Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2269 The whole story

"you say."

A fierce light burst out from the golden dragon's eyes.

In fact, this is the real core of the problem. If the other party's background and origins were not too mysterious, it would probably have been able to bear the order and take action, instead of holding back until now.

Even though there were thousands of giant dragons baring their teeth and claws behind it, wasn't this another form of bluff?

Lu Yu said slowly: "In order to deal with Lord Zhenhong Shenjun, I have made several different statements about my identity and background. Among these statements, to be precise, none of them are true, including that I am the chief of the Great Air Ministry. priest……"

"What...what?" The golden dragon was suddenly stunned.

In previous exchanges, Lu Yu has stated that he is the high priest of the Great Sky Ministry, the spokesperson of the Great Bixiao Saint, the collaborator of the underworld, and the liaison person of the Shenhua Fairy Court... Among these many identities, it turns out that it is I feel that only the high priest of the Great Sky Ministry is the most reliable one. After all, Lu Yu now actually controls the Ark of the Other Side. Unexpectedly, even this identity is fake.

If that's the case, then how did he get the Ark on the Other Side?

"Don't be so surprised." Lu Yu continued calmly, "I did not steal your dragon treasure. I do come from the great world of Huangtian, and I have had a close relationship with the Dragon Clan of the Great Sky Tribe there. We have a deep understanding of each other. Friendship... I helped them solve the problem of how to deal with the dark invasion launched by the Shadow Clan. It was because of this incident that the leader of the Ministry of Sky at the time proposed that I be their high priest, but I did not agree at the time... "

"So strictly speaking, I cannot be regarded as the high priest of the Great Kong Ministry, but if I want to, I can become the high priest of the Great Kong Ministry at any time..."

"In addition, didn't I say that Okubu has now established a brand new country, the Wanlong Kingdom? The Wanlong Kingdom is now ruled by a queen with both dragon and human blood. Her identity has been confirmed by the Dragon God. Approved, and she is also my good friend..."

The golden dragon's eyes softened slightly.

It tends to believe what Lu Yu said. It is an indisputable fact that the other party can control the power of the Dragon God. If it were not for its close relationship with the Dragon Clan, it would not be possible to have such an ability. However, this still does not explain the rest of the problem... …

"So, how did the Ark on the Other Side fall into your hands?"

Lu Yu let out a long sigh: "This is a long story... I wonder how much you know about Huangtian World?"

"Huangtian World?" The golden dragon asked doubtfully.

There was a look of reminiscence in Lu Yu's eyes, and he continued without waiting for the other party's answer: "That is the center of the ruling power of the Storm Clan and the birthplace of the myth of Heaven. In the last era, it was in the world. Its status should be equivalent to today’s Central World…”

"I was also born there, born and raised here, and I didn't think there was anything strange about it at first. But when I really left there and set foot in the heavens, I felt more and more how unusual it was..."

"Not to mention anything else, the method used to mark Zhenhong Shenjun was completed by a treasure that was also born and raised in Huangtian World. When it was in Huangtian World, it was far from having such ability. But once it leaves the great world of Huangtian and sets foot in the heavens, its abilities can be said to be wild and wild..."

"Situations like this are not unique. Among the things I have come into contact with, there are many such situations, such as Panwu Xianzun, the old enemy of your giant dragon clan... It can be seen that Huangtian World is a It is a very unique place. I think there must be special considerations why Emperor Sainty chose that place as the direction to migrate..."

The golden dragon's eyes became even more confused, not knowing what he wanted to express...

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "The topic is a bit far-fetched. What I really want to express is that Huangtian World is an extraordinary place. The place that Emperor Shuntian took a fancy to back then is now another group of people who also take a fancy to it. , they are Yongle Immortal Court... to be more precise, they are Qiutong Palace under Yongle Immortal Court."

"Qiutong Palace has taken a fancy to Huangtian Great World?" the golden dragon asked in surprise.

Lu Yu nodded: "They got a method from the ancient demon spirit tribe to make a large world into a weapon. The Huangtian World is their specific implementation target. Once this kind of weapon is successfully made, it can be directly used Destroying a star field... This plan has been going on in Huangtian World for 200,000 years. Even if the time flow there is different from here, this plan has been advancing for more than 20,000 years... Before I leave , they were close to success, but I took away one of the key parts, which prevented the plan from being truly completed..."

"So, you should understand now, right? The reason why the Ark of the Other Shore fell into my hands is because I need it to escape with my life... Not only do I need it, but also hundreds of millions of people in Huangtian's world, including the Great Kong Department. All living beings also need me to escape as much as possible. Otherwise, once I fall into their hands and Qiutong Palace's star field weapon transformation plan is successfully completed, the entire Huangtian world will be destroyed and destroyed. It will be more than just a big world of Huangtian..."

The golden dragon was stunned and didn't say the wrong thing for a long time.

As the leader of the Dongxu Tribe Dragon Clan, it has extremely rich experiences, which can be said to be unimaginable to Lu Yu... But even with such rich experiences, it was still very shocked by what Lu Yu said.

Therefore, it has no doubt about the authenticity of Lu Yu's words. If there is no factual basis for such a bizarre thing, it would not be able to make it up on its own.

"Chief Teng, do you still want to keep me here now?"

Lu Yu finally said with a smile.

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