Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 804 Strong support from one side

To the west of Middle-earth, above the Horned Sea.

A ray of light passed quickly on the sea level.

The speed of this escaping light is far beyond ordinary. If someone sees it in a place where people gather, it will definitely cause a shock, and they will think that this must be the hidden top boss of a certain major sect.

However, in fact, this Dunguang is indeed an expert in cultivation, but he has definitely not reached the level of a top boss.

This person is none other than Zhenren Bailu of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect. When Lu Yu used a trick to seize the Golden Snake in Mingjian City, he was the only Golden Snake guard who was able to escape. He relied on his own life-saving magic weapon. The reason why he escaped so quickly now was also relying on his own life-saving magic weapon.

The last time he ran away was regarded as a great shame by Master Bailu. Therefore, after recovering from his injuries, he had no shame in continuing to occupy the guarding position, and took the initiative to invite Ying as the vanguard to spy on the reality of the Dali Sword Sect.

At this time, the reason why he tried his best to escape was because he had just received an important piece of information about the Dali Sword Sect, which was likely to completely change the situation between the two factions.

Therefore, he had to retreat urgently, not even daring to send the summons talisman, and had to report the matter face to face to the Lord of Ice King Island, who was the commander of the fleet.

Not long after, Master Bailu had approached the Jinji Islands located in the north of Jiaohai Sea.

He used his magic weapon again, checked the surrounding situation, and after confirming that there were no spies of Dali Sword Sect around, he entered the Golden Rooster Islands.

The place is covered with fog, the tides are stacked, and there are insidious traps everywhere, but Bailu Zhenren seems to be familiar with the road and enters the interior of the archipelago without any danger.

Because these traps were all set by the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, and he also had a share of the credit, so he was naturally very familiar with them.

"Master Bailu? Why are you back?"

The deacon in charge of security inside the archipelago couldn't help but look very surprised when he saw the sudden appearance of Bailu Zhenren.

"I want to see Lord Lan, where is his flagship?" Bailu Zhenren asked hurriedly before he even had time to breathe.

"The flagship is right here..." Deacon replied, "However, it seems that Blue Island Master is not on the flagship..."

"Not here?"

Master Bailu couldn't help but be startled.

Now the war is about to break out, and all the troops of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect are concentrated here. As the commander of the fleet, Lan Qianqiu, the owner of Ice King Island, where can he go if he doesn't sit here?

Master Bailu waved his hand and asked: "What about Island Master Xue? Where is he now?"

Since the owner of Ice King Island is no longer there, the same thing goes for finding the owner of Jixian Island, and Xue Zhentao can also take charge of the overall situation.

"Island Master Xue...he's not here either," the deacon said helplessly.

Master Bailu was immediately stunned.

What's happening here?

The owner of Ice King Island and the owner of Jixian Island were both absent at the same time. Could it be that something big happened?

He suddenly felt a little flustered and quickly asked: "So, are you here to take charge of the overall situation at this moment?"

"It's Elder Pang..."

Soon, Master Bailu met Elder Pang.

The other party is the chief steward of Jixian Island. Master Bailu had previously served under Xue Zhentao, so the two of them were naturally very familiar with each other.

"Elder Pang, what on earth is going on?"

As soon as the two met, Master Bailu got straight to the point and asked directly: "Why aren't Island Master Lan and Island Master Xue sitting here?"

Different from the eagerness of Master Bailu, Elder Pang acted very calmly and said calmly: "Brother Bailu, don't be anxious! The two island owners naturally left here temporarily because they have important matters to deal with. Everything is at present. It’s under control, Brother Tao, so you don’t have to mess up your position.”

"How can I not be in a hurry?" Master Bailu said: "Do you know that a big event has just happened in the Dali Sword Sect. If we don't make arrangements, I'm afraid our Jade Sea Immortal Sect will suffer heavy losses!"

"Are you referring to Wuwang Mountain?" Elder Pang asked.

Bailu Zhenren was stunned: "You already know?"

Elder Pang said: "There was such a big movement in Wuwang Mountain. First, it burned thousands of miles of fire, and then it cut off the sun and moon with a sword, causing a solar eclipse that lasted for a quarter of an hour. Even our place was affected. Naturally, I can't help it." Maybe you don’t know…”

"Besides..." Elder Pang paused and continued, "Through other news channels, we also learned the specific details of what happened in Wuwang Mountain yesterday!"

"I see……"

Master Bailu nodded suddenly: "But since you all already know, why are you still so calm?"

"When the sword that cut off the light of the sun and moon yesterday was launched, I was on the edge of the Dali Sword Sect's territory. I witnessed the power of that sword with my own eyes... With all due respect, if that offensive hit us Even on a floating battleship, it would be difficult to resist..."

Bailu Zhenren's voice became a bit harsh, and it was obvious that yesterday's scene still made him feel lingering fear.

Elder Pang smiled slightly: "Brother Bailu Dao, please be patient. The Dali Sword Sect has been inherited for more than 100,000 years, and its foundation is deeper than our Jade Sea Immortal Sect. We have long known that this is a tough nut, and the attack plan will not go smoothly. You and I should have been mentally prepared for this..."

"However, I have already said that everything is under control. Otherwise, why do you think the two island owners would leave at the same time?"

Master Bailu was stunned again: "You mean, the two island owners already have a plan to deal with it, and they left at the same time this time just to deal with this matter?"

"Exactly." Elder Pang said happily.

"What exactly is the response?"

Master Bailu was immediately curious. After witnessing the power of the sword that cut off the sun and the moon, he really couldn't think of any other way to restrain such an attack.

In his opinion, this is simply an unsolvable knot.

"Our Jade Sea Immortal Sect and the Dali Sword Sect are evenly matched. If we fight to the death with the Dali Sword Sect, even if we win, it will be a miserable victory. In this case, why not introduce a strong reinforcement?"

"Strong reinforcements?"

Master Bailu was horrified: "Could it be that the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect failed? This must not be done! The Scarlet Moon Demon Sect is ambitious and secretly harbors evil intentions. It is understandable that we use each other with them, but if we join forces with them to attack the Dali Sword Sect, , I’m afraid it will lead to a joint counterattack from several other major sects!”

Elder Pang laughed: "How could the real master and the island owners not know about this? Don't worry, the reinforcement this time is not from the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect, but it has nothing to do with them... It is Lord Scarlet Moon. It was through the thread that this party came to join us!”

"Elder Pang, please stop pretending...who is it? You dare to take a trip into this muddy water?"

Elder Pang took a breath and slowly uttered four words:

"Wuya Immortal Pavilion."

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