Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 807 We’re all used to it

"Shall I be the senior sister?"

Ling Yufei couldn't help but look stunned.

Lu Yu nodded and explained: "You should have seen these days that Jade Butterfly Peak is now busy and prosperous. It will soon usher in a huge development opportunity. The stall will get bigger and bigger, but the whole Up and down Jade Butterfly Peak, there are only two people above Guihai Realm and above like me and my aunt..."

"Although Senior Brother Qi and Senior Brother Qin have done quite well, after all, their cultivation strength is a bit lower. In some cases, they are indeed beyond their capabilities. In order to match the development scale of Jade Butterfly Peak, We must need more talents with advanced cultivation to serve as benchmarks..."

"When Senior Sister Ling was in Bohai Palace, she was a true disciple. She served as a guard and managed the internal affairs of the warehouse. She was relied upon by Palace Master Li. She has rich experience in dealing with both superiors and subordinates, internally and externally. , it is really suitable for you to serve as the senior sister of Jade Butterfly Peak and be the person in charge of the overall situation!"

"This, this, this..." Ling Yufei hesitated: "I'm new here. It's only been a few days since I arrived at Jade Butterfly Peak, and you want to be the senior sister. How can this be done!"

"Nothing is wrong."

Lu Yu said: "The situation at Jade Butterfly Peak is quite special. In recent years, it has been in the stage of great integration of personnel. More than 70% of the personnel have only joined in the past two or three years. They are not too xenophobic. Emotions……"

"What's more important is..."

After saying that, Lu Yu smiled confidently, "As long as it's my intention, no one at Jade Butterfly Peak will object."

Ling Yufei lowered her head, remained silent for a moment, and then said, "What about my background..."

At this time, Bi Qiu Shuang on the side also said: "Yes, since you want to help Sister Fei to the throne, you must let her have the status of a true disciple... But the elders of the Dali Sword Sect will let a Will the abandoned disciples of Bixiao Palace become true disciples?”

Becoming a true disciple means that Ling Yufei is qualified to come into contact with the core inheritance of the Dali Sword Sect. This is something that must be considered carefully.

Moreover, the abandoned disciples of Bixiao Shrine were accepted as true successors by the Dali Sword Sect. This was very likely to slap Bixiao Shrine in the face, and it might cause diplomatic disputes.

Lu Yu didn't even frown and said, "This is indeed difficult, but this is something I have to consider. You don't have to worry about it at all. You just need to be prepared to be the senior sister of Jade Butterfly Peak!"

"Of course, and you senior sisters..."

Lu Yu looked at the other people and said: "Although you can't be the senior sister, you can still become the mainstay of Jade Butterfly Peak, especially since our new site is about to be built in a big way. I hope you can all participate in Jade Butterfly Peak." Come to make decisions on peak affairs..."

"We work together to make Jade Butterfly Peak thrive and become a new force with a reputation throughout the world of cultivation!"

Several women couldn't help but be incited by Lu Yu's words.

"Do we have a share?"

"This... sounds pretty good!"

"If we really become the overlord of one party, do you think that bitch Yu Qingya will have to pour us tea and water when we return to Bohai Palace another day?"

"Asking Yu Qingya to pour tea is not enough to relieve our hatred. If you ask me, I should ask the Great Elder to pour us tea himself!"

"Hee hee! Senior Brother Lu, is it true that the new site you said will be massively constructed? Then can I design a separate house for myself?"

"Hey! I want to design it myself!"

A few people were chattering, and within a few words, they were already thinking about a better life in the future.

Ling Yufei, on the other hand, kept her head down and said nothing.

Lu Yu knew that the reason why she looked like this was not because of any scruples, but because it was really difficult to let go of her feelings for Bohai Palace, especially for Li Haitang.

But at this moment, he was really short of people, so he decided to force the opponent.

"Sister Fei, I know that you can't let go of Palace Master Li in your heart. You feel that switching to his faction so quickly is tantamount to betrayal... But in fact, Palace Master Li has already said that you can stay or leave as you please in the future. The relationship between you and her is The friendship between master and disciple will not be affected by this..."

"Gong Li is mainly dealing with the Great Elder in Bohai Palace. The Great Elder has joined forces with Lian Xishan. Since they can join forces once, they can join forces a second and third time. I am afraid that Palace Lord Li wants to take control of Bohai again. Gong Daquan will not be an easy task..."

"In this case, why don't you put aside your hesitation and concentrate on improving your own power? I promise you that as long as the time comes in the future, I will definitely not hesitate to go to war with Chunyang Palace and support Palace Master Li!"

"And the most important point is that with the rapid expansion of Jade Butterfly Peak's strength, I really have no one available to me. Apart from you, I can no longer find anyone I trust so much."

Ling Yufei slowly raised her head.

These words finally touched her.

Especially the last sentence made her heart beat faster inexplicably.

"Okay then... I agree to join Jade Butterfly Peak." Ling Yufei finally nodded in agreement.

Lu Yu was overjoyed and pretended to salute her: "In that case, let me pay my respects to the senior sister!"

Ling Yufei suddenly blushed again: "Even if I join Jade Butterfly Peak, you are stronger than me. If we talk about it, I should call you senior brother!"

"Strength is strength, cultivation is cultivation. In terms of cultivation alone, I am far behind you!"

Lu Yu said with a smile, "You should take the title of Senior Sister, so that you can be dignified when you go out! Besides, I also like to call you Senior Sister. I have been used to it after calling you Senior Sister for so long!"

Bi Qiu Shuang and others on the side started making noise again, shouting "senior sister" and "senior sister".

Ling Yufei glanced at Lu Yu in shame and bit her lip.

After all, he didn't say anything and just endured everything silently.

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