Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 532: The Secret Fight in Tianhe Palace

Adjacent to the western border of Dakong Mountain stands a magnificent palace.

This is where the highest power center of the Tianhe clan is located - Tianhe Palace.

At this time, the Tianhe Palace was full of people, and all the demons gathered together.

But there was silence in the palace, and there was no sound for a long time.

Everyone was shocked by the news they had just received, and were struggling to digest this unbelievable news.

A force that emerged from Dulong Port threatened a group of people from the Great Wilderness Mountain. Not only did it wipe out the coalition of major clans in Xichuan in one fell swoop, it also defeated a hundred thousand elites from Black Wind City. Even the lord of Black Wind City, Black Widow, died. To the Blood Crow Valley.

Each of these things, each and every one of them, shocked everyone in the palace, especially considering that the two sides had just turned against each other not long ago.

It has only been a short time before four powerful Heavenly Demons died one after another in the land of Xichuan...

Especially the last Black Widow, not only was she extremely powerful, but it was also said that she was in control of a Haunting Hammer at the time, but even so, she was still not immune...

It can be said that the Huangshan Army completely amazed all the demon spirits in the entire demon spirit world with its own strength.

For a moment, everyone in the palace was silent, silently thinking about what impact this newly rising power would have on the entire demon spirit world...

"It's become obvious!"

Not everyone finds this difficult, the second young master Jun Yingqiu is very excited about it.

He had been pursuing a plan to cooperate with the Huangshan Army before, but he encountered great resistance. The current change in the situation undoubtedly gave him hope again.

"The Huangshan Army has grown rapidly, and its current strength cannot be underestimated. Moreover, they have already eliminated the Black Widow and the 100,000 elites in Black Wind City on their own. Previously, you adults were worried that the cost of attacking Black Wind City would be too high, so there are All these problems no longer exist!"

"Black Wind City without the Black Widow is just a toothless tiger. If we don't take it now, then when? Even if we don't take action, someone else will definitely take action. Black Wind City is far away from the power of our Tianhe clan. The range is only less than three thousand miles, would you be willing to give up this piece of fat to others? "

Ying Qiu Shaojun expressed his intention impassionedly, and his whole body was in high spirits because of the Huangshan Army's amazing performance.

For him, this was not just as simple as proving his vision in front of his father, but it also meant that he would cultivate his own strength in addition to the system of the three marshals.

After the words fell, the scene fell into a brief silence.

After a moment, a being shrouded in shadow spoke: "What Young Master Ying Qiu said is indeed true. The only flaw is that the commanders of this barren mountain army are two humans. They are despicable and untrustworthy! The ancestors of our Tianhe clan have told us this with countless facts!”

"Besides, there are various signs that indicate that these two humans are unruly people and will never obey our instructions. They may even go against us. If we really believe in their promises, we will have to fight against them." The final result of forming an alliance is really unpredictable..."

"Therefore, I still stick to my original point of view, and I will never deal with the treacherous people!"

The person who spoke was the shadow of Commander Qu. Since the three great celestial demon marshals were trapped in the Dakong Mountain and had difficulty escaping, they could only send their own shadows to possess the bodies of their trusted subordinates to come to the palace for a meeting.

Although this method of communication has a certain delay, it can ensure that the true intention of the other party is conveyed.

Hearing this, Young Master Ying Qiu couldn't help but frown and sneered: "Shuai Qu's words are too serious. Our previous attitude towards the Huangshan Army was purely to drive away tigers and devour wolves and take advantage of each other. It's just that the Huangshan Army The army did not fall into the trap in the end, and this situation should not be considered a breach of trust..."

"On the contrary, I looked at them even more highly because of this! How many people were able to break the deadlock and achieve what they are now in the situation that the Huangshan Army was in at that time?"

A demon spirit with long horns on his head and a playful goatee under his chin said:

"Young Master Ying Qiu's move is too natural! The Huangshan Army is indeed very powerful, but at that time they were still young and dared to fight against our Tianhe clan. At this time, their wings have completely hardened. I'm afraid they will become even more powerful. No scruples…”

"Ignore everything else for the time being, let's just talk about the Black Wind City in front of us. Those two human bastards, as early as Dulong Port, had shouted loudly the slogan of taking over Black Wind City. At this time, the Black Wind City was eliminated. Widow, the biggest obstacle to taking Black Wind City has been removed, do you think they still need to cooperate with us? "

"In the final analysis, this is just wishful thinking of Young Master Ying Qiu!"

This person is General Yang Ling, and Ying Qiu is not surprised at all that he would refute her, because he is a direct aide of the First Young Master Ying Chen, and the First Young Master Ying Chen is standing in front of him.

When they discussed collaborating with the Huangshan Army to attack Black Wind City, the biggest opposition came from him.

However, today is different from the past. The rapid changes in the situation give Ying Qiu now full confidence.

"General Yang Ling and I have different views. On the contrary, I feel that the Huangshan Army at this moment needs the assistance of our Tianhe clan more than before!"

"Indeed, even if the Huangshan Army takes down Black Wind City alone at this time, it shouldn't be a big problem, but what happens after they do so? Without the support of our Tianhe clan, can they gain a foothold in Black Wind City?"

"The two commanders of the Huangshan Army are human beings. They want to occupy Black Wind City, but they are just coveting the fine gold minerals in the surrounding area. To put it bluntly, they are just seeking wealth. If there is no stable environment, every day will be How can they seek wealth in peace when they are at war?”

"Therefore, General Yang Ling's two questions can actually be boiled down to one point. If you want to use force and intimidation to surrender the Huangshan Army, I'm afraid it will be difficult. If you change your thinking and use interests to control them, all problems will be solved. It will be solved easily..."

"The reason why the Huangshan Army is running rampant and uncontrollable is because they don't have any feet. Those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes. But once they settle in Black Wind City and have their own interests, Then many things are beyond their control!”

Ying Qiu Zhizhu said with confidence.

Most of the people in the hall were veterans who had been on the battlefield for many years. Most of them liked to use brute force to directly solve problems. Ying Qiu Shaojun's remarks made them suddenly feel enlightened.

For a moment, the hall couldn't help but fell silent again.

But what was different from before was that everyone was silently watching Young Master Ying Qiu, as if they saw a kind of kingly wisdom in him.

"Do you have any other opinions?"

At this time, Lord Tianhe, who was sitting high on the throne and had been concentrating with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes.

He is the demon king's strength, his cultivation is unfathomable, and as his eyes open, a huge unintentional pressure suddenly sweeps across the entire place.

"Ying Chen, what do you think?"

Lord Tianhe didn't care about other people's opinions and asked directly by naming them.

Everyone couldn't help but be awe-inspiring, and they all concentrated their attention, not daring to take a breath.

At this moment, everyone understood that although the Tianhe Lord asked the question lightly on the surface, in fact it was a test of the two young princes to see which one was better and which one was worse. .

In an instant, all eyes couldn't help but focus on Ying Chen.

Ying Chen was calm, smiled calmly, and said: "What the second brother said is very reasonable, but in my opinion, this is not the key to the overall situation..."

"The real key is in the battles in Dakong Mountain every year. How many demon spirits of our Tianhe clan have died under the Hun Tian Hammer, but the two commanders of the Huangshan Army have the ability to directly surrender the Hun Tian Hammer." Tianmai, I think this alone is worth any price we pay to befriend him..."

"Whether they are sincere or hypocritical, or as the second brother said, they control them through interests... Even if we only form a superficial alliance with them and let them appear in Dakong Mountain, it will be enough for our souls." The great kings of the giant spirit clan have trouble sleeping and eating!"

"The situation in Dakong Mountain is tense at the moment. This move will greatly help us break the deadlock. In order to fight for the sacred object Qifeng Wutong, and for the ten thousand years of existence of our Tianhe clan, I agree with my second brother that we should form an alliance with him!"

The whole audience couldn't help but be stunned.

Unexpectedly, Young Master Ying Chen also changed his views. Doesn't he know that this is increasing the strength of the second Young Master Ying Qiu and shaking his own foundation?

However, Ying Qiu's face could not help but reveal joy.

Ying Chen, who was on the side, had been quietly observing the changes in his expression. At this moment, Ying Chen suddenly smiled contemptuously and continued to speak: "Therefore, I am willing to go to the Huangshan Army in person to persuade them to enter the country. Empty Mountain Domain!”

The whole audience was shocked again.

A look of anger immediately emerged on Ying Qiu's face. The other party's actions were undoubtedly reaching out to pick his peaches!

"Okay, then you can go and meet those two humans for a while. I will leave this matter entirely to you!"

What everyone didn't expect was that Lord Tianhe actually agreed to Ying Chen's proposal and had no reaction at all to his behavior of picking peaches.

"Father! No! This...I can't agree! That barren mountain army has always been me..."

Ying Qiu's face turned red and she argued with excitement.

"Shut up!"

A ray of light burst out from Lord Tianhe's eyes, like a divine light, making Ying Qiu feel that she had been looked at completely in an instant, and could no longer say a word.

"I have seen your abilities..."

"Ying Qiu, you have good eyesight, but you lack the skills to do things. You already had one chance, but it's a pity that you messed it up and let the Huangshan Army escape your control..."

"Now, it's time for your brother to take action. You should open your eyes and watch carefully. Follow him and learn from him!"

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