Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2268 I can’t do it

"Look at the good stuff you've done!"

The huge body of the golden dragon has not yet officially landed, but the angry voice has already been heard first.

"This glorious city was originally the strongest fortress of our Dragon Clan of the Dongxu Tribe, and it was also the breeding and habitat for our survival. It has gone through at least tens of millions of years of development to reach its current scale, but now But it was all destroyed in one go…”

When he said the last sentence, the huge body of the golden dragon finally descended to the ground, blowing with it with a strong wind, which blew Lu Yu so hard that he could hardly open his eyes.

Lu Yu narrowed his eyes and said, "Chief Teng's words are serious, how can he be so exaggerated?"

"No?" Teng snorted heavily, "The loss is not your fault. Of course you can stand and talk without back pain!"

Lu Yu said: "Today's matter is indeed very reckless, but in order to deal with a strong enemy, there is nothing we can do. Otherwise, if what happened over there in the Wolf Smoke Land reaches their ears, then we will have no chance... But this matter is indeed my fault, and I sincerely apologize to the Dragon Clan of the Dongxu Tribe!”

Teng sneered: "Can a simple apology solve everything?"

"So, how does Patriarch Teng think this matter can be resolved?" Lu Yu said, "By the way, can you change your appearance? It's really tiring on my neck to keep talking to you like this..."

"Tired? Are you tired now? Do you think my people are tired?"

Although its tone was unkind, it still transformed into a human form, just like the image it had when it appeared at the venue before.

Teng walked slowly in front of Lu Yu and Huo Siyu. As he walked, he turned around and looked at the Ark on the other side outside the sky - after completing the offensive of the mad attack, the Ark on the other side hovered outside the high-dimensional world, and It has not entered the scope of Brilliant City. According to the original plan, it will maintain this distance until it receives new instructions from Lu Yu.

"It's no longer safe here..." Teng said, "Even if I transfer tribesmen from other cities, it will be impossible to repair this place in a short time... During this period, we will continue to be exposed In danger, everything else is easy to say, but there is the fire of the abyss here, you should know its importance to us! "

Lu Yu nodded: "Then what?"

"We need protection during this period, so the Ark of the Other Shore will stay here to escort us to prevent powerful enemies from invading!" Teng said.

Lu Yu's brows twitched slightly: "So you want to keep us?"

Chief Teng said: "If you have other things to do, you can leave first... I heard that the fire of the abyss in the Great Sky Ministry has been extinguished. The purpose of your coming out this time is to find a new kind of fire. In this matter, We can help you, but the Ark must stay here."

Lu Yu couldn't help but laugh: "Does this mean that you plan to take over our Ark on the other side as your own?"

"What do you mean by taking it as your own?" Teng corrected angrily, "The Ark on the Other Side was originally owned by all the Dragon Clan, but due to the situation at that time, Shuntian was responsible for controlling it according to the agreement, so it was exiled to the Dakong Department, but this one It’s just a temporary decision, and it doesn’t mean that the Ark of the Other Shore is the private property of the Ministry of Space... Now that time has passed, and the agreement back then has expired, it’s time for the Ministry of the Shore to hand over the Ark of the Other Shore!”

Lu Yu said: "Team Leader Teng, are you afraid there is some misunderstanding? I am not discussing history with you. If you want to talk about these truths, I will ask the Wanlong Kingdom to send someone over to discuss it with you. …I only know that what others put in my hands is under my control, and it will never lose control in my hands.”

"Hmph!" Teng Leng snorted: "Then just ask the old man from the Department of Air and Space to come over! Before that, you stay here and are not allowed to leave!"

"Sorry, I can't do it." Lu Yu shook his head decisively.

"What did you say?"

"I said, I don't want to do it." Lu Yu said slowly and word by word.

"You... are very good!" Teng was furious, his eyes flashed with blazing fire, and a powerful aura swept out of him. Sand and rocks flew on the ground, and the giant dragons in the sky also noticed it and turned their heads. Looking over here.

"If you can't do it, then I have to make you do it!"

Along with the loud sound, Teng once again returned to the form of the golden dragon, opened his mouth and let out a roar, which made Lu Yu feel as if he had been struck by lightning, and his body instantly collapsed.

Just at this moment, a slender but strong hand supported him.

Huo Siyu supported Lu Yu with one hand and already held the ice crystal thorn in the other hand, pointing directly at the high golden dragon: "Old man, you also want to have a fight, right?"

The golden dragon said: "Heir to the power of the God of Hades, you are indeed very powerful, but I will not make the same mistake as Zhenhong... No matter how strong your power of the God of Hades is, can you fight against my entire Dongxu Tribe Dragon Clan? "

As soon as he finished speaking, countless giant dragons in the sky roared, as if responding to the call of the patriarch.

Huo Siyu didn't even move his brows and said with a smile: "Do you think you are the only one with help? Are you afraid that you have forgotten how the group of people from Yongle Immortal Court disappeared just now?"

The golden dragon said: "You can't lie to me. As a dragon, I know the performance of the Ark on the other side better than you. Although the Crazy Evil Array is powerful, it also requires a long preparation time. It will never be activated again in a short time. , you can’t even think of threatening me with this..."

Huo Siyu said: "The Crazy Evil Array won't work, but what about other ones, such as Heavenly Punishment and Annihilation? Are you sure the Dragon Clan of the Dongxu Tribe can catch it?"

The golden dragon smiled and said: "It seems that you know a lot. Unfortunately, I have already said that I am from the Dragon Clan. I know the history of the Dragon Clan better than you do... The two major powers of Heaven's Punishment and Nirvana The attack array was damaged that year, and the only thing left for the Ark on the Other Side was the Kuangsha Array. Do you think I don’t know about these things? "

Huo Siyu couldn't help but feel something in her heart. She didn't expect that Tianpu and Nirvana had been broken back then. She believed that Lu Yu must not know about this, otherwise it would be impossible not to tell.

With this thought in his mind, his face was calm and he said, "Really? Are you sure you know everything? Then do you know what Emperor Sainty did after he left with the Ark of the Other Side?"

The golden dragon was really stopped by the question and said in shock: "What did you do..."

How did Huo Siyu know this? She just heard these dragons mention the name "Shuntian" many times. After so many years, the dragons here still remember him, which shows how great he was back then. The Great Emperor of the Dragon Clan... She mentioned this deliberately now just to bluff.

"You don't need to know what it did specifically. You just need to know one thing. The Dongxu Ministry spent tens of millions of years building this glorious city here. How do you know that the Dakong Ministry did not complete it during this period? What about anything? Do you want to risk the entire Dongxu Dragon Clan’s fortune and life?”

The golden dragon fell silent and made no sound for a long time.

Indeed, tens of millions of years have passed, and many things have changed. The information recorded in the classics may not still be applicable to the present.

Of course, there is still a high probability that the other party is bluffing... but does it dare to bet on this probability with the fate of the entire Dongxu Dragon Clan?

Just as the golden dragon was struggling, Lu Yu on the side finally adapted, shook his hand and stood up again.

"Chief Teng, don't worry about this issue for now. I'll tell you another thing. If you still insist on taking action after listening to this matter, then it won't be too late for us to have a big fight!"

The golden dragon was startled: "What's the matter?"

Lu Yu held his head high and smiled slightly: "Aren't you always curious about my true identity before? I'll tell you this now!"

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