Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2102 Rich Neighbor

There were no further twists and turns, and the Ark on the other side returned to Fenghe Prefecture without any danger.

In fact, according to the ability of the Ark on the other side at this time, it can already come to any place in the world of Guantian at will, but Lu Yu still chose Fenghe State as his final destination.

Because with the development during this period, this place has become the center of the entire world, and both talents and resources have been flowing here subtly.

Of course, it did not take long for the entire Fenghe State to become the center of the world. If Lu Yu was willing, he could also build other places into the center of the world at any time.

For example, Junshui City, the former capital of the Guanlan Empire...

But he was unwilling to do so, because he knew very well that the current peace was only temporary, and he had to improve the internal mobile facilities and resource reserves of the Ark on the Other Side as soon as possible. He had no extra time to waste.

So as soon as he returned to Fenghe Prefecture, Lu Yu returned to his intense work and turned a deaf ear to what was going on outside the window.

As for the statue of Saint Bixiao, he ignored it for the time being and allowed it to be hidden in the underground space of the Hall of Heroes.

Anyway, after entering the big world, there is another layer of isolation by the laws of the big world. Under the double isolation, it is even more impossible for the Lords of Qiugong to use this statue to play any tricks. It is better to wait for the time to free up in the future. Research.

But even if Lu Yu didn't show up, his reputation still resounded throughout the entire Guantian World.

This is all because of the help of the members of the Renaissance Alliance within Ark... After returning to Fenghezhou this time, the next time I set sail is to sail to the stars. I don’t know when I will come back. There may even be many people who will come back. died during this journey, so Lu Yu ordered the ban on the Ark on the other side to be lifted, allowing them to come and go freely, and return home to reunite with their families and say goodbye...

In this way, the miraculous treasure is the Dragon Clan's treasure, and everything that happened in the starry sky will be revealed to the world. Lu Yu's reputation has truly reached the point where everyone from top to bottom, old and young, women and children, is a household name.

At the same time, people also learned that these selected members would soon set sail again, embarking on a more magnificent journey to the distant star fields that they could not reach with the naked eye. They immediately couldn't help but cast lucky glances. I hate that I am not strong enough to be one of the lucky ones selected.

Ordinary people didn't know much about the situation outside the sky. They only knew that they wanted to follow the regent to become gods in the sky and live in the palaces and palaces in the sky... So for a time, there was a trend in various places to pray to these "god reserves". Bless them and hope they can provide them with protection in heaven.

In this vigorous movement, a month passed in a hurry.

Ning Wanxuan once again brought a batch of items to the Ark on the Other Side for storage, and reported to Lu Yu some recent developments in the Renaissance Alliance.

"What are you talking about? All 634 people are willing to go out with us? No one quits?" Lu Yu asked in surprise.

After three rounds of selection, plus the subordinates dispatched by Huo Siyu, there were now a total of 634 official members on the Ark.

The next expedition to the star field will have an elusive whereabouts, unknown return date, and uncertainty about life and death... Therefore, Lu Yu naturally has to explain it in advance and seek the opinions of these members, so as not to cause problems along the way and make it more troublesome.

From Lu Yu's point of view, he naturally hopes that the more people are willing to follow him, the better. After all, these people are already the top experts in the world, and with a little training, they can become very useful helpers.

However, even Lu Yu himself did not dare to think that all 634 people would be present, and not one of them would retreat.

"It's actually not difficult to understand... This is the opportunity to become a god or other immortal. Many people have practiced all their lives for just such an opportunity. Now that the opportunity is right in front of them, how can anyone be willing to give up?" Ning Wan Xuan said.

"And you haven't seen that the ordinary people outside have high hopes for them, and now they are worshiping them like gods. If anyone proposes to give up now, they will be drowned by the spittle of the people... …”

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel silent for a while.

He himself did not expect that things would evolve to this extent.

In his original plan, he did not intend to take all these people out, because this journey is too long, and more people means more resource consumption, and even if the entire Guantian World is taken, After all, it was impossible to collect such a huge amount of resources to support reaching the Cancer-shaped star field.

And if some people are willing to voluntarily quit, they can take advantage of the situation and let these people stay and develop in Guantian World, which will be easier to arrange.

Lu Yu thought silently for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, since they are not afraid of leaving without returning, what do we have to worry about? Let's arrange for them all!"

Ning Wanxuan said: "But in this case, the resources we have reserved will not be enough..."

Lu Yu's eyes flashed: "Actually, no matter what, the resources are not enough. I wanted to divert some people before, just to make the resources more relaxed. There is no guarantee that we can reach the intended destination safely... …Now that everyone is so enthusiastic, let’s just bring everyone along, and we’ll find other ways to deal with resources!”

Ning Wanxuan was slightly startled. Based on her understanding of Lu Yu, she knew that Lu Yu already had a solution if he showed such a look...

So he asked: "What can I do?"

"What else can we do? The plate in Guantian World is only so big. Since we don't have enough rice at home, we have no choice but to borrow it from our neighbors... Fortunately, we have a rich neighbor!"

"Neighbor?" Ning Wanxuan thought for a moment and then reacted.

Looking at the level of the star field, the only ones who have really come into contact with them now are the starry sky thieves in the Sea of ​​Broken Stars.

"You mean the Sea of ​​Broken Stars?"

"That's right." Lu Yu nodded, "Although the Sea of ​​Broken Stars is a place of chaos and bandits are rampant, but since so many powerful bandits can be spawned there, even the Tianwei Legion is only ranked among the top three, which shows that It’s really quite wealthy over there!”

"Besides, they are bandits to begin with, so there is no need to feel any psychological burden when robbing them!"

Ning Wanxuan's face was full of astonishment, and she didn't know what to say for a moment.

This is so bold!

Although they directly destroyed the mighty Tianwei Legion this time with a wild killing attack, they were forced to defend helplessly on their own territory after all. If they went to the Sea of ​​Broken Stars to rob, it would be a completely different situation.

Especially although they have such a treasure as the Ark of the Other Shore, in fact the members inside are still just novices. In the world of Guantian, they are all powerful, but in the world of the outer starry sky, they are just a bunch of little shrimps.

Is this a step too big?

"Is there any problem?" Ning Wanxuan asked hesitantly.

"There will definitely be problems. Let's try again when the time comes... Anyway, let's try it first!" Lu Yu said.

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