... and Yunru!"

Lu Yu was immediately surprised: "Do you agree to let them come with me?"

"Why don't you agree?" Huo Siyu said, "After today's incident, we have now completely annoyed the Qiugong Lords. The Great World of Guantian has become a place of right and wrong. Not only do they want to run away, but I also want to run away. road!"

"where are you going?"

Huo Siyu smiled secretly: "I want to verify some things. I was unable to do it before. Now thanks to you, I can finally leave the world of Guantian. I can also take this opportunity to avoid the limelight. It can be said that Kill two birds with one stone!”

Lu Yu said: "What should we do here in Guantian World? Don't you want to crack the ancient anchor point and reveal its original appearance?"

Huo Siyu said: "This world has always been here, and it won't run away. The Lords of Qiugong will not be so bored that they come here to destroy the entire world. Why rush this matter?"

"The most important thing is that even if the Guantian incident is restored and the final secret of the Guanlan clan is revealed, I can't do anything by myself. I still need Yunru and Jing'er as helpers to be able to perform more. Space... So, I actually have selfish motives in this matter. I hope that in the process of following you, you can help them improve their strength to a new level!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel silent for a while, he didn't expect that she had such a plan.

Could this be the reason why she finally chose herself between herself and the Lords of Qiugong?

"However, even if we all leave, this is our territory after all. We can't let people like Xiao Xiao come here to destroy wantonly... something must be done!"

After saying that, Huo Siyu suddenly gathered his thoughts and sent out a wave of thoughts.

"Guanlan Star Territory! Those who trespass will die!"

The powerful fluctuations of thoughts continued to spread, gradually sweeping across the entire universe and starry sky.

Lu Yu's face was filled with astonishment. He didn't expect that Huo Siyu would become so powerful after turning black.

He knew that the name of this starry sky had been changed since then, and from now on, any outsider who broke into this starry sky would receive such a warning.

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