Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 806 You are the senior sister

"Elder brother, why are you here?"

The person who called Lu Yu was Fang Qian. Seeing Lu Yu appear, he suddenly became excited and started dancing with excitement.

"Just in time, I was about to go to you..."

"What do you want from me?" Lu Yu asked curiously.

Fang Qian is now the general manager of the alchemy room of the entire Jade Butterfly Peak. Generally speaking, when he comes to him, he always asks for advice on alchemy, but the way he looks now, it is obvious that he is not asking for advice.

"Hahaha, do you remember Senior Brother Yang Muyun from Baoding Peak? He was the one nicknamed 'Little Golden Cauldron'... He suddenly came to me just now and quietly slipped me a post..."

Fang Qian said happily.

"I opened it and saw, darling! It turned out to be Jin Xiang, the first master of Baoding Peak, who wanted to come and visit. They knew that it was difficult to see you, senior brother, through normal channels, so they came to me specifically through the back door... …”

"Hahaha, senior brother, this is so shameless! I never dreamed in my life that Baodingfeng, who is usually aloof and aloof, would actually come to me and use the back door!"

Lu Yu couldn't help showing a strange expression.

In fact, he had long expected such a reaction from Baoding Summit.

As a great master who has been immersed in alchemy for many years, after witnessing techniques such as triple calcining and five dragon gold threads, it is impossible not to feel happy. When he was at Wuwang Mountain that day, Master Jin Xiang had secretly He vaguely expressed that he wanted to have a private conversation with him, but he refused on the grounds that he was mentally exhausted and needed to rest.

Unexpectedly, they all found Fang Qian here. It seemed that they couldn't hold it anymore.

"Where is Master Jin Xiang now?" Lu Yu asked.

"Yang Muyun didn't say anything, but I guess he's nearby, because Yang Muyun said he would be waiting for news from me... So, as long as senior brother you show that you have time, he should be here immediately!" Fang Gan said proudly. said extraordinarily.

The leader of the majestic Baoding Peak has to wait for Lu Yu to summon him before he can see him. This is really shameless! This is the highlight moment that the entire Jade Butterfly Peak has never had before!

Lu Yu said: "Then you go and reply to him. I can spare some time, but I have to ask Master Jin Xiang to come to the door in person. When Master Jin Xiang arrives, you can invite him to Zhengyang Palace!"

Fang Qian was stunned: "Then what are you doing, senior brother? I guess Master Jin Xiang will be here soon..."

Lu Yu shrugged: "I have something else I need to take care of first. If he arrives, you'll be the one to entertain him!"

After saying that, Lu Yu left Fang Qian behind and continued to walk out of the Yangxin Hall.

Fang Gan looked at Lu Yu's retreating figure and quickly concluded that the direction Lu Yu was going was the Yangxin Palace.

Naturally, he also knew that there were several beautiful senior sisters living in the Yangxin Palace. It was said that the senior senior brother abducted them back from Bohai Palace...

Fang Qian thought to himself: Senior Brother's arrogance is indeed getting bigger and bigger. He even let the dignified leader of Yifeng wait while he quietly went to have a tryst with the beautiful senior sister. If the people at Baoding Peak knew about it, I wonder if they would be alive. So angry...

Lu Yu's figure flashed, he used Flying Flower Escape, and quietly sneaked into the Yangxin Palace.

Originally, he planned to secretly observe the living conditions of several senior sisters to see if they were used to living here. Unexpectedly, he was caught by Ling Yufei as soon as he entered in a flash, and the two of them almost bumped into each other.

"Junior Brother Lu..."

"Senior Sister Ling..."

They both shouted at the same time.

Before he could say anything more, the voices of Bi Qiu Shuang, Yu Xiaoyu and others came over.

"Wow! I didn't expect you, Senior Brother Lu, to actually come here!"

"You're so heartless, you've left us hanging here for so many days, but you finally showed up!"

"Hehe! Just now, Senior Sister Ling said she heard your voice. We all thought she was hallucinating, but we didn't expect you to show up!"

"This is called telepathy!"

Several people were chattering and joking about the two of them.

Ling Yufei's face turned red with embarrassment, and in the end she couldn't help but stamp her foot: "What nonsense are you talking about! You yourself don't practice hard, and your spiritual sense is slow, but you come to arrange it for me!"

Several people were chuckling, but they continued to talk about how Ling Yufei had been neglecting food and food for the past few days, showing various signs of being lovesick, which made Ling Yufei so embarrassed that she couldn't even lift her head.

Lu Yu finally learned what it means to have three women on a street. When several women who are best friends get together, the fighting power that breaks out is simply amazing...

However, Lu Yu had at least been with them before and knew how to deal with such a situation.

He directly selected Bi Qiu Shuang who was talking happily, grabbed her little hand, and then looked directly into her eyes: "Senior Sister Bi, don't keep talking about Senior Sister Ling, what about you? Are you saying that these days? Don’t you miss me at all?”


Bi Qiu Shuang was immediately startled and quickly shook off Lu Yu's hand, "You want to die! I miss you big-headed devil!"

Lu Yu then repeated his old tricks, "attacking" Yu Xiaoyu, Qi Xiaolan, Ouyang Ting, and Luo Shuhui in turn. This time, it finally stopped. Several people no longer cared about making fun of Ling Yufei, and scattered away, escaping from Lu Yu's "devil's claws" ".

Seeing this scene, Ling Yufei laughed so much that she leaned forward and backward.

After laughing for a while, Lu Yu got down to business...

"Originally, I wanted to come here to see if the senior sisters were used to living here, and if there was anything that needed to be added or improved... However, seeing how the senior sisters are now, I felt relieved."

"Next, let's talk about some other things..."

Lu Yu shifted his gaze to Ling Yufei: "Has Palace Master Li contacted you recently?"

Ling Yufei was astonished: "How did you know? I just received a summons from Master, and I was planning to go find you..."

"She said that talks with her at Chunyang Palace had broken down. Even the palace owner insisted that you repay the New Moon Holy Emblem. She told you to be careful..."

Lu Yu nodded clearly, it seemed that things were just as he expected.

"Junior Brother this troublesome?" Ling Yufei said cautiously.


Lu Yu smiled and said: "This matter originally started because of me, so it is normal for me to be responsible. Anyway, I have too many lice and I am not afraid of itchiness..."

"Actually, I have also received the news. Lian Xishan wrote me a letter... I was just afraid that you would worry, so I came here to tell you that you should ignore this matter. I will find a way to solve it. At the same time, you Also tell Palace Master Li so that she doesn’t have to worry about this anymore.”

Ling Yufei felt at ease and said nothing. She silently glanced at Lu Yu with affection in her eyes.

"In addition, I have one more thing I need your help with..." Lu Yu said again.

"Huh? You said..."

Lu Yu suddenly smiled and said in a half-joking tone: "From now on, how about letting you be the senior sister of Jade Butterfly Peak?"

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