Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 803 Cutting off the sun and moon with one sword

"Let me do it!"

A real elder who had been silent in the crowd stood out.

Lu Yu looked intently and found that it was Mr. Shangge who was once again in charge of King Wu Palace.

Due to the incident in Xiao Litian's fantasy world, Mr. Shang Ge was forced to resign, and Mr. Qi Ge took over as the helmsman of King Wu Palace.

Later, through the joint efforts of everyone, Mr. Qi Ge showed his flaws and exposed the fact that he had joined the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect. Mr. Shangge was rehabilitated and took charge of King Wu Palace again.

When Xiaoli Tian was rescued in the fantasy world, Lu Yu was deeply impressed by his "Dazhenwu Sword Technique". In terms of cultivation and Taoism, he was already among the top of the Dali Sword Sect. It was up to him to test it. The effect of the elixir is naturally perfect.

"Then the Laoshangge is old!"

Lu Yu nodded slightly in greeting, and immediately turned around and opened the alchemy furnace without talking nonsense.

In an instant, bursts of dragon roars came from the alchemy furnace.

Everyone couldn't help but their expressions changed again.

Before the alchemy furnace was opened, the dragon's roar was heard first. This was obviously a sign that the best elixir was born. Many people present had only heard of such a statement. This was the first time that they actually heard the sound of the dragon's roar.

This time no more explanation was needed, everyone knew that Lu Yu was indeed a great success this time!

After a burst of steam rose, Lu Yu took out an elixir from it. The elixir was all crystal red and glowing with precious light. There was also a dragon totem in it, swimming continuously inside the elixir...

Everyone couldn't help but stare straight at him for a moment.

As far as they know, the highest-grade elixirs only have bird and animal patterns attached to the surface of the elixir. They have never heard of a dragon totem directly placed inside the elixir like this!

What kind of elixir is this?

Perhaps even Shenhuo Xuanzong has never produced such a pill, right?

However, while everyone was amazed, Lu Yu shook his head slightly, as if he was not very satisfied with the result...

Fang Haoran looked confused and was very angry.

Damn! This kid is so irritating that he still pretends to be here at this time!

But in fact, Lu Yu was really not satisfied...

This elixir seemed shocking to others, but in his own opinion, its texture was not much improved compared to the previous Shenglong Dan.

He made three levels of calcining and five dragon gold threads, which looked dazzling. Although the real purpose was to seize the time to quickly form an elixir, but he only refined such quality, which was still not enough in his opinion.

"This pill is called the Shenglong Baoyuan Pill. After taking it, your cultivation level will skyrocket within a few breaths. It should have been combined with another Turtle Breath Meteor Spirit Pill. The effect will be better when taken. However, time is limited, so we can only refine it for the time being. Now that you have this elixir, Mr. Shangge might as well give it a try first!"

With that said, Lu Yu handed over the Shenglong Pill.

Mr. Shangge nodded and took it casually.

As soon as he got the elixir, he immediately felt a surging power. Even with his cultivation level as a real person, he couldn't help but be deeply shocked, and his expression suddenly changed.

"Good Dan!"

Mr. Shang Ge praised.

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "Please give it a try on the old Shangge server!"

As he spoke, he stepped back.

Seeing this, everyone around them also retreated.

Mr. Shangge held the elixir in his hand, raised his head, and swallowed it in one gulp.

In an instant, wind started blowing from the ground, lightning flashed and thunder roared, like thunder from all directions gathering together.

Everyone couldn't help but be shocked. They didn't expect that the elixir would have such a big reaction just after taking it.

And all of this is just a strange phenomenon caused by the surge of real energy and violent fluctuations in spiritual power in Mr. Shangge's body!

True Yuan continues to skyrocket...

A huge phantom grew out of Mr. Shangge's body, standing like a god in the meteorite crater.

Under the crazy surge of spiritual power, even he himself felt that he could not control himself and needed to find a breakthrough to vent.

Then, the veteran of Shangge kneaded the magic formula, waved the sword, and immediately released a "Dazhenwu Sword Art".


The shadow of the Martial Saint condensed and appeared in the sky, like a god coming to the world, and his huge body almost filled the entire sky.

The powerful real people present couldn't help but look shocked. This was the first time they had seen the "Dazhenwu Sword Art" in such a form.

For a moment, everyone couldn't help but close their eyes.

Because at this time, the figure of the Martial Saint's phantom was far beyond the scope of their vision. They could only "see" the entire Martial Saint's phantom clearly with their thoughts and consciousness.

I saw Mr. Shang Ge suddenly reciting the magic formula and waving his sword.

The shadow of the Martial Saint in the sky also swung out his sword!

In an instant, the sword energy soars into the sky and goes straight towards the bullfight!

In the blink of an eye, the world was dark!

It's darkness! Not dim! It was dark in the true sense, without stars, sun or moon, just like a polar night.

Because this sword directly cut off the brilliance of the sun and the moon!

Cut off the sun and moon with one sword!

Such a word appeared in everyone's mind involuntarily...

This is one of the core mysteries of the essence of the swordsmanship of the Dali Sword Sect!

Unexpectedly, Mr. Shang Ge actually used it in such a state.

At this time, there is no doubt about the effect of Shenglong Baoyuan Dan.

If such a powerful sword technique is used, even the floating battleship of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect will only have the fate of being dismembered and shattered!

Everyone's hearts were surging and it was difficult to calm down for a long time.

It wasn't until Shangge's old body fell back and light returned between heaven and earth that they all woke up one after another.

"Okay! Okay! Okay...good boy! This is really great!"

Shang Ge said "Okay" more than a dozen times in one breath. As someone who has personally experienced this huge power, he was far more excited than others.

"Lu Yu! You are so good! You have made a great contribution this time. On behalf of all the members of Wuwang Palace, I would like to express my highest respect and sincerest gratitude to you!"

As he said that, he bowed deeply to Lu Yu.

"This is impossible!"

Lu Yu quickly helped him up, "Shang Ge Lao's ability to comprehend the brand new secrets of swordsmanship is the result of your own accumulation over time. The Shenglong Pill only provides you with the conditions to use it. Disciples don't dare to bow..."

Mr. Shang Ge shook his head and smiled, and was about to say something else, but at this moment his feet softened, his body staggered, and he almost fell to the ground.

"Shang Ge Lao!"

Everyone was shocked and stepped forward to check.

Mr. Shangge waved his hand to stop everyone and said, "It's okay. I think this is a side effect of taking Shenglong Pill?"

Lu Yu nodded: "Yes, if you take the Shenglong Pill alone, you will have the sequelae of lack of physical strength and poor cultivation. If you take it in conjunction with the Turtle Breath and Falling Spirit Pill, you will not have such worries at all. I wonder if you real people can still do it." Do you need me to refine another batch of Turtle Breath and Falling Spirit Pill?"

Hearing Lu Yu say this, all the real people couldn't help but feel nervous.

Is this kid trying to take advantage of the opportunity to negotiate some terms?

Li Wangji said: "This Shenglong Pill is already so powerful. I really look forward to the results after the combination of Turtle Breath and Shenglong. This is naturally necessary..."

Lu Yu smiled softly: "The furnace of elixirs just now contains a total of eight pills. In addition to the one that was tested just now, there should be seven more in the furnace at this time. I will present them all now and leave them to the master for disposal... If we still need the Turtle Breath and Falling Spirit Pill, then we need you all to donate generously again!”

It turned out to be just like this...

Everyone couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Now that the power of the elixir has been tested, if they are asked to bring out the materials, there will naturally be no problems.

"I wonder what other materials you need?" Master Jin Xiang asked.

After seeing techniques such as triple calcination and five-dragon golden thread, he was really curious about what kind of performance Lu Yu would have next.

However, Lu Yu did not answer directly, but looked at Fang Haoran aside.

"I have given you the ingredients and formulas. Once we have them together, we can send them directly to Jade Butterfly Peak! It is fun to make alchemy here, but it is too tiring, so next time we will just go to Jade Butterfly Peak. Refining it!”

"Of course, if you are free, you are welcome to come and help supervise!"

After saying that, Lu Yu bowed, stepped aside and rested.

However, the entire world situation was completely shaken by the experiment just now.

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