Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 531 Those who surrender will not be killed

Black Widow holds the Hun Tian Hammer and rushes to kill as if entering an uninhabited land.

As for the rhinoceros horn, after she took out the Huntian Hammer, it could no longer pose an effective threat and was left aside by her.

This is because she doesn't want to waste too much energy on Rhinoceros, otherwise she is afraid that Rhinoceros will have been completely defeated, because she also knows that Rhinoceros is too rough and thick, and it is impossible to completely eliminate him in a short while. If you are too persistent, it will only delay the opportunity to fight.

Therefore, she kept holding the rhinoceros horn and resisted his attack all the way.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Hu Zun and Wu Zhuojun also quickly attacked.

Among them, Wu Zhuojun originally did not want to confront the Black Widow head-on, but he also knew that if the Black Widow's offensive could not be suppressed at this time, not only the Huangshan Army would be unlucky, but the Karasuma clan would also be unlucky.

After some inner struggle, he still followed Tiger Lord to greet the Black Widow.

The main reason is that he feels that with the cooperation of three powerful celestial demons, even if they can't accomplish anything against the Black Widow alone, their lives should not be in danger...

As a result, the scene quickly evolved into a situation where three powerful celestial demons joined forces to suppress the Black Widow alone.

But Wu Zhuojun obviously underestimated the power of the Black Widow and the Heaven-Hunting Hammer in her hand. Even with the strength of the three powerful Celestial Demons, they still could not stop her offensive.

The most shameless thing is that with the power of the Huntian Hammer in her hand, Black Widow will never compete with the three people with physical strength. No matter how fierce the three people attack, she will use the Huntian Hammer to clear the way.

Wu Zhuojun was not as thick-skinned as a rhinoceros horn. After being hit twice, his whole body felt extremely uncomfortable, and even his heart was trembling involuntarily.

He suddenly couldn't help but curse in his heart. He wondered why Black Widow could wield the Haunting Hammer so skillfully and freely, and secretly cursed why the bastard Ming Ming and Miss Yang didn't show up for so long, and the two most capable ones didn't show up. , how will these shrimp soldiers and crabs be able to withstand it?

Unknowingly, the two humans turned out to be the biggest support in his heart...

Seeing the three powerful Heavenly Demons joining forces, not only were they unable to do anything to the Black Widow, but they were also chased and beaten by the Black Widow alone. The morale of the Black Wind City side became even higher, and the demon soldiers and generals of the Huangshan Army and the Karasuma Tribe became even more intimidated. Became panicked.

Under this situation, the situation is already precarious.

At the critical moment, the mountains suddenly shook, and a giant dragon body roared towards him!

Black Widow's expression suddenly changed, and she quickly gave up the pursuit of Wu Zhuojun and others. She hurriedly twisted around and slammed a hammer in the direction of the dragon's attack.

Suddenly, lightning surrounded and thunder shook.

The sky and the earth were dark.

Although the Huntian Hammer finally neutralized the giant dragon's offensive, countless demon soldiers and generals from Black Wind City were still knocked away by the force of the giant dragon's collision, and their original unstoppable momentum suddenly disappeared.

The air waves subsided and the smoke dispersed.

The figure of a handsome human man, holding a dragon-shaped talisman, appeared on the scene.

The Black Wind City side was filled with astonishment, and before they could see the man's appearance clearly, the Huangshan Army side suddenly burst out with a loud shout:

"Long live Mingshuai!"

"Long live Mingshuai!"

This momentum seemed to be a response to the previous shouts from Black Wind City. Infected by the atmosphere of the scene, even the little demons among the Karasuma clan couldn't help but shout along.

"Are you Mingshuai?"

Black Widow looked directly at Lu Yu and made an obvious swallowing gesture.

"As expected, you are indeed very talented. I have decided to ignore the request of the giant spirits for the time being. I will let you be my 135th husband for a few days first!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth and cursed: "Ugly, your death is coming soon, are you still thinking about such beautiful things?"


Black Widow suddenly raised her eyebrows: "Who are you talking about?"

"It's you I'm talking about! Ugly monster! Old witch! Spider spirit!"

Lu Yu continued to curse, yelling loudly while scolding:

"Dear friends from Black Wind City, have you seen her true face?"

"Do you know that when she showed her true form, she had goosebumps all over her body and the wrinkles on her face almost fell to her belly button..."

"These... were all told to me by Rhinoceros, who had been her one hundred and thirty-second husband!"

"Thankfully she still has the nerve to call herself Black Rose! Damn it, I feel sick just thinking about it!"


In the end, Lu Yu made a disgusting expression.

The Black Widow opposite had a face full of frost, and she squeezed out a few words from between her teeth: "You are looking for death!"

"I changed my mind! You are dead! No one can save you!"

Along with her words, the sky became thick and billowing with clouds.

Amidst the thunder and wind, the Huntian Hammer struck hard.

Lu Yu, however, did not dodge or evade, and punched hard.

His way of coping couldn't help but make everyone around him sweat in secret.

This is the Huntian Hammer of the mighty giant spirit clan! He actually used his bare hands to deal with it, is he crazy?

However, the results surprised everyone.

After the fists and hammers collided, Lu Yu's face flushed, but his feet did not move at all.

They tried to shake the Huntian Hammer with their bare hands, but the two of them were evenly matched.

Everyone around was shocked, they didn't expect his punch to be so powerful.

Wu Zhuojun on the side felt the difference sincerely. Like the blow that Black Widow used just now, he would not have dared to take it hard no matter what.

"You are still not convinced that you are old. Such a powerful magic weapon has been used limply by you, without any strength at all. You still refuse to admit that you are old?"

Lu Yu suppressed the churning energy and blood in his body and smiled.

In fact, he had already reached his limit with this forceful attack just now. The reason why he pretended to stimulate the black widow was to create opportunities for Yang Chudie who was hiding in the air.

Black Widow was immediately fooled, and said angrily: "I want to see how strong your little human body is. Can you still withstand the force of thunder?"

As he spoke, he suddenly threw up the Huntian Hammer in his hand and flew into the sky.

In an instant, dark clouds rolled in, covering the entire sky.

Countless thunder lights are surging in it, as if the end of the world is coming!

Black Widow stands proudly on the spot, her eyes are like lightning, and her long hair is dancing wildly!

The power of this scene was even stronger than when she planned to eliminate the crows before. It was obvious that she had activated the power of the Hun Tian Hammer to its maximum.

The demon spirits on the ground, whether they were enemies or friends, all turned pale with horror.

Everyone knew that Black Widow was completely angry this time!

And the consequences of her anger have always been very serious...

But Lu Yu was fearless.

Facing the lightning surging all over the sky, he remained calm, as if they didn't exist, and he didn't even bother to gather the protective energy.

Everyone thought he was stunned by the scene in front of them and forgot to react.

Black Widow doesn't care about this and directly summons the Hun Tian Hammer to fall from the sky!

"go to hell!"

Suddenly, the Huntian Hammer reappeared from the sky. Countless electric lights were wrapped around it, accompanied by wind and thunder all over the sky. It hit straight down, as if the entire sky collapsed!

Lu Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, stared at the long "tail flame" trailing behind the Huntian Hammer, and suddenly laughed.

"No, it's you who died!"

Before he finished speaking, the Huntian Hammer had already fallen, and sure enough, the impact point it hit was exactly where the Black Widow was standing.

In an instant, Black Widow didn't even have time to scream, before she turned into a puddle of flesh.

There was deathly silence in the whole place.

No one understood what was going on.

It wasn't until the electric light slowly dissipated and the dust gradually settled, that a beautiful figure of a human woman emerged from it. Only then did everyone vaguely guess what had happened at that moment...

Suddenly, the whole audience burst into a sky-shaking shout:

"Long live Miss Yang!"

"Long live Miss Yang!"

Yang Chudie floated into the sky again, raised the Purple Lightning Hammer, looked at the demon soldiers and generals in Black Wind City, and said lightly:

"Those who surrender will not be killed!"

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