Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2101 Find the answer together

When Lu Yu woke up again, he found that he was entangled with Fu Jing.

Fu Jing was already half-dressed.

And his hand was holding a piece of snow.

He remembered that before he fell asleep, this was his pillow, but why did it suddenly come into his hands at this time...

"you're awake?"

Fu Jing looked at him, her voice was soft and her face was red: "Do you feel better? Are you still that uncomfortable?"

"Well, much better... No, actually there is still a little bit of improvement..." Lu Yu replied.

At this time, he had already figured it out. It must have been after he fell asleep that Fu Jing saw that his condition was too bad, so he took the initiative to help him enter the ethereal realm.

Otherwise, how could I explain the soft touch on my hands and the high spirits in my lower body.

"Rogue!" Fu Jing blushed and cursed in a low voice.

However, he did not stop Lu Yu's actions and allowed Lu Yu to do whatever he wanted.

After all, Lu Yu didn't dare to go too far. After enjoying it silently for a while, he stopped when he saw that it was good.

Otherwise, if it continues, it will really lead to a misfire.

In fact, based on the relationship between the two at this time, he knew that if he really wanted to take action, Fu Jing would definitely not refuse.

The reason why he still hasn't taken this step is not because he cares about Huo Yunru or Huo Siyu, but because Fu Jing himself is not ready yet.

Of course, psychologically she was already prepared, but physically, the Seven Apertures Exquisite Jade in her body had not yet been completed. If her body was broken at this time, it would affect her final achievements.

On the other hand, her Miaoling Seven Jade Body can be used as a cauldron for Lu Yu's cultivation, which plays a huge role in forming Lu Yu's golden elixir. The fruits of this cauldron have not yet reached the best time for picking.

Therefore, for both Lu Yu and Fu Jing, apart from the pleasure of breaking through the last line of defense at this time, there are no other unnecessary benefits.

The patience and restraint at this time is for both parties to reap greater results in the future and have a more ambitious and magnificent future.

But apart from the last bottom line, there is no other barrier between the two.

Fu Jing was obviously very aware of this. After seeing Lu Yu stop his movements, she didn't say anything. She put on her clothes silently, fixed her messy hair, and looked at Lu Yu with tender eyes.

"who is she?"

After Fu Jing rearranged her hair, she looked at the statue of Bixiao Saint beside her and asked.

After Lu Yu's previous series of operations, she had already figured out by this time that the real key to the pile of things that Lu Yu and Huo Siyu had brought back was the statue.

As for that piece of stone, it is still a piece of meteorite. It cannot be said to have no value, but its importance is far less than that of this statue.


Lu Yu also looked at the statue, and his tone became full of emotion: "She is called the Great Bixiao Saint... As the name suggests, she is the Saint of Bixiao Shrine."

"Bixiao Shrine?" Fu Jing said in surprise: "Is it your enemies?"

Lu Yu nodded and raised his arm towards her.

Fu Jing came over very obediently and snuggled into his arms quietly.

Lu Yu felt that with their current relationship, he could share some of this aspect with her... So he took a deep breath and said:

"As a saint of Bixiao Shrine, her status is naturally extremely noble. I just learned that she is also in charge of Qiutong Palace, which is known as the center of power of Bixiao Shrine. She has a decisive position in Bixiao Shrine. Status... Even Lord Qianyan came here to arrest my soul under the instruction of their group."

"It turns out she is the mastermind behind all this." Fu Jing suddenly said.

"I'm not entirely sure it's her, but she's at least one of them." Lu Yu corrected.

"In addition, she is also known as a thousand people with a thousand faces, and an unparalleled spirit... In other words, she has many different faces, spread throughout the world, and one of the faces is probably my mother... …”

"Ah?" Fu Jing turned around and looked at Lu Yu in shock, "Is she still your mother?"

"I just said it was possible..." Lu Yu smiled bitterly, "Originally, I was very sure that she was my mother. Her image in my mind is full of justice and perseverance... But now I dare not do anything. It’s certain, because there may be too many changes, some far beyond what we can imagine..."

"Even sometimes I can't help but wonder, is my birth a conspiracy? If that's the case, even the image of my mother in my mind may not be real..."

Lu Yu looked lonely, his eyes full of sadness.

This is the secret deep in his heart, his most terrifying nightmare, and he has never mentioned it to any outsider...

Fu Jing looked at him, her eyes full of distress, and couldn't help but hold his hand tightly.

"It doesn't matter, no matter how high she is, no matter how powerful your enemy is, I will always stay with you until you find the final answer!"

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