Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2247: Get some support

When he was in the Ten Thousand Dragon Kingdom, in order to help the dragon clan fight against the dark invasion of the shadow clan, Lu Yu had conducted in-depth research on the body structure of the dragon clan, and based on this, he created a set of exercises to help the dragon clan fight against the dark invasion.

Because of this, Lu Yu can be said to know the body structure of the dragon clan very well. Even if the gray dragon uses the power of the Qinghui Realm, it cannot escape the fate of being completely controlled by the other party.

This blow was like the seven inches of a fighting snake, accurate and ruthless. It hit the key point of the gray dragon accurately and instantly cut off the flow of power in its body.

Of course, given Lu Yu's strength, the time he could cut off was only a short moment, but a short moment was enough.

Masters compete with each other, and their moves are fatal. Nurse, you will not miss this once-in-a-lifetime moment. Countless ice crystal spikes burst out instantly, separated and cracked into small ice needles again, like a violent storm, raging throughout the high-dimensional world. .

At this moment, the world was turned upside down, and the original peaceful, peaceful and paradise scene was gone.

With just one move, countless small ice needles pierced the gray dragon's body. This was not a sudden sneak attack like Lu Yu's, but a full-scale lock of its internal power. The gray dragon issued a The painful wails could no longer activate any clear power.

Huo Siyu still refused to relax, frowning slightly, waving his hands repeatedly, and suddenly the ice needles continued to expand in the Feilong's body, and quickly arranged into ring shapes, like each one with barbs. The ring-shaped collar completely secures the gray dragon's body from beginning to end.

When she suppressed Su Qinghe, she only gave Su Qinghe a collar, but now there are dozens of collars, fastened to the gray dragon's body. This shows that the power of this gray dragon is indeed extraordinary. , Huo Siyu also attached great importance to it. Although he showed a contemptuous attitude in his attitude, he did not show any neglect in his actions.

"Finally it's done!" Huo Siyu breathed out softly, "The power of Qinghui Realm is really troublesome. If it were outside, it would never be able to last for so long. How many people with his strength are there here? The big guy?”

Lu Yu shook his head: "I don't know, but I think the number should not be small."

"That's really troublesome. The Dragon Clan of the Dongxu Tribe is really not easy to deal with!" Huo Siyu said.

"Of course, they can survive in the gap between the two great immortal courts of Yongle and Shenhua. They naturally have their own uniqueness. Otherwise, why would Yongle Immortal Court spend so much effort to win them over?"

"Then what are we going to do next?" Huo Siyu said, "Do you really plan to ask this guy about the whereabouts of their clan leader, and then kill him with such a big fanfare?"

Lu Yu said: "Before answering this question, I need to clarify another question first. If you are dealing with their team leader Teng, who is also the founder of this place, are you sure of winning?"

Huo Siyu turned to look at the gray dragon who was still struggling in the collar, and smiled softly: "Judging from the situation of the conclusion here, this Teng clan leader is indeed very strong, but in my opinion, compared to For the Twilight God Lord who came to the Wolf Smoke Land before, he should still be a little worse. But he has the home field advantage here after all. If he had directly attacked me just now, I can say that I have no chance of winning. As for now, haha, I I feel like he has no chance of winning!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but his eyes lit up: "In other words, you have mastered the method of restraining the power of Qinghui?"

Huo Siyu smiled and nodded: "This is all thanks to you. Without your help, I wouldn't have seen through its authenticity so quickly."

What she was talking about was the opportunity created by Lu's sneak attack just now.

In that attack, although Lu Yu took advantage of the weakness of the gray dragon's body structure to drive the power of the Dragon God to suddenly block the activation of the power of Qinghui. Huo Siyu himself could not replicate such a method, but in the process, he also The characteristic weakness of the power of Qinghui was exposed. With her strength and cultivation reaching such a high level, she naturally had to draw inferences and draw inferences. What was shown in that moment was enough for her to understand.

After all, no matter how powerful the clan leader Teng is, there are only two forms of power he can use, one is the power of the Dragon God, and the other is the power of Qinghui.

Now, she already has a deep understanding of these two powers, but the opponent knows very little about the power of Hades she possesses. Under such a situation, her chances of winning are naturally infinitely higher. .

"If that's the case, then what's there to worry about?" Lu Yu said, "No matter how bad the situation is, at least we can have someone to back us up, right?"

"Just a back cushion?" Huo Siyu pointed at the gray dragon in front of him, "I think there are at least two quilts already!"

"However, before setting off, I need to replenish and recover from the ethereal realm. Now you won't reject me anymore, right?"

Huo Siyu's voice was full of charm, and he slowly leaned towards Lu Yu.

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