Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2248 Hit wherever you point

At this moment, Lu Yu was in a state of confusion.

As far as his own heart is concerned, he is not willing to have a too close relationship with Huo Siyu, and in this situation, there is nothing he can do about it. He could have watched the battle between Huo Siyu and Gray Dragon just now. It is clear that Huo Siyu's consumption is indeed very huge. Apart from the ethereal realm, there is really no other way to recover quickly.

But if he really wanted to enter the ethereal realm with him, it would be difficult for him to accept it psychologically. Just when he didn't know what to do, fortunately, the Ark on the other side appeared at this time, and Yudie, Su Qinghe, Fu Jing, and Huo Yunru Everyone else walked out of the starship.

Under such circumstances, even Huo Siyu was embarrassed to perform an improvisation in front of everyone, so he had to give up temporarily.

"What exactly is going on"

Seeing the messy scene in front of her, Yudie couldn't help showing a dumbfounded expression, and everyone else also looked surprised.

"Didn't you say you would come and have a good talk with the other party? Why did the talks end like this?"

Lu Yu spread his hands and said: "There is no way, the other party is not willing to talk properly and this guy can't make the decision, so now we are planning to find someone who can make the decision!"

Everyone suddenly became even more confused.

So Lu Yu briefly recounted what happened before, and expressed his own inferences and guesses.

After listening to Lu Yu's story, Yudie couldn't help but frowned: "But the Ark of the Other Shore is no longer capable of starry voyages. I just checked with Mr. Su and found that the power of the dragon fish black tail has been completely exhausted. Unless we can Find the flying dragon, otherwise you will have to replace the engine, but this is not something that can be completed in a short time."

Lu Yu said: "If you can't get to the Ark, just stop here. Siyu and I have confirmed that it is safe for the time being. Anyway, besides the Ark, don't we also have Sub-ship No. 1 that we can use?"

"What? Are you still planning to attack alone?" Yudie said in surprise.

"Why are you acting alone? Isn't there Siyu here?" Lu Yu looked at Huo Siyu, and then pointed at the gray dragon that was still struggling: "Maybe we should include it."

"Isn't this too dangerous?"

Lu Yu took a deep breath and said: "Wealth and wealth are in danger. From the time we set foot in the heavens, which of the things we have done is not dangerous?"

Yudie was speechless for a moment.

Lu Yu immediately laughed again: "Of course, this matter is actually not as dangerous as you think. I have confirmed with Siyu just now that even the most powerful leader of the entire Dongxu Dragon Clan, Teng, is sure that she will We can win, so even if we go over there and talk things over, we won’t have any countermeasures. In addition, we have you as our strong backing, so no matter what happens, we won’t suffer completely.”

"What else can we do?" Yudie said in astonishment.

Lu Yu smiled and said: "It seems that you have been busy with the dragon fish and black tail these days, and you haven't had time to inquire about our past affairs. Do you know that in the period before we found you, there was still a lot of people in the Ark on the other side? Another name, called the Spirit Tree?"

"The Spirit Tree?"

Lu Yu nodded and did not continue to explain any more. He turned to look at Su Qinghe and said: "Since the black tail of the dragon fish can no longer be used, then we should simply restore it to the form of the Spirit Tree. I think this It shouldn’t take long, right?”

Su Qinghe said: "Every component is ready-made, it just needs to be reinstalled with a lot of effort. It does not take much time, but the power of the Lingshu form is completely incomparable with the current form!"

Lu Yu said: "It doesn't matter, as long as you can move. After you regain your power, you will approach our direction. If nothing else happens, no one will pay attention to your actions by then. I will pass the starlight mark by then." , you act according to my instructions, just like you did before in the Wolf Smoke Land!"

Everyone understood what he meant.

Just like the Wolf Smoke Land, he copied the previous action mode. He marked the target through the starlight, and then positioned and aimed it from the Ark on the Other Side. He hit the target with a crazy blow, destroying the world with one final decision.

Due to the existence of the Demonic Dragon II on the other side of the Ark, as long as Lu Yu brings the sacred wooden king tripod with the Star Gathering Pearl, all of this can be achieved, and even ultra-long distance positioning and sniping can be achieved.

Thinking of the scene that happened in the Wolf Smoke Land before, even though they were the party responsible for carrying out the attack, they still couldn't help but feel a lingering feeling of fear.

"Can I ask?" Su Qinghe asked in a low voice, "Who are you planning to deal with? If it is to deal with the Dragon Clan of the Dongxu Tribe, such a method does not seem to be inappropriate, right?"

Lu Yu sneered: "The specific attitude of them can be seen from the fact that they left us alone here. What else is wrong or wrong? Of course, our purpose is just to get the Flying Dragon's Pose, not to vent our anger. We need to teach them a lesson, so there is a high probability that this blow will not fall on their heads."

"As for whose head will fall in the end, it depends on who it is!"

Everyone now fully understood Lu Yu's intention. He did not go there to reason with the other party or ask for the flying dragon's appearance, but to shock the other party.

As for the best way to achieve this goal, naturally it is to operate on the envoy, or those few, who are enjoying the warm hospitality of the entire Dongxu Tribe Dragon Clan.

As long as these people are eliminated in one fell swoop, Lu Yu doesn't even need to speak again, and the other party will take the initiative to offer the flying dragon's posture.

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