Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 534 I want to talk about it after going to Black Wind City.

Lord Frostwolf came to the camp of the Huangshan Army again, and his heart was filled with infinite emotion.

He never expected that the Barren Mountain Army, which was composed of a ragtag group of people, could grow to such a large scale and have such a profound impact on the situation in the demon world.

When he left last time, it could be said that the two sides were very unhappy. Even now, he still feels that the Huangshan Army is ambitious and should not be closely associated with them.

But the situation is stronger than the people, and the Huangshan Army has now become a force.

The attitude of the senior management of Tianhe Palace is very clear. Since he was the one who made the harsh words and fell out with the Huangshan Army in the first place, then the person who untied the bell needs to tie the bell. Naturally, he should be the one to ease the relationship between the two parties so as to prepare for the future. The visit of the first young master Ying Chen cleared the obstacles and laid a solid foundation.

Therefore, even though he was extremely unwilling in his heart, he still had to pinch his nose at this moment and once again came to the formation of the Barren Mountain Army, ready to bow his head to the two human commanders of the Barren Mountain Army.

It has to be said that this has never happened before in the history of the Tianhe clan. Although a large part of the reason is due to the pressure of the situation in Dakong Mountain, it also shows from the side that the Tianhe clan's attitude towards the Huangshan Army has completely changed and they have become extremely serious.

"Master Frostwolf, are you okay?"

What Lord Frostwolf didn't expect was that after being left out in the Huangshan Army for half a day, the last thing he saw was Hu Dali.

Although the other party is nominally the third-ranking figure in the Huangshan Army, in fact he is just a puppet that he discovered originally to control Dulonggang. He can only be regarded as his subordinate. This huge psychological gap, He couldn't help but feel very unhappy.

"Hey! Should I also call you Master Huzun now?"

Lord Frostwolf's face was full of displeasure, and his tone could not help but contain some yin and yang aura.

But Tiger Lord had a calm expression on his face: "What did Master Frost Wolf say? You are my old superior. How could I forget your kindness in cultivating me? Just call me Dali!"

Seeing the indifferent expression on his face, Master Frostwolf became even more angry, but remembering the purpose of coming here, he finally endured it.

"I am here to represent the Tianhe Palace, and what I convey is the will of Lord Tianhe. I need to inform your two leaders face to face. I wonder when I can see Marshal Ming and Miss Yang?"

However, Hu Zun did not take it seriously at all, and said slowly: "Master Frostwolf, I am really sorry. You also know that we have just experienced a war. At this time, there are many things in the military affairs. Marshal Ming and Miss Yang are all on their own." There are other important things to do, and it’s difficult to take care of them..."

"However, the two coaches have already made it clear that I am in charge of this place for the time being. Regarding the negotiation with you, I will also make the initial contact. If Lord Frostwolf has any wishes, just tell me, and I will definitely convey it to you accurately. The two coaches..."


Lord Frostwolf couldn't help but became furious.

Any other priorities? Communicate on your behalf?

He was already prepared to be ridiculed and ridiculed by the two human leaders in person. At worst, he would give up his face and let the other party scold him and let out a good sigh of relief.

But what he didn't expect was that now he couldn't even see the other person's face. Instead, he was asked to humble himself in front of Hu Dali. How could he bear this tone?

The other party was clearly deliberately making things difficult and did not give Tianhe any face. What else could be more important than conveying the will of Lord Tianhe.

"Hu Dali! Don't think that just because you are a heavenly demon, you are so great. A heavenly demon like you who has never experienced the experience of Da Kong Mountain cannot be considered a real strong person at all!"

"Are you going to make the decision? What we want to talk about is the ownership of the interests of Black Wind City in the future. Even Yingchen, the first young master of our Tianhe clan, will come forward in person. Can't we let him come and talk to you? "

Lord Frostwolf was furious and said angrily.

"Master Frostwolf, please be patient..."

Hu Zun smiled and said: "Of course I am not qualified to discuss it in detail with the First Young Master face to face, but my two coaches have already expected this. They once said that if the Tianhe clan sends high-level figures, they will be invited to Heilongjiang. Let’s talk about it in detail in the Windy City!”

"What? Black Wind City?"

Lord Frostwolf couldn't help being startled, and quickly asked: "Where are the two of them now?"

Seeing Lord Frost Wolf's panicked expression, Tiger Master felt a burst of joy in his heart, and the smile on his face became more and more playful.

"Them? Perhaps they have arrived at Black Wind City at this moment..."

"So, if First Young Master Yingchen really wants to have a detailed discussion with my Mingshuai and Miss Yang, you can ask him to leave for Black Wind City immediately!"

Lord Frostwolf was stunned on the spot.

Unexpectedly, these two humans moved so fast. They had just finished a battle and rushed to Black Wind City without stopping.

Their purpose for doing this...could it be that they wanted to take down Black Wind City in one fell swoop with lightning speed?

However, there are clearly hundreds of thousands of demon soldiers and generals in Black Wind City at this time. Even if Black Widow is no longer here, how can they be so sure?

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