Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 805 They are all junior sisters

After finishing the alchemy at Wuwang Mountain, Lu Yu returned to Jade Butterfly Peak and rested for two days before finally regaining his strength.

In the past two days, things have further fermented. Not only the Dali Sword Sect, but also other major sects have sent people to verify and inquire about what happened in the scene at Wuwang Mountain.

In this regard, the Dali Sword Sect did not deliberately conceal it. After all, it had caused such a big commotion and it could not be concealed even if it wanted to. If forced to conceal it, it might cause unnecessary panic.

So the Dali Sword Sect simply told the whole story, but slightly processed the details. It did not directly say that it was a plan to defeat the enemy of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect. It only said that it was experimenting with "Taisu Dan". According to the formula in the classics, it has achieved good results.

When everyone learned that the person leading all this was actually Lu Yu, they were all shocked.

People from all walks of life came to visit one after another, and the greeting cards dropped into the gate of Jade Butterfly Peak every day were like snowflakes.

Under such circumstances, Jade Butterfly Peak's orders surged significantly, and the alchemy bonds owed previously due to compensation issues were sold to sky-high prices.

It is said that on the black market at this time, someone has already offered to exchange spiritual-level treasures for Jade Butterfly Peak bonds, just because with the Jade Butterfly Peak bonds, Lu Yu can get the opportunity to refine the elixir himself.

Regarding these crazy actions, Lu Yu did not interfere too much, but carried out his plan step by step.

First of all, the first thing before him was to finish the remaining pot of Turtle Breath and Falling Spirit Pill.

He planned to make some adjustments to the location of the furnace, and decided to set the refining location on the newly circled area of ​​​​Jade Butterfly Peak. This would not only take the opportunity to expand the influence of Jade Butterfly Peak, but also expand the influence of Jade Butterfly Peak. Feng's dominance over this territory has become a certainty.

However, at this time, the land was still deserted. If you want to start making alchemy, you must first make some preliminary preparations...

"How's it going? Has Master Cangsong agreed?"

Lu Yu asked Qi Yunkai and Qin Xiang who came to report.

He decided not to bother the two masters with anything, and left the preparation work on the new site to Master Cangsong.

Qin Xiang replied: "When we first arrived at the Six Peaks Alliance and made such a request, their faces were almost crumpled with anger, and they directly shouted that they would kick us out..."

"However, after we agreed that things would be done, the senior brother was willing to open the furnace twice for the Six Peaks Alliance. Their attitude finally softened. Master Cangsong personally promised that he would do the work himself according to the drawings provided by the senior brother. construction."

"In addition, Master Cangsong also said that the senior brother is too unreasonable. If anything happens in the future, just send him a message directly..."

Qin Xiang said with a bright smile on his face. Obviously, this experience of negotiating with the Six Peaks Alliance was an extraordinary experience for him.

He is now only a core disciple, not even a true disciple, but he has been personally received by the leader of the other party. Such treatment was simply impossible in the past.

Lu Yu also laughed: "So, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. From now on, when we have something to do, we should just have to walk around with this neighbor more..."

Obviously, because of Lu Yu's recent behavior, Cangsong Zhenren had to face up to his close neighbor and completely correct his attitude.

Accordingly, there is really no need for Lu Yu to maintain a hostile attitude towards Tianquan Peak. Compared with the broad development prospects in the future, the previous disputes between the two peaks are simply not worth mentioning.

"Elder brother, one more thing..."

At this time, Qi Yunkai spoke again: "Many people have come to visit in the past two days, and some of them are well-known people..."

Lu Yu interrupted with a wave of his hand: "Leave your name, I'll be happy to entertain you, but if you want to ask me to meet, then don't discuss it. How can I have time to meet with you at this juncture?"

Qi Yunkai explained: "Of course I know that Senior Brother you are not available right now... But there is a special guest we received today. He claimed to be from Chunyang Palace from Bixiao Shrine, and left a letter The letter was said to be handed over to Senior Brother for opening..."

Lu Yu was stunned and asked, "Where is the letter?"

Qi Yunkai took out a letter printed with fire paint and handed it to Lu Yu's hand respectfully.

Lu Yu looked at the lacquer seal on the letter and found that it was really the special mark of Chunyang Palace, and he suddenly felt a bad premonition in his heart.

With a little force, he erased the special restrictions on the seal and took out the letter inside.

as expected……

This letter was handwritten by Lian Xishan, the master of Chunyang Palace, specifically to remind Lu Yu that the agreed date was coming soon, and asked him not to forget to compensate for the Crescent Moon Holy Emblem.

Originally, when she left Bixiao Shrine, Li Haitang had said that she would settle the matter of the New Moon Holy Emblem so that Lu Yu would not have to worry about it.

Lian Xishan's letter also reached this point, but he was not satisfied with Li Haitang's solution. He still insisted that Lu Yu should fulfill the compensation obligation. He also said that if Lu Yu really couldn't retrieve the New Moon Holy Emblem, he could also Repay by making alchemy.

Seeing him say this, Lu Yu suddenly knew what was going on.

I'm afraid it's not that he was dissatisfied with Li Haitang's solution, but that after hearing about Wuwangshan, he suddenly had a wrong idea...

After all, when there was a big commotion in Chunyang Palace, it was Ye Weilan who used the power of the "Turtle Breath and Rising Dragon" elixir to seriously injure Lian Xishan, and they finally walked out of Chunyang Palace unharmed. Speaking of Lian Xishan It can be regarded as a personal experience of the power of "Turtle Breath Rising Dragon".

"Elder brother, what happened?"

Qi Yunkai and Qin Xiang saw that Lu Yu's face gradually darkened after reading the letter, and they couldn't help but be secretly surprised. Today, there are not many things that can make their senior brother change his face.

"Nothing, just a debtor..."

Lu Yu put down the letter casually and asked, "Where are Senior Sister Ling and the others?"

"Several senior sisters from Bohai Palace are at the Yangxin Hall in the back mountain..." Qi Yunkai replied.

"Go and call Senior Sister Ling. I have something to talk to her about..."

Halfway through, Lu Yu shook his head, "Forget it, I'll go there by myself!"

With that said, he strode out.

When he arrived at the door, he suddenly turned around and warned the two of them: "Maybe you should learn to change your words. Several senior sisters have already left Bohai Palace. After they join Jade Butterfly Peak, except for Ling Yufei, , they should all be your junior sisters..."

Then, Lu Yu walked towards the Yangxin Hall on the back hill.

Unexpectedly, just halfway through, he was blocked by another person...

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