Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2267 It does more harm than good

after a while……

Huo Siyu was the first to sit up straight from the ground. She gently shook her head and flipped up her messy hair. She already looked refreshed.

"Yes, it's true that I am more efficient when I am with you. It was not so efficient when I was doing it with Yunru before... If I hadn't known that you wouldn't agree, I would have wanted to take you to the underworld with me!"

Seeing that Lu Yu didn't respond, she turned around and looked at him askance: "What's wrong? Why do you look so resentful? Did I make you uncomfortable just now?"

Lu Yu gritted his teeth and said, "Can you change back to yourself?"

"Don't you like this look?" Huo Siyu chuckled: "You are a duplicitous guy. He says no, no, no, but your body is much more honest than your mouth... Hee hee, are you still afraid of this? If this matter is known to others, don’t worry, I will help you keep it strictly confidential. Only you and I know about this matter, not even God will know..."

"Can you change back first and then talk about it!"

"Okay, okay...yes, my father, I can see now that you are a guy who puts up his pants and refuses to recognize anyone!"

Lu Yu was almost mad to death. The two of them just entered the ethereal realm to recuperate and recover. Although the process was a bit ambiguous, it was definitely not a complete mess. But listening to what he said, it seemed like something really happened between the two of them. Something like...

However, Lu Yu still resisted arguing with her in the end. It was completely unclear to argue with her on this kind of issue, and it would only get darker and darker.

Huo Siyu broke through the shielding barrier, and the two worlds suddenly merged and intertwined together again, and figures of giant dragons appeared in front of them.

At this time, the shock caused by Kuangsha's attack has ended, and the sky seems to have been removed from the sky. Scenes that could only be seen in the cosmic starry sky have already appeared in this high-dimensional world... If you look at it from another angle If you look at it, you can see that the huge nebula that originally represented the Brilliant City has a huge gap, like an apple with a piece cut off by a knife.

Countless giant dragons were hovering in the sky, emitting various strange lights. They seemed to be repairing the damaged high-dimensional world. The figures of the giant dragons that Lu Yu and Huo Siyu saw were exactly what they were working on. scene.

As for the ground... the scene on the ground is also in a mess, but no dragon clan can care about the ground at this time, they are all busy in the sky.

It is precisely for this reason that no one has bothered them.

"Oh, there must be thousands of giant dragons, right?" Huo Siyu said, "It seems that Teng is not lying. They really have so many members living here... Where did they hide before? ?”

"No need to ask?" Lu Yu glanced at her, "You have been on the other side of the ark for so long, can't you imagine where they are staying?"

The architectural style of this glorious city is very similar to the style of the dragon city inside the Ark, so you can probably guess where these dragons usually live.

Huo Siyu said: "I have never seen a living giant dragon inhabiting the ark on the other side. Even if I can partially imagine it, I don't know if what I think is correct..."

"Speaking of which, do you have any thoughts when you see so many giant dragons now? If I'm not wrong, there are still a lot of job vacancies in the Ark. If these real dragons can be introduced, the Ark's The ability will definitely be greatly improved again!”

Lu Yu fell silent, thought seriously for a moment, and finally shook his head: "This idea is indeed very tempting, but the time is not yet ripe... There is no basis of trust between us and the Dragon Clan of the Dongxu Tribe, only a relationship of interest. , if I introduce them to the Ark on the other side, they will not obey my orders, and I can't completely trust them... So let's forget it for now, and one day return to the great world of Huangtian, and bring those old people from Wanlong Kingdom to Come on guys, this is the right thing to do!”

Huo Siyu said nonchalantly: "What's the point...haven't you always been bold and radical in your behavior? Whether it's Su Qinghe or the previous group of Skyfire Legion people, why didn't you just capture them and use them immediately? Why do you go now? Are you timid?"

"How is this the same?" Lu Yu said, "Whether it was Su Qinghe or the Skyfire Legion, we were able to suppress them at that time, so we could directly take them for our own use, but now..."

Huo Siyu looked at him with a half-smile, "What's wrong now?"

Lu Yu said angrily: "Okay, I admit that these are all your contribution. Without you, we would not have been able to suppress them at that time. You can be said to have taken the most credit along the way..."

"That's more or less..." Huo Siyu said with a smile, "With your words, I feel completely relieved. I have been there for you all the way, and I have nothing to regret even if I leave right now... However, If you really want to bring a group of giant dragons with you, I might be able to help you think of another way, just treat it as another gift to you before leaving!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, remembering what she said before about giving Huo Yunru as a gift to herself. It seemed that regardless of whether she accepted it or not, she firmly believed that it was a gift.

"Let's talk about it then..." Lu Yu shook his head.

In fact, the method Huo Siyu can use is nothing more than to turn the power of Hades into a collar and enslave some dragons... In the short term, this can indeed form considerable combat power, but in the long term, this matter is It does more harm than good.

First of all, this method of enslavement is full of uncertainties. Secondly, it will completely affect his relationship with the Dragon Clan of the Dongxu Tribe. The ability of the Dongxu Tribe is not just the Dongxu Tribe, they are all heavens and all realms. He is the benchmark of all the dragon clans among them. If he ruins his reputation here, he will probably be spurned by all the dragon clans.

Even the terrifying dragon clan would probably have a grudge against him.

Of course, what Lu Yu did at this time was also unpopular in the eyes of the Eastern and Western Dragon Clan, but he felt that there was still a chance to reverse it.

"It's better to resolve the main issues at hand first!"

When Lu Yu said these words, a golden dragon figure broke away from the "dragon group" in the sky and landed quickly in the direction of the two people.

Obviously, Teng had noticed the two figures reappearing, so he immediately flew towards them.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel refreshed.

Although everything that happened before is thrilling enough, if you really think about it, it can only be regarded as an appetizer. What comes next is the real highlight of the trip!

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