Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 535: Thousands of Miles to Seek a City

Thousands of miles away, in the evening.

A majestic city stands among mountains and forests, looking particularly resplendent in the sunset.

This is Black Wind City.

Just when Lord Frostwolf left the Barren Mountain Army camp with a heavy heart, Lu Yu had arrived at the boundary of Black Wind City just as Hu Zun expected. He stood on a mountain top under the setting sun and looked at the group of people from a distance. Black Wind City in the mountains.

Naturally, he was not alone. In addition to Yang Chudie, there were also Xijiao, Wu Zhuojun, and Badger Hou and Kuang Hou, two generals who were originally Black Widow's subordinates - both of whom had surrendered to the Huangshan Army in previous battles.

It was the existence of these two people that gave Lu Yu the confidence to capture Black Wind City in one fell swoop.

Therefore, the six talents hurried all the way, and with the support of Yang Chudie's escape light, they traveled thousands of miles to Black Wind City in less than two days.

Lu Yu stood under the afterglow of the setting sun, playing with the Hun Tian Hammer he had snatched from the Black Widow in one hand, while looking at the Black Wind City dominating the mountains from afar, with a calm and resolute expression on his face, silent.

Wu Zhuojun on the side watched this scene silently, his heart filled with shock.

What he had experienced in the past few days was as unreal as a dream to him.

Not to mention the life and death of the Black Widow, I didn’t expect that these two human commanders of the Huangshan Army would have the ability to directly seize the Huntian Hammer of the Giant Spirit Clan!

This ability is enough to prove that the Huangshan Army even has the ability to compete in the Dakong Mountain.

Wu Zhuojun couldn't help but feel extremely lucky. Fortunately, he did not go against the Huangshan Army, but chose to cooperate with them.

Then a few people crossed the distance of thousands of miles in two days and planned the Black Wind City without anyone noticing. This undoubtedly further proved the correctness of his original decision.

The deeper the contact, the more unfathomable the two human leaders of the Huangshan Army became. Now in Wu Zhuojun's mind, these two people are like gods, irresistible at all.

Wu Zhuojun followed Lu Yu's gaze and looked at the Black Wind City in the distance. He felt the sunset was warm, and his heart gradually became hot.

Black Wind City, this is the famous Black Wind City! Black Wind City is rich in fine gold mines and is extremely rich!

Even just a corner of it is worth more than the entire Xichuan land!

Unexpectedly, the Karasuma clan would also get involved one day. It seems that the decision to give the beauties of the Yehua clan to the two human leaders was really the right one! Reciprocating the favor so quickly paid off.

Wu Zhuojun couldn't help but secretly make up his mind. After this trip is over, he must tell Jia Kui that no matter what the price, he must kill the most outstanding beauty of the Ye Hua clan who slipped through the net. They were collected together in a trap and presented to the two leaders.

He did this not only to flatter the two leaders, but also for the long-term survival of the Karasuma clan and the overall interests of the entire clan.

"Tell me about your two plans?"

Lu Yu suddenly asked a question, bringing Wu Zhuojun's thoughts back to reality.

He had to collect his thoughts and quickly reminded himself that Black Wind City had not been captured yet, and there was still a very difficult road ahead before the Karasuma clan could truly take over Black Wind City, but they must not do it here. Sometimes I lost my head and made some mistakes, which led to the failure of the work.

However, Lu Yu's question was not directed at him, but at the recently surrendered Badger Marquis and Kuang Marquis.

After hearing the words, the two looked at each other, and Hou Hou said: "Lord Qi, we have already talked about the general plan before. There were originally five great princes in Black Wind City, Baghou, Xiehou, Nihou and Badger. Hou and I..."

"Among them, Bao Hou died in Blood Crow Valley. Ni Hou went out on business and has been absent from the demon spirit world for nearly half a year. At this time, there is only one Ni Hou left in Black Wind City to control the overall situation. This person is loyal to Black Widow. He is a stubborn person, so Black Widow felt relieved to hand over Black Wind City to his guard..."

"Later, a few of them just need to pretend to be subordinates of me and the Badger Lord, pretend to be defeated and escape, enter the city with us, and then go to the Badger Lord to discuss the matter of Black Widow's life and death, and then we can take the opportunity to kill him. Do fall to..."

As Marquis Kuang spoke, he stretched his head to take a look at the Huntian Hammer in Lu Yu's hand, and continued:

"With the abilities of the two lords and the generals, this matter will be easy... As soon as the Niehou dies, the entire Black Wind City will completely fall under the control of me and the Badger Lord. By then, this place will naturally become a Take what is in the lord’s pocket.”

"Sounds pretty good..."

Lu Yu nodded and said: "The only doubt you have is, can you guarantee that the entire Black Wind City will really fall under your control once Xiehou dies?"

The Badger Marquis on the side quickly said: "Please rest assured, my lord, most of the demon soldiers and generals in Black Wind City are forced to obey Black Widow's perverted methods. There are already complaints in the city, except for those like Xie Marquis. There is no such thing as a guy who would serve Black Widow wholeheartedly..."

"As long as we can get rid of the Houhou, we are fully confident that we can control the situation in Black Wind City. At that time, we will dedicate an intact Black Wind City to the two lords intact!"

Lu Yu smiled slightly and said: "Since you are so confident, let's do it! As long as you two can do what you said, then I can guarantee that your status in Black Wind City will not be the same as in the past. What a difference!”

The two men's bodies suddenly trembled slightly with excitement, and they knelt down on the ground: "It is a great favor for the Lord to get rid of the Black Widow and free us from her enslavement! How dare we ask for anything else? I will wait but beg for it. Lord, I have nothing to ask for!"

Lu Yu waved his hand and said: "Clear rewards and punishments, this is the consistent purpose of our Huangshan Army. As long as you can really accomplish this and make great achievements, I will never treat you badly... Now, let's go first. !”

So, soon the group of people quickly approached Black Wind City under the afterglow of the setting sun.

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